{.used.} import stew/shims/net, testutils/unittests, chronicles, chronos, libp2p/crypto/crypto, libp2p/crypto/secp, libp2p/multiaddress, libp2p/switch import ../testlib/common, ../testlib/wakucore, ../testlib/wakunode, ../../waku/node/waku_metrics include ../../waku/factory/waku suite "Wakunode2 - Waku": test "compilation version should be reported": ## Given let conf = defaultTestWakuNodeConf() let waku = Waku.init(conf).valueOr: raiseAssert error ## When let version = waku.version ## Then check: version == git_version suite "Wakunode2 - Waku initialization": test "peer persistence setup should be successfully mounted": ## Given var conf = defaultTestWakuNodeConf() conf.peerPersistence = true let waku = Waku.init(conf).valueOr: raiseAssert error check: not waku.node.peerManager.storage.isNil() test "node setup is successful with default configuration": ## Given let conf = defaultTestWakuNodeConf() ## When var waku = Waku.init(conf).valueOr: raiseAssert error (waitFor startWaku(addr waku)).isOkOr: raiseAssert error waku.metricsServer = waku_metrics.startMetricsServerAndLogging(conf).valueOr: raiseAssert error ## Then let node = waku.node check: not node.isNil() node.wakuArchive.isNil() node.wakuStore.isNil() not node.wakuStoreClient.isNil() not node.rendezvous.isNil() ## Cleanup waitFor waku.stop() test "app properly handles dynamic port configuration": ## Given var conf = defaultTestWakuNodeConf() conf.tcpPort = Port(0) ## When var waku = Waku.init(conf).valueOr: raiseAssert error (waitFor startWaku(addr waku)).isOkOr: raiseAssert error ## Then let node = waku.node typedNodeEnr = node.enr.toTypedRecord() assert typedNodeEnr.isOk(), $typedNodeEnr.error check: # Waku started properly not node.isNil() node.wakuArchive.isNil() node.wakuStore.isNil() not node.wakuStoreClient.isNil() not node.rendezvous.isNil() # DS structures are updated with dynamic ports typedNodeEnr.get().tcp.get() != 0 ## Cleanup waitFor waku.stop()