# Extensions for libp2p's protobuf library implementation when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4): {.push raises: [Defect].} else: {.push raises: [].} import std/options, libp2p/protobuf/minprotobuf, libp2p/varint export minprotobuf, varint ## Custom errors type ProtobufErrorKind* {.pure.} = enum DecodeFailure MissingRequiredField InvalidLengthField ProtobufError* = object case kind*: ProtobufErrorKind of DecodeFailure: error*: minprotobuf.ProtoError of MissingRequiredField, InvalidLengthField: field*: string ProtobufResult*[T] = Result[T, ProtobufError] converter toProtobufError*(err: minprotobuf.ProtoError): ProtobufError = case err: of minprotobuf.ProtoError.RequiredFieldMissing: ProtobufError(kind: ProtobufErrorKind.MissingRequiredField, field: "unknown") else: ProtobufError(kind: ProtobufErrorKind.DecodeFailure, error: err) proc missingRequiredField*(T: type ProtobufError, field: string): T = ProtobufError(kind: ProtobufErrorKind.MissingRequiredField, field: field) proc invalidLengthField*(T: type ProtobufError, field: string): T = ProtobufError(kind: ProtobufErrorKind.InvalidLengthField, field: field) ## Extension methods proc write3*(proto: var ProtoBuffer, field: int, value: auto) = when value is Option: if value.isSome(): proto.write(field, value.get()) elif value is bool: proto.write(field, zint(value)) else: proto.write(field, value) proc finish3*(proto: var ProtoBuffer) = if proto.buffer.len > 0: proto.finish() else: proto.offset = 0 proc `==`*(a: zint64, b: zint64): bool = int64(a) == int64(b)