# Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) # at your option. # This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to # those terms. ################################ # headers and library location # ################################ {.push raises: [Defect].} import os, strutils when defined(windows): import winlean else: import posix when defined(libnatpmpUseSystemLibs): {.passL: "-lnatpmp".} else: const includePath = currentSourcePath.parentDir().parentDir().replace('\\', '/') & "/vendor/libnatpmp-upstream" {.passC: "-I" & includePath.} {.passL: includePath & "/libnatpmp.a".} when defined(windows): import nativesockets # for that wsaStartup() call at the end {.passC: "-DNATPMP_STATICLIB".} {.passL: "-lws2_32 -liphlpapi".} ############ # natpmp.h # ############ {.passC: "-DENABLE_STRNATPMPERR".} ## NAT-PMP Port as defined by the NAT-PMP draft const NATPMP_PORT* = cint(5351) type PublicAddressStruct* {.importc: "struct no_name", header: "natpmp.h", bycopy.} = object address* {.importc: "addr".}: InAddr ## culong addr; NewPortMappingStruct* {.importc: "struct no_name", header: "natpmp.h", bycopy.} = object privateport* {.importc: "privateport".}: cushort mappedpublicport* {.importc: "mappedpublicport".}: cushort lifetime* {.importc: "lifetime".}: culong PnuUnion* {.importc: "struct no_name", header: "natpmp.h", bycopy, union.} = object publicaddress* {.importc: "publicaddress".}: PublicAddressStruct newportmapping* {.importc: "newportmapping".}: NewPortMappingStruct natpmp_t* {.importc: "natpmp_t", header: "natpmp.h", bycopy.} = object s* {.importc: "s".}: cint ## socket gateway* {.importc: "gateway".}: culong ## default gateway (IPv4) has_pending_request* {.importc: "has_pending_request".}: cint pending_request* {.importc: "pending_request".}: array[12, cuchar] pending_request_len* {.importc: "pending_request_len".}: cint try_number* {.importc: "try_number".}: cint retry_time* {.importc: "retry_time".}: Timeval natpmpresp_t* {.importc: "natpmpresp_t", header: "natpmp.h", bycopy.} = object resptype* {.importc: "type".}: cushort ## NATPMP_RESPTYPE_* resultcode* {.importc: "resultcode".}: cushort ## NAT-PMP response code epoch* {.importc: "epoch".}: culong ## Seconds since start of epoch pnu* {.importc: "pnu".}: PnuUnion ## possible values for type field of natpmpresp_t const NATPMP_RESPTYPE_PUBLICADDRESS* = cushort(0) NATPMP_RESPTYPE_UDPPORTMAPPING* = cushort(1) NATPMP_RESPTYPE_TCPPORTMAPPING* = cushort(2) ## Values to pass to sendnewportmappingrequest() const NATPMP_PROTOCOL_UDP* = 1 NATPMP_PROTOCOL_TCP* = 2 ## return values ## NATPMP_ERR_INVALIDARGS : invalid arguments passed to the function const NATPMP_ERR_INVALIDARGS* = cint(-1) ## NATPMP_ERR_SOCKETERROR : socket() failed. check errno for details const NATPMP_ERR_SOCKETERROR* = cint(-2) ## NATPMP_ERR_CANNOTGETGATEWAY : can't get default gateway IP const NATPMP_ERR_CANNOTGETGATEWAY* = cint(-3) ## NATPMP_ERR_CLOSEERR : close() failed. check errno for details const NATPMP_ERR_CLOSEERR* = cint(-4) ## NATPMP_ERR_RECVFROM : recvfrom() failed. check errno for details const NATPMP_ERR_RECVFROM* = cint(-5) ## NATPMP_ERR_NOPENDINGREQ : readnatpmpresponseorretry() called while no NAT-PMP request was pending const NATPMP_ERR_NOPENDINGREQ* = cint(-6) ## NATPMP_ERR_NOGATEWAYSUPPORT : the gateway does not support NAT-PMP const NATPMP_ERR_NOGATEWAYSUPPORT* = cint(-7) ## NATPMP_ERR_CONNECTERR : connect() failed. check errno for details const NATPMP_ERR_CONNECTERR* = cint(-8) ## NATPMP_ERR_WRONGPACKETSOURCE : packet not received from the network gateway const NATPMP_ERR_WRONGPACKETSOURCE* = cint(-9) ## NATPMP_ERR_SENDERR : send() failed. check errno for details const NATPMP_ERR_SENDERR* = cint(-10) ## NATPMP_ERR_FCNTLERROR : fcntl() failed. check errno for details const NATPMP_ERR_FCNTLERROR* = cint(-11) ## NATPMP_ERR_GETTIMEOFDAYERR : gettimeofday() failed. check errno for details const NATPMP_ERR_GETTIMEOFDAYERR* = cint(-12) const NATPMP_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDVERSION* = cint(-14) const NATPMP_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDOPCODE* = cint(-15) ## Errors from the server : const NATPMP_ERR_UNDEFINEDERROR* = cint(-49) const NATPMP_ERR_NOTAUTHORIZED* = cint(-51) const NATPMP_ERR_NETWORKFAILURE* = cint(-52) const NATPMP_ERR_OUTOFRESOURCES* = cint(-53) ## NATPMP_TRYAGAIN : no data available for the moment. try again later const NATPMP_TRYAGAIN* = cint(-100) ## initnatpmp() ## initialize a natpmp_t object ## With forcegw=1 the gateway is not detected automaticaly. ## Return values : ## 0 = OK ## NATPMP_ERR_INVALIDARGS ## NATPMP_ERR_SOCKETERROR ## NATPMP_ERR_FCNTLERROR ## NATPMP_ERR_CANNOTGETGATEWAY ## NATPMP_ERR_CONNECTERR proc initnatpmp*(p: ptr natpmp_t; forcegw: cint; forcedgw: culong): cint {.importc: "initnatpmp", header: "natpmp.h".} ## closenatpmp() ## close resources associated with a natpmp_t object ## Return values : ## 0 = OK ## NATPMP_ERR_INVALIDARGS ## NATPMP_ERR_CLOSEERR proc closenatpmp*(p: ptr natpmp_t): cint {.importc: "closenatpmp", header: "natpmp.h".} ## sendpublicaddressrequest() ## send a public address NAT-PMP request to the network gateway ## Return values : ## 2 = OK (size of the request) ## NATPMP_ERR_INVALIDARGS ## NATPMP_ERR_SENDERR proc sendpublicaddressrequest*(p: ptr natpmp_t): cint {.importc: "sendpublicaddressrequest", header: "natpmp.h".} ## sendnewportmappingrequest() ## send a new port mapping NAT-PMP request to the network gateway ## Arguments : ## protocol is either NATPMP_PROTOCOL_TCP or NATPMP_PROTOCOL_UDP, ## lifetime is in seconds. ## To remove a port mapping, set lifetime to zero. ## To remove all port mappings to the host, set lifetime and both ports ## to zero. ## Return values : ## 12 = OK (size of the request) ## NATPMP_ERR_INVALIDARGS ## NATPMP_ERR_SENDERR proc sendnewportmappingrequest*(p: ptr natpmp_t; protocol: cint; privateport: cushort; publicport: cushort; lifetime: culong): cint {.importc: "sendnewportmappingrequest", header: "natpmp.h".} ## getnatpmprequesttimeout() ## fills the timeval structure with the timeout duration of the ## currently pending NAT-PMP request. ## Return values : ## 0 = OK ## NATPMP_ERR_INVALIDARGS ## NATPMP_ERR_GETTIMEOFDAYERR ## NATPMP_ERR_NOPENDINGREQ proc getnatpmprequesttimeout*(p: ptr natpmp_t; timeout: ptr Timeval): cint {.importc: "getnatpmprequesttimeout", header: "natpmp.h".} ## readnatpmpresponseorretry() ## fills the natpmpresp_t structure if possible ## Return values : ## 0 = OK ## NATPMP_TRYAGAIN ## NATPMP_ERR_INVALIDARGS ## NATPMP_ERR_NOPENDINGREQ ## NATPMP_ERR_NOGATEWAYSUPPORT ## NATPMP_ERR_RECVFROM ## NATPMP_ERR_WRONGPACKETSOURCE ## NATPMP_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDVERSION ## NATPMP_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDOPCODE ## NATPMP_ERR_NOTAUTHORIZED ## NATPMP_ERR_NETWORKFAILURE ## NATPMP_ERR_OUTOFRESOURCES ## NATPMP_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDOPCODE ## NATPMP_ERR_UNDEFINEDERROR proc readnatpmpresponseorretry*(p: ptr natpmp_t; response: ptr natpmpresp_t): cint {.importc: "readnatpmpresponseorretry", header: "natpmp.h".} proc strnatpmperr*(t: cint): cstring {.importc: "strnatpmperr", header: "natpmp.h".} ################### # custom wrappers # ################### import stew/results export results type NatPmp* {.packed.} = ref object cstruct*: natpmp_t proc close*(x: NatPmp) = discard closenatpmp(addr(x.cstruct)) proc newNatPmp*(): NatPmp = new(result) proc init*(self: NatPmp): Result[bool, cstring] = let res = initnatpmp(addr(self.cstruct), 0, 0) if res == 0: result.ok(true) else: result.err(strnatpmperr(res)) proc `=deepCopy`(x: NatPmp): NatPmp = doAssert(false, "not implemented") proc getNatPmpResponse(self: NatPmp, natPmpResponsePtr: ptr natpmpresp_t): Result[bool, string] = var res: cint timeout: Timeval fds: TFdSet while true: FD_ZERO(fds); FD_SET(SocketHandle(self.cstruct.s), fds) res = getnatpmprequesttimeout(addr(self.cstruct), addr(timeout)) if res != 0: result.err($strnatpmperr(res)) return res = select(FD_SETSIZE, addr(fds), nil, nil, addr(timeout)) if res == -1: result.err(osErrorMsg(osLastError())) return res = readnatpmpresponseorretry(addr(self.cstruct), natPmpResponsePtr) if res < 0 and res != NATPMP_TRYAGAIN: result.err($strnatpmperr(res)) return if res != NATPMP_TRYAGAIN: break result.ok(true) proc externalIPAddress*(self: NatPmp): Result[cstring, string] = var res: cint natPmpResponse: natpmpresp_t res = sendpublicaddressrequest(addr(self.cstruct)) if res < 0: result.err($strnatpmperr(res)) return if (let r = self.getNatPmpResponse(addr(natPmpResponse)); r.isErr): result.err(r.error) return result.ok(inet_ntoa(natPmpResponse.pnu.publicaddress.address)) type NatPmpProtocol* = enum UDP = NATPMP_PROTOCOL_UDP TCP = NATPMP_PROTOCOL_TCP proc doMapping(self: NatPmp, eport: cushort, iport: cushort, protocol: NatPmpProtocol, lifetime: culong): Result[cushort, string] = var res: cint natPmpResponse: natpmpresp_t res = sendnewportmappingrequest(addr(self.cstruct), protocol.cint, iport, eport, lifetime) if res < 0: result.err($strnatpmperr(res)) return if (let r = self.getNatPmpResponse(addr(natPmpResponse)); r.isErr): result.err(r.error) return result.ok(natPmpResponse.pnu.newportmapping.mappedpublicport) ## returns the mapped external port (might be different than the one requested) ## "lifetime" is in seconds proc addPortMapping*(self: NatPmp, eport: cushort, iport: cushort, protocol: NatPmpProtocol, lifetime: culong): Result[cushort, string] = return self.doMapping(eport, iport, protocol, lifetime) proc deletePortMapping*(self: NatPmp, eport: cushort, iport: cushort, protocol: NatPmpProtocol): Result[cushort, string] = return self.doMapping(eport, iport, protocol, 0)