{.used.} import std/times, stew/byteutils, testutils/unittests, nimcrypto import ../../waku/v2/protocol/waku_message, ../../waku/v2/utils/time, ../../waku/v2/utils/pagination const DefaultPubsubTopic = "/waku/2/default-waku/proto" DefaultContentTopic = ContentTopic("/waku/2/default-content/proto") ## Helpers proc getTestTimestamp(offset=0): Timestamp = let now = getNanosecondTime(epochTime() + float(offset)) Timestamp(now) proc hashFromStr(input: string): MDigest[256] = var ctx: sha256 ctx.init() ctx.update(input.toBytes()) let hashed = ctx.finish() ctx.clear() return hashed suite "Pagination - Index": ## Test vars let smallIndex1 = Index(digest: hashFromStr("1234"), receiverTime: getNanosecondTime(0), senderTime: getNanosecondTime(1000)) smallIndex2 = Index(digest: hashFromStr("1234567"), # digest is less significant than senderTime receiverTime: getNanosecondTime(0), senderTime: getNanosecondTime(1000)) largeIndex1 = Index(digest: hashFromStr("1234"), receiverTime: getNanosecondTime(0), senderTime: getNanosecondTime(9000)) # only senderTime differ from smallIndex1 largeIndex2 = Index(digest: hashFromStr("12345"), # only digest differs from smallIndex1 receiverTime: getNanosecondTime(0), senderTime: getNanosecondTime(1000)) eqIndex1 = Index(digest: hashFromStr("0003"), receiverTime: getNanosecondTime(0), senderTime: getNanosecondTime(54321)) eqIndex2 = Index(digest: hashFromStr("0003"), receiverTime: getNanosecondTime(0), senderTime: getNanosecondTime(54321)) eqIndex3 = Index(digest: hashFromStr("0003"), receiverTime: getNanosecondTime(9999), # receiverTime difference should have no effect on comparisons senderTime: getNanosecondTime(54321)) diffPsTopic = Index(digest: hashFromStr("1234"), receiverTime: getNanosecondTime(0), senderTime: getNanosecondTime(1000), pubsubTopic: "zzzz") noSenderTime1 = Index(digest: hashFromStr("1234"), receiverTime: getNanosecondTime(1100), senderTime: getNanosecondTime(0), pubsubTopic: "zzzz") noSenderTime2 = Index(digest: hashFromStr("1234"), receiverTime: getNanosecondTime(10000), senderTime: getNanosecondTime(0), pubsubTopic: "zzzz") noSenderTime3 = Index(digest: hashFromStr("1234"), receiverTime: getNanosecondTime(1200), senderTime: getNanosecondTime(0), pubsubTopic: "aaaa") noSenderTime4 = Index(digest: hashFromStr("0"), receiverTime: getNanosecondTime(1200), senderTime: getNanosecondTime(0), pubsubTopic: "zzzz") test "Index comparison": # Index comparison with senderTime diff check: cmp(smallIndex1, largeIndex1) < 0 cmp(smallIndex2, largeIndex1) < 0 # Index comparison with digest diff check: cmp(smallIndex1, smallIndex2) < 0 cmp(smallIndex1, largeIndex2) < 0 cmp(smallIndex2, largeIndex2) > 0 cmp(largeIndex1, largeIndex2) > 0 # Index comparison when equal check: cmp(eqIndex1, eqIndex2) == 0 # pubsubTopic difference check: cmp(smallIndex1, diffPsTopic) < 0 # receiverTime diff plays no role when senderTime set check: cmp(eqIndex1, eqIndex3) == 0 # receiverTime diff plays no role when digest/pubsubTopic equal check: cmp(noSenderTime1, noSenderTime2) == 0 # sort on receiverTime with no senderTimestamp and unequal pubsubTopic check: cmp(noSenderTime1, noSenderTime3) < 0 # sort on receiverTime with no senderTimestamp and unequal digest check: cmp(noSenderTime1, noSenderTime4) < 0 # sort on receiverTime if no senderTimestamp on only one side check: cmp(smallIndex1, noSenderTime1) < 0 cmp(noSenderTime1, smallIndex1) > 0 # Test symmetry cmp(noSenderTime2, eqIndex3) < 0 cmp(eqIndex3, noSenderTime2) > 0 # Test symmetry test "Index equality": # Exactly equal check: eqIndex1 == eqIndex2 # Receiver time plays no role, even without sender time check: eqIndex1 == eqIndex3 noSenderTime1 == noSenderTime2 # only receiver time differs, indices are equal noSenderTime1 != noSenderTime3 # pubsubTopics differ noSenderTime1 != noSenderTime4 # digests differ # Unequal sender time check: smallIndex1 != largeIndex1 # Unequal digest check: smallIndex1 != smallIndex2 # Unequal hash and digest check: smallIndex1 != eqIndex1 # Unequal pubsubTopic check: smallIndex1 != diffPsTopic test "Index computation should not be empty": ## Given let ts = getTestTimestamp() let wm = WakuMessage(payload: @[byte 1, 2, 3], timestamp: ts) ## When let ts2 = getTestTimestamp() + 10 let index = Index.compute(wm, ts2, DefaultContentTopic) ## Then check: index.digest.data.len != 0 index.digest.data.len == 32 # sha2 output length in bytes index.receiverTime == ts2 # the receiver timestamp should be a non-zero value index.senderTime == ts index.pubsubTopic == DefaultContentTopic test "Index digest of two identical messsage should be the same": ## Given let topic = ContentTopic("test-content-topic") let wm1 = WakuMessage(payload: @[byte 1, 2, 3], contentTopic: topic) wm2 = WakuMessage(payload: @[byte 1, 2, 3], contentTopic: topic) ## When let ts = getTestTimestamp() let index1 = Index.compute(wm1, ts, DefaultPubsubTopic) index2 = Index.compute(wm2, ts, DefaultPubsubTopic) ## Then check: index1.digest == index2.digest