import json_rpc/rpcserver, tables, options, sequtils, eth/[common, keys, p2p], nimcrypto/[sysrand, hmac, sha2, pbkdf2], rpc_types, hexstrings, key_storage, ../../protocol/waku_protocol from stew/byteutils import hexToSeqByte, hexToByteArray # Blatant copy of Whisper RPC but for the Waku protocol proc setupWakuRPC*(node: EthereumNode, keys: KeyStorage, rpcsrv: RpcServer, rng: ref HmacDrbgContext) = rpcsrv.rpc("waku_version") do() -> string: ## Returns string of the current Waku protocol version. result = wakuVersionStr rpcsrv.rpc("waku_info") do() -> WakuInfo: ## Returns diagnostic information about the Waku node. let config = node.protocolState(Waku).config result = WakuInfo(minPow: config.powRequirement, maxMessageSize: config.maxMsgSize, memory: 0, messages: 0) # TODO: uint32 instead of uint64 is OK here, but needs to be added in json_rpc rpcsrv.rpc("waku_setMaxMessageSize") do(size: uint64) -> bool: ## Sets the maximal message size allowed by this node. ## Incoming and outgoing messages with a larger size will be rejected. ## Waku message size can never exceed the limit imposed by the underlying ## P2P protocol (10 Mb). ## ## size: Message size in bytes. ## ## Returns true on success and an error on failure. result = node.setMaxMessageSize(size.uint32) if not result: raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid size") rpcsrv.rpc("waku_setMinPoW") do(pow: float) -> bool: ## Sets the minimal PoW required by this node. ## ## pow: The new PoW requirement. ## ## Returns true on success and an error on failure. # Note: `setPowRequirement` does not raise on failures of sending the update # to the peers. Hence in theory this should not causes errors. await node.setPowRequirement(pow) result = true # TODO: change string in to ENodeStr with extra checks rpcsrv.rpc("waku_markTrustedPeer") do(enode: string) -> bool: ## Marks specific peer trusted, which will allow it to send historic ## (expired) messages. ## Note: This function is not adding new nodes, the node needs to exists as ## a peer. ## ## enode: Enode of the trusted peer. ## ## Returns true on success and an error on failure. # TODO: It will now require an enode://pubkey@ip:port uri # could also accept only the pubkey (like geth)? let peerNode = newNode(enode) result = node.setPeerTrusted( if not result: raise newException(ValueError, "Not a peer") rpcsrv.rpc("waku_newKeyPair") do() -> Identifier: ## Generates a new public and private key pair for message decryption and ## encryption. ## ## Returns key identifier on success and an error on failure. result = generateRandomID(rng[]).Identifier keys.asymKeys[result.string] = KeyPair.random(rng[]) rpcsrv.rpc("waku_addPrivateKey") do(key: PrivateKey) -> Identifier: ## Stores the key pair, and returns its ID. ## ## key: Private key as hex bytes. ## ## Returns key identifier on success and an error on failure. result = generateRandomID(rng[]).Identifier keys.asymKeys[result.string] = key.toKeyPair() rpcsrv.rpc("waku_deleteKeyPair") do(id: Identifier) -> bool: ## Deletes the specifies key if it exists. ## ## id: Identifier of key pair ## ## Returns true on success and an error on failure. var unneeded: KeyPair result = keys.asymKeys.take(id.string, unneeded) if not result: raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid key id") rpcsrv.rpc("waku_hasKeyPair") do(id: Identifier) -> bool: ## Checks if the Waku node has a private key of a key pair matching the ## given ID. ## ## id: Identifier of key pair ## ## Returns (true or false) on success and an error on failure. result = keys.asymkeys.hasKey(id.string) rpcsrv.rpc("waku_getPublicKey") do(id: Identifier) -> PublicKey: ## Returns the public key for identity ID. ## ## id: Identifier of key pair ## ## Returns public key on success and an error on failure. # Note: key not found exception as error in case not existing result = keys.asymkeys[id.string].pubkey rpcsrv.rpc("waku_getPrivateKey") do(id: Identifier) -> PrivateKey: ## Returns the private key for identity ID. ## ## id: Identifier of key pair ## ## Returns private key on success and an error on failure. # Note: key not found exception as error in case not existing result = keys.asymkeys[id.string].seckey rpcsrv.rpc("waku_newSymKey") do() -> Identifier: ## Generates a random symmetric key and stores it under an ID, which is then ## returned. Can be used encrypting and decrypting messages where the key is ## known to both parties. ## ## Returns key identifier on success and an error on failure. result = generateRandomID(rng[]).Identifier var key: SymKey if randomBytes(key) != key.len: raise newException(KeyGenerationError, "Failed generating key") keys.symKeys[result.string] = key rpcsrv.rpc("waku_addSymKey") do(key: SymKey) -> Identifier: ## Stores the key, and returns its ID. ## ## key: The raw key for symmetric encryption as hex bytes. ## ## Returns key identifier on success and an error on failure. result = generateRandomID(rng[]).Identifier keys.symKeys[result.string] = key rpcsrv.rpc("waku_generateSymKeyFromPassword") do(password: string) -> Identifier: ## Generates the key from password, stores it, and returns its ID. ## ## password: Password. ## ## Returns key identifier on success and an error on failure. ## Warning: an empty string is used as salt because the shh RPC API does not ## allow for passing a salt. A very good password is necessary (calculate ## yourself what that means :)) var ctx: HMAC[sha256] var symKey: SymKey if pbkdf2(ctx, password, "", 65356, symKey) != sizeof(SymKey): raise newException(KeyGenerationError, "Failed generating key") result = generateRandomID(rng[]).Identifier keys.symKeys[result.string] = symKey rpcsrv.rpc("waku_hasSymKey") do(id: Identifier) -> bool: ## Returns true if there is a key associated with the name string. ## Otherwise, returns false. ## ## id: Identifier of key. ## ## Returns (true or false) on success and an error on failure. result = keys.symkeys.hasKey(id.string) rpcsrv.rpc("waku_getSymKey") do(id: Identifier) -> SymKey: ## Returns the symmetric key associated with the given ID. ## ## id: Identifier of key. ## ## Returns Raw key on success and an error on failure. # Note: key not found exception as error in case not existing result = keys.symkeys[id.string] rpcsrv.rpc("waku_deleteSymKey") do(id: Identifier) -> bool: ## Deletes the key associated with the name string if it exists. ## ## id: Identifier of key. ## ## Returns (true or false) on success and an error on failure. var unneeded: SymKey result = keys.symKeys.take(id.string, unneeded) if not result: raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid key id") rpcsrv.rpc("waku_subscribe") do(id: string, options: WakuFilterOptions) -> Identifier: ## Creates and registers a new subscription to receive notifications for ## inbound Waku messages. Returns the ID of the newly created ## subscription. ## ## id: identifier of function call. In case of Waku must contain the ## value "messages". ## options: WakuFilterOptions ## ## Returns the subscription ID on success, the error on failure. # TODO: implement subscriptions, only for WS & IPC? discard rpcsrv.rpc("waku_unsubscribe") do(id: Identifier) -> bool: ## Cancels and removes an existing subscription. ## ## id: Subscription identifier ## ## Returns true on success, the error on failure result = node.unsubscribeFilter(id.string) if not result: raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid filter id") proc validateOptions[T,U,V](asym: Option[T], sym: Option[U], topic: Option[V]) = if (asym.isSome() and sym.isSome()) or (asym.isNone() and sym.isNone()): raise newException(ValueError, "Either privateKeyID/pubKey or symKeyID must be present") if asym.isNone() and topic.isNone(): raise newException(ValueError, "Topic mandatory with symmetric key") rpcsrv.rpc("waku_newMessageFilter") do(options: WakuFilterOptions) -> Identifier: ## Create a new filter within the node. This filter can be used to poll for ## new messages that match the set of criteria. ## ## options: WakuFilterOptions ## ## Returns filter identifier on success, error on failure # Check if either symKeyID or privateKeyID is present, and not both # Check if there are Topics when symmetric key is used validateOptions(options.privateKeyID, options.symKeyID, options.topics) var src: Option[PublicKey] privateKey: Option[PrivateKey] symKey: Option[SymKey] topics: seq[waku_protocol.Topic] powReq: float64 allowP2P: bool src = options.sig if options.privateKeyID.isSome(): privateKey = some(keys.asymKeys[options.privateKeyID.get().string].seckey) if options.symKeyID.isSome(): symKey= some(keys.symKeys[options.symKeyID.get().string]) if options.minPow.isSome(): powReq = options.minPow.get() if options.topics.isSome(): topics = options.topics.get() if options.allowP2P.isSome(): allowP2P = options.allowP2P.get() let filter = initFilter(src, privateKey, symKey, topics, powReq, allowP2P) result = node.subscribeFilter(filter).Identifier # TODO: Should we do this here "automatically" or separate it in another # RPC call? Is there a use case for that? # Same could be said about bloomfilter, except that there is a use case # there to have a full node no matter what message filters. # Could also be moved to waku_protocol.nim let config = node.protocolState(Waku).config if config.topics.isSome(): try: # TODO: an addTopics call would probably be more useful let result = await node.setTopicInterest(config.topics.get().concat(filter.topics)) if not result: raise newException(ValueError, "Too many topics") except CatchableError: trace "setTopics error occured" elif config.isLightNode: try: await node.setBloomFilter(node.filtersToBloom()) except CatchableError: trace "setBloomFilter error occured" rpcsrv.rpc("waku_deleteMessageFilter") do(id: Identifier) -> bool: ## Uninstall a message filter in the node. ## ## id: Filter identifier as returned when the filter was created. ## ## Returns true on success, error on failure. result = node.unsubscribeFilter(id.string) if not result: raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid filter id") rpcsrv.rpc("waku_getFilterMessages") do(id: Identifier) -> seq[WakuFilterMessage]: ## Retrieve messages that match the filter criteria and are received between ## the last time this function was called and now. ## ## id: ID of filter that was created with `waku_newMessageFilter`. ## ## Returns array of messages on success and an error on failure. let messages = node.getFilterMessages(id.string) for msg in messages: result.add WakuFilterMessage( sig: msg.decoded.src, recipientPublicKey: msg.dst, ttl: msg.ttl, topic: msg.topic, timestamp: msg.timestamp, payload: msg.decoded.payload, # Note: waku_protocol padding is an Option as there is the # possibility of 0 padding in case of custom padding. padding: msg.decoded.padding.get(@[]), pow: msg.pow, hash: msg.hash) rpcsrv.rpc("waku_post") do(message: WakuPostMessage) -> bool: ## Creates a Waku message and injects it into the network for ## distribution. ## ## message: Waku message to post. ## ## Returns true on success and an error on failure. # Check if either symKeyID or pubKey is present, and not both # Check if there is a Topic when symmetric key is used validateOptions(message.pubKey, message.symKeyID, message.topic) var sigPrivKey: Option[PrivateKey] symKey: Option[SymKey] topic: waku_protocol.Topic padding: Option[seq[byte]] targetPeer: Option[NodeId] if message.sig.isSome(): sigPrivKey = some(keys.asymKeys[message.sig.get().string].seckey) if message.symKeyID.isSome(): symKey = some(keys.symKeys[message.symKeyID.get().string]) # Note: If no topic it will be defaulted to 0x00000000 if message.topic.isSome(): topic = message.topic.get() if message.padding.isSome(): padding = some(hexToSeqByte(message.padding.get().string)) if message.targetPeer.isSome(): targetPeer = some(newNode(message.targetPeer.get()).id) result = node.postMessage(message.pubKey, symKey, sigPrivKey, ttl = message.ttl.uint32, topic = topic, payload = hexToSeqByte(message.payload.string), padding = padding, powTime = message.powTime, powTarget = message.powTarget, targetPeer = targetPeer) if not result: raise newException(ValueError, "Message could not be posted")