when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4): {.push raises: [Defect].} else: {.push raises: [].} import std/[options, osproc, streams, strutils, sequtils], stew/results, stew/shims/net as stewNet, testutils/unittests, chronos, chronicles, stint, web3, json, libp2p/crypto/crypto, eth/keys import ../../waku/v2/protocol/waku_rln_relay/protocol_types, ../../waku/v2/protocol/waku_rln_relay/constants, ../../waku/v2/protocol/waku_rln_relay/contract, ../../waku/v2/protocol/waku_rln_relay/rln, ../../waku/v2/protocol/waku_rln_relay/conversion_utils, ../../waku/v2/protocol/waku_rln_relay/group_manager/on_chain/group_manager, ./testlib/common, ./test_utils from posix import kill, SIGINT proc generateCredentials(rlnInstance: ptr RLN): IdentityCredential = let credRes = membershipKeyGen(rlnInstance) return credRes.get() proc generateCredentials(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, n: int): seq[IdentityCredential] = var credentials: seq[IdentityCredential] for i in 0 ..< n: credentials.add(generateCredentials(rlnInstance)) return credentials # a util function used for testing purposes # it deploys membership contract on Ganache (or any Eth client available on EthClient address) # must be edited if used for a different contract than membership contract proc uploadRLNContract*(ethClientAddress: string): Future[Address] {.async.} = let web3 = await newWeb3(ethClientAddress) debug "web3 connected to", ethClientAddress # fetch the list of registered accounts let accounts = await web3.provider.eth_accounts() web3.defaultAccount = accounts[1] let add = web3.defaultAccount debug "contract deployer account address ", add let balance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(web3.defaultAccount, "latest") debug "Initial account balance: ", balance # deploy the poseidon hash contract and gets its address let hasherReceipt = await web3.deployContract(PoseidonHasherCode) hasherAddress = hasherReceipt.contractAddress.get debug "hasher address: ", hasherAddress # encode membership contract inputs to 32 bytes zero-padded let membershipFeeEncoded = encode(MembershipFee).data depthEncoded = encode(MerkleTreeDepth.u256).data hasherAddressEncoded = encode(hasherAddress).data # this is the contract constructor input contractInput = membershipFeeEncoded & depthEncoded & hasherAddressEncoded debug "encoded membership fee: ", membershipFeeEncoded debug "encoded depth: ", depthEncoded debug "encoded hasher address: ", hasherAddressEncoded debug "encoded contract input:", contractInput # deploy membership contract with its constructor inputs let receipt = await web3.deployContract(MembershipContractCode, contractInput = contractInput) let contractAddress = receipt.contractAddress.get debug "Address of the deployed membership contract: ", contractAddress let newBalance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(web3.defaultAccount, "latest") debug "Account balance after the contract deployment: ", newBalance await web3.close() debug "disconnected from ", ethClientAddress return contractAddress proc createEthAccount(): Future[(keys.PrivateKey, Address)] {.async.} = let web3 = await newWeb3(EthClient) let accounts = await web3.provider.eth_accounts() let gasPrice = int(await web3.provider.eth_gasPrice()) web3.defaultAccount = accounts[0] let pk = keys.PrivateKey.random(rng[]) let acc = Address(toCanonicalAddress(pk.toPublicKey())) var tx:EthSend tx.source = accounts[0] tx.value = some(ethToWei(10.u256)) tx.to = some(acc) tx.gasPrice = some(gasPrice) # Send 10 eth to acc discard await web3.send(tx) let balance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(acc, "latest") assert(balance == ethToWei(10.u256)) return (pk, acc) # Runs Ganache daemon proc runGanache(): Process = # We run directly "node node_modules/ganache/dist/node/cli.js" rather than using "npx ganache", so that the daemon does not spawn in a new child process. # In this way, we can directly send a SIGINT signal to the corresponding PID to gracefully terminate Ganache without dealing with multiple processes. # Passed options are # --port Port to listen on. # --miner.blockGasLimit Sets the block gas limit in WEI. # --wallet.defaultBalance The default account balance, specified in ether. # See ganache documentation https://www.npmjs.com/package/ganache for more details try: let runGanache = startProcess("npx", args = ["--yes", "ganache", "--port", "8540", "--miner.blockGasLimit", "300000000000000", "--wallet.defaultBalance", "10000"], options = {poUsePath}) let ganachePID = runGanache.processID # We read stdout from Ganache to see when daemon is ready var ganacheStartLog: string var cmdline: string while true: try: if runGanache.outputstream.readLine(cmdline): ganacheStartLog.add(cmdline) if cmdline.contains("Listening on"): break except: break debug "Ganache daemon is running and ready", pid=ganachePID, startLog=ganacheStartLog return runGanache except: error "Ganache daemon run failed" # Stops Ganache daemon proc stopGanache(runGanache: Process) {.used.} = let ganachePID = runGanache.processID # We gracefully terminate Ganache daemon by sending a SIGINT signal to the runGanache PID to trigger RPC server termination and clean-up let returnCodeSIGINT = kill(ganachePID.int32, SIGINT) debug "Sent SIGINT to Ganache", ganachePID=ganachePID, returnCode=returnCodeSIGINT # We wait the daemon to exit try: let returnCodeExit = runGanache.waitForExit() debug "Ganache daemon terminated", returnCode=returnCodeExit debug "Ganache daemon run log", log=runGanache.outputstream.readAll() except: error "Ganache daemon termination failed" proc setup(): Future[OnchainGroupManager] {.async.} = let rlnInstanceRes = createRlnInstance() require: rlnInstanceRes.isOk() let rlnInstance = rlnInstanceRes.get() let contractAddress = await uploadRLNContract(EthClient) # connect to the eth client let web3 = await newWeb3(EthClient) let accounts = await web3.provider.eth_accounts() web3.defaultAccount = accounts[1] let (pk, _) = await createEthAccount() let onchainConfig = OnchainGroupManagerConfig(ethClientUrl: EthClient, ethContractAddress: $contractAddress, ethPrivateKey: some($pk)) let manager {.used.} = OnchainGroupManager(config: onchainConfig, rlnInstance: rlnInstance) return manager suite "Onchain group manager": # We run Ganache let runGanache {.used.} = runGanache() asyncTest "should initialize successfully": let manager = await setup() await manager.init() check: manager.config.ethRpc.isSome() manager.config.rlnContract.isSome() manager.config.membershipFee.isSome() manager.initialized asyncTest "startGroupSync: should start group sync": let manager = await setup() await manager.init() await manager.startGroupSync() asyncTest "startGroupSync: should guard against uninitialized state": let manager = await setup() expect(ValueError): await manager.startGroupSync() asyncTest "startGroupSync: should sync to the state of the group": let manager = await setup() let credentials = generateCredentials(manager.rlnInstance) manager.idCredentials = some(credentials) await manager.init() let merkleRootBeforeRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot() require: merkleRootBeforeRes.isOk() let merkleRootBefore = merkleRootBeforeRes.get() let future = newFuture[void]("startGroupSync") proc generateCallback(fut: Future[void], idCommitment: IDCommitment): OnRegisterCallback = proc callback(registrations: seq[Membership]): Future[void] {.async.} = require: registrations.len == 1 registrations[0].idCommitment == idCommitment registrations[0].index == 0 fut.complete() return callback manager.onRegister(generateCallback(future, credentials.idCommitment)) await manager.startGroupSync() await future let merkleRootAfterRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot() require: merkleRootAfterRes.isOk() let merkleRootAfter = merkleRootAfterRes.get() check: merkleRootBefore != merkleRootAfter asyncTest "startGroupSync: should fetch history correctly": let manager = await setup() let credentials = generateCredentials(manager.rlnInstance, 5) await manager.init() let merkleRootBeforeRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot() require: merkleRootBeforeRes.isOk() let merkleRootBefore = merkleRootBeforeRes.get() var futures = [newFuture[void](), newFuture[void](), newFuture[void](), newFuture[void](), newFuture[void]()] proc generateCallback(futs: array[0..4, Future[system.void]], credentials: seq[IdentityCredential]): OnRegisterCallback = var futureIndex = 0 proc callback(registrations: seq[Membership]): Future[void] {.async.} = require: registrations.len == 1 registrations[0].idCommitment == credentials[futureIndex].idCommitment registrations[0].index == MembershipIndex(futureIndex) futs[futureIndex].complete() futureIndex += 1 return callback manager.onRegister(generateCallback(futures, credentials)) await manager.startGroupSync() for i in 0 ..< credentials.len(): await manager.register(credentials[i]) await allFutures(futures) let merkleRootAfterRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot() require: merkleRootAfterRes.isOk() let merkleRootAfter = merkleRootAfterRes.get() check: merkleRootBefore != merkleRootAfter asyncTest "register: should guard against uninitialized state": let manager = await setup() let dummyCommitment = default(IDCommitment) expect(ValueError): await manager.register(dummyCommitment) asyncTest "register: should register successfully": let manager = await setup() await manager.init() await manager.startGroupSync() let idCommitment = generateCredentials(manager.rlnInstance).idCommitment let merkleRootBeforeRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot() require: merkleRootBeforeRes.isOk() let merkleRootBefore = merkleRootBeforeRes.get() await manager.register(idCommitment) let merkleRootAfterRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot() require: merkleRootAfterRes.isOk() let merkleRootAfter = merkleRootAfterRes.get() check: merkleRootAfter.inHex() != merkleRootBefore.inHex() manager.latestIndex == 1 asyncTest "register: callback is called": let manager = await setup() var callbackCalled = false let idCommitment = generateCredentials(manager.rlnInstance).idCommitment let fut = newFuture[void]() proc callback(registrations: seq[Membership]): Future[void] {.async.} = require: registrations.len == 1 registrations[0].idCommitment == idCommitment registrations[0].index == 0 callbackCalled = true fut.complete() manager.onRegister(callback) await manager.init() await manager.startGroupSync() await manager.register(idCommitment) await fut check: callbackCalled asyncTest "withdraw: should guard against uninitialized state": let manager = await setup() let idSecretHash = generateCredentials(manager.rlnInstance).idSecretHash expect(ValueError): await manager.withdraw(idSecretHash) ################################ ## Terminating/removing Ganache ################################ # We stop Ganache daemon stopGanache(runGanache)