import macros, strutils, strformat, sequtils, os # The default behavior of Chronicles can be configured through a wide-range # of compile-time -d: switches (for more information, see the README). # This module implements the validation of all specified options and reduces # them to a `Configuration` constant that can be accessed from the rest of # the modules. const chronicles_enabled {.strdefine.} = "on" chronicles_default_output_device* {.strdefine.} = "stdout" chronicles_sinks* {.strdefine.} = "" chronicles_streams* {.strdefine.} = "" chronicles_enabled_topics {.strdefine.} = "" chronicles_required_topics {.strdefine.} = "" chronicles_disabled_topics {.strdefine.} = "" chronicles_runtime_filtering {.strdefine.} = "off" chronicles_log_level {.strdefine.} = when defined(release): "INFO" else: "DEBUG" chronicles_timestamps {.strdefine.} = "RfcTime" chronicles_colors* {.strdefine.} = "NativeColors" chronicles_indent {.intdefine.} = 2 chronicles_line_numbers {.strdefine.} = "off" truthySwitches = ["yes", "1", "on", "true"] falsySwitches = ["no", "0", "off", "false", "none"] when chronicles_streams.len > 0 and chronicles_sinks.len > 0: {.error: "Please specify only one of the options 'chronicles_streams' and 'chronicles_sinks'." } when chronicles_enabled_topics.len > 0 and chronicles_required_topics.len > 0: {.error: "Please specify only one of the options 'chronicles_enabled_topics' and 'chronicles_required_topics'." } type LogLevel* = enum NONE, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARN, ERROR, FATAL LogFormat* = enum json, textLines, textBlocks OutputDeviceKind* = enum oStdOut, oStdErr, oFile, oSysLog oDynamic LogFileMode = enum Append, Truncate LogDestination* = object case kind*: OutputDeviceKind of oFile: filename*: string truncate*: bool else: discard TimestampsScheme* = enum NoTimestamps, UnixTime, RfcTime ColorScheme* = enum NoColors, AnsiColors, NativeColors SinkSpec* = object format*: LogFormat colorScheme*: ColorScheme timestamps*: TimestampsScheme destinations*: seq[LogDestination] StreamSpec* = object name*: string sinks*: seq[SinkSpec] Configuration* = object streams*: seq[StreamSpec] EnabledTopic* = object name*: string logLevel*: LogLevel const defaultChroniclesStreamName* = "defaultChroniclesStream" proc handleYesNoOption(optName: string, optValue: string): bool {.compileTime.} = let canonicalValue = optValue.toLowerAscii if canonicalValue in truthySwitches: return true elif canonicalValue in falsySwitches: return false else: error &"A non-recognized value '{optValue}' for option '{optName}'. " & "Please specify either 'on' or 'off'." template handleYesNoOption(opt: untyped): bool = handleYesNoOption(astToStr(opt), opt) proc enumValues(E: typedesc[enum]): string = result = mapIt(E, $it).join(", ") proc handleEnumOption(E: typedesc[enum], optName: string, optValue: string): E {.compileTime.} = try: if optValue.toLowerAscii in falsySwitches: type R = type(result) return R(0) else: return parseEnum[E](optValue) except: error &"'{optValue}' is not a recognized value for '{optName}'. " & &"Allowed values are {enumValues E}" template handleEnumOption(E, varName: untyped): auto = handleEnumOption(E, astToStr(varName), varName) template topicsAsSeq*(topics: string): untyped = when topics.len > 0: topics.split({','} + Whitespace) else: newSeq[string](0) proc topicsWithLogLevelAsSeq(topics: string): seq[EnabledTopic] = var sequence = newSeq[EnabledTopic](0) if topics.len > 0: for topic in split(topics, {','} + Whitespace): var values = topic.split(':') if values.len > 1: if values[1].all(isDigit): sequence.add(EnabledTopic(name: values[0], logLevel: LogLevel(parseInt(values[1])))) else: sequence.add(EnabledTopic(name: values[0], logLevel: handleEnumOption(LogLevel, values[1]))) else: sequence.add(EnabledTopic(name: values[0], logLevel: NONE)) return sequence proc logFormatFromIdent(n: NimNode): LogFormat = let format = $n case format.toLowerAscii of "json": return json of "textlines": return textLines of "textblocks": return textBlocks else: error &"'{format}' is not a recognized output format. " & &"Allowed values are {enumValues LogFormat}." proc makeSinkSpec(fmt: LogFormat, colors: ColorScheme, timestamps: TimestampsScheme, destinations: varargs[LogDestination]): SinkSpec = result.format = fmt result.colorScheme = colors result.timestamps = timestamps result.destinations = @destinations func logDestinationFromStr(s: string): LogDestination {.compileTime.} = case s.toLowerAscii of "stdout": result.kind = oStdOut of "stderr": result.kind = oStdErr of "syslog": result.kind = oSysLog of "dynamic": result.kind = oDynamic of "file": result.kind = oFile result.filename = "" result.truncate = false else: error &"'{s}' is not a recognized output device type. " & "Allowed values are StdOut, StdErr, SysLog, File and Dynamic." proc logDestinationFromNode(n: NimNode): LogDestination = case n.kind of nnkIdent: result = logDestinationFromStr($n) of nnkCall: if n[0].kind != nnkIdent and ($n[0]).toLowerAscii != "file": error &"Invalid log destination expression '{n.repr}'. " & "Only 'file' destinations accept parameters." result.kind = oFile result.filename = n[1].repr.replace(" ", "") if DirSep != '/': result.filename = result.filename.replace("/", $DirSep) if n.len > 2: result.truncate = handleEnumOption(LogFileMode, "file mode", $n[2]) == Truncate else: error &"Invalid log destination expression '{n.repr}'. " & "Please refer to the documentation for the supported options." const defaultColorScheme = handleEnumOption(ColorScheme, chronicles_colors) defaultTimestamsScheme = handleEnumOption(TimestampsScheme, chronicles_timestamps) proc syntaxCheckStreamExpr*(n: NimNode) = if n.kind != nnkBracketExpr or n[0].kind != nnkIdent: error &"Invalid stream definition. " & "Please use a bracket expressions such as 'stream_name[sinks_list]'." proc sinkSpecsFromNode*(streamNode: NimNode): seq[SinkSpec] = newSeq(result, 0) for i in 1 ..< streamNode.len: let n = streamNode[i] case n.kind of nnkIdent: result.add makeSinkSpec(logFormatFromIdent(n), defaultColorScheme, defaultTimestamsScheme, logDestinationFromStr(chronicles_default_output_device)) of nnkBracketExpr: var spec = makeSinkSpec(logFormatFromIdent(n[0]), defaultColorScheme, defaultTimestamsScheme) for i in 1 ..< n.len: var hasExplicitColors = false template setColors(c) = spec.colorScheme = c hasExplicitColors = true continue template setTimestamps(t) = spec.timestamps = t continue let dstSpec = n[i] if dstSpec.kind == nnkIdent: case ($dstSpec).toLowerAscii: of "nocolors": setColors(NoColors) of "ansicolors": setColors(AnsiColors) of "nativecolors": setColors(NativeColors) of "notimestamps": setTimestamps(NoTimestamps) of "unixtime": setTimestamps(UnixTime) of "rfctime": setTimestamps(RfcTime) else: discard let dst = logDestinationFromNode(dstSpec) if dst.kind == oSysLog and not hasExplicitColors: spec.colorScheme = NoColors spec.destinations.add dst result.add spec else: error &"Invalid log sink expression '{n.repr}'. " & "Please refer to the documentation for the supported options." proc parseStreamsSpec(spec: string): Configuration {.compileTime.} = newSeq(result.streams, 0) var specNodes = parseExpr "(" & spec.replace("\\", "/") & ")" for n in specNodes: syntaxCheckStreamExpr(n) let streamName = $n[0] for prev in result.streams: if == streamName: error &"The stream name '{streamName}' appears twice in the 'chronicles_streams' definition." result.streams.add StreamSpec(name: streamName, sinks: sinkSpecsFromNode(n)) proc overlappingOutputsError(stream: StreamSpec, outputName: string) = # XXX: This must be a proc until is fixed error &"In the {} stream, there are multiple output formats pointed " & &"to {outputName}. This is not a supported configuration." for stream in mitems(result.streams): var stdoutSinks = 0 var stderrSinks = 0 var syslogSinks = 0 for sink in mitems(stream.sinks): for dst in mitems(sink.destinations): case dst.kind of oStdOut: inc stdoutSinks if stdoutSinks > 1: overlappingOutputsError(stream, "stdout") of oStdErr: inc stderrSinks if stderrSinks > 1: overlappingOutputsError(stream, "stderr") of oSysLog: inc syslogSinks if stderrSinks > 1: overlappingOutputsError(stream, "syslog") if sink.colorScheme != NoColors: error "Using a color scheme is not supported when logging to syslog." when not defined(posix): warning "Logging to syslog is available only on POSIX systems." else: discard proc parseSinksSpec(spec: string): Configuration {.compileTime.} = return parseStreamsSpec(&"{defaultChroniclesStreamName}[{spec}]") const loggingEnabled* = handleYesNoOption chronicles_enabled runtimeFilteringEnabled* = handleYesNoOption chronicles_runtime_filtering enabledLogLevel* = handleEnumOption(LogLevel, chronicles_log_level) textBlockIndent* = repeat(' ', chronicles_indent) enabledTopics* = topicsWithLogLevelAsSeq chronicles_enabled_topics disabledTopics* = topicsAsSeq chronicles_disabled_topics requiredTopics* = topicsAsSeq chronicles_required_topics lineNumbersEnabled* = handleYesNoOption chronicles_line_numbers config* = when chronicles_streams.len > 0: parseStreamsSpec(chronicles_streams) elif chronicles_sinks.len > 0: parseSinksSpec(chronicles_sinks) # default is textlines because: # * better compatibility with typical log processing tools # like grep, logstash etc where newline delieates events or units # * easier to match with a regex # * good use of screen real estate # * wins nimbus developer straw poll # alternatively, one could prefer to use "textblocks" - it can be # enabled by passing -d:chronicles_sinks=textblocks # * some tools understand that indented lines following newline # "belong" to the same logging eevent # * wrapping more likely to happen making line hard to read on # narrow terminals # * properies may be easier to find else: parseSinksSpec "textlines"