when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4): {.push raises: [Defect].} else: {.push raises: [].} import std/[options, sequtils], stew/results import ../../utils/time, ../waku_message, ./common ## Wire protocol type PagingIndexRPC* = object ## This type contains the description of an Index used in the pagination of WakuMessages pubsubTopic*: PubsubTopic senderTime*: Timestamp # the time at which the message is generated receiverTime*: Timestamp digest*: MessageDigest # calculated over payload and content topic proc `==`*(x, y: PagingIndexRPC): bool = ## receiverTime plays no role in index equality (x.senderTime == y.senderTime) and (x.digest == y.digest) and (x.pubsubTopic == y.pubsubTopic) proc compute*(T: type PagingIndexRPC, msg: WakuMessage, receivedTime: Timestamp, pubsubTopic: PubsubTopic): T = ## Takes a WakuMessage with received timestamp and returns its Index. let digest = computeDigest(msg) senderTime = msg.timestamp PagingIndexRPC( pubsubTopic: pubsubTopic, senderTime: senderTime, receiverTime: receivedTime, digest: digest ) type PagingDirectionRPC* {.pure.} = enum ## PagingDirection determines the direction of pagination BACKWARD = uint32(0) FORWARD = uint32(1) PagingInfoRPC* = object ## This type holds the information needed for the pagination pageSize*: Option[uint64] cursor*: Option[PagingIndexRPC] direction*: Option[PagingDirectionRPC] type HistoryContentFilterRPC* = object contentTopic*: ContentTopic HistoryQueryRPC* = object contentFilters*: seq[HistoryContentFilterRPC] pubsubTopic*: Option[PubsubTopic] pagingInfo*: Option[PagingInfoRPC] startTime*: Option[int64] endTime*: Option[int64] HistoryResponseErrorRPC* {.pure.} = enum ## HistoryResponseErrorRPC contains error message to inform the querying node about ## the state of its request NONE = uint32(0) INVALID_CURSOR = uint32(1) SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = uint32(503) HistoryResponseRPC* = object messages*: seq[WakuMessage] pagingInfo*: Option[PagingInfoRPC] error*: HistoryResponseErrorRPC HistoryRPC* = object requestId*: string query*: Option[HistoryQueryRPC] response*: Option[HistoryResponseRPC] proc parse*(T: type HistoryResponseErrorRPC, kind: uint32): T = case kind: of 0, 1, 503: HistoryResponseErrorRPC(kind) else: # TODO: Improve error variants/move to satus codes HistoryResponseErrorRPC.INVALID_CURSOR ## Wire protocol type mappings proc toRPC*(cursor: HistoryCursor): PagingIndexRPC {.gcsafe.}= PagingIndexRPC( pubsubTopic: cursor.pubsubTopic, senderTime: cursor.senderTime, receiverTime: cursor.storeTime, digest: cursor.digest ) proc toAPI*(rpc: PagingIndexRPC): HistoryCursor = HistoryCursor( pubsubTopic: rpc.pubsubTopic, senderTime: rpc.senderTime, storeTime: rpc.receiverTime, digest: rpc.digest ) proc toRPC*(query: HistoryQuery): HistoryQueryRPC = var rpc = HistoryQueryRPC() rpc.contentFilters = query.contentTopics.mapIt(HistoryContentFilterRPC(contentTopic: it)) rpc.pubsubTopic = query.pubsubTopic rpc.pagingInfo = block: if query.cursor.isNone() and query.pageSize == default(type query.pageSize) and query.ascending == default(type query.ascending): none(PagingInfoRPC) else: let pageSize = some(query.pageSize) cursor = query.cursor.map(toRPC) direction = if query.ascending: some(PagingDirectionRPC.FORWARD) else: some(PagingDirectionRPC.BACKWARD) some(PagingInfoRPC( pageSize: pageSize, cursor: cursor, direction: direction )) rpc.startTime = query.startTime rpc.endTime = query.endTime rpc proc toAPI*(rpc: HistoryQueryRPC): HistoryQuery = let pubsubTopic = rpc.pubsubTopic contentTopics = rpc.contentFilters.mapIt(it.contentTopic) cursor = if rpc.pagingInfo.isNone() or rpc.pagingInfo.get().cursor.isNone(): none(HistoryCursor) else: rpc.pagingInfo.get().cursor.map(toAPI) startTime = rpc.startTime endTime = rpc.endTime pageSize = if rpc.pagingInfo.isNone() or rpc.pagingInfo.get().pageSize.isNone(): 0'u64 else: rpc.pagingInfo.get().pageSize.get() ascending = if rpc.pagingInfo.isNone() or rpc.pagingInfo.get().direction.isNone(): true else: rpc.pagingInfo.get().direction.get() == PagingDirectionRPC.FORWARD HistoryQuery( pubsubTopic: pubsubTopic, contentTopics: contentTopics, cursor: cursor, startTime: startTime, endTime: endTime, pageSize: pageSize, ascending: ascending ) proc toRPC*(err: HistoryError): HistoryResponseErrorRPC = # TODO: Better error mappings/move to error codes case err.kind: of HistoryErrorKind.BAD_REQUEST: # TODO: Respond aksi with the reason HistoryResponseErrorRPC.INVALID_CURSOR of HistoryErrorKind.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: HistoryResponseErrorRPC.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE else: HistoryResponseErrorRPC.INVALID_CURSOR proc toAPI*(err: HistoryResponseErrorRPC): HistoryError = # TODO: Better error mappings/move to error codes case err: of HistoryResponseErrorRPC.INVALID_CURSOR: HistoryError(kind: HistoryErrorKind.BAD_REQUEST, cause: "invalid cursor") of HistoryResponseErrorRPC.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: HistoryError(kind: HistoryErrorKind.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) else: HistoryError(kind: HistoryErrorKind.UNKNOWN) proc toRPC*(res: HistoryResult): HistoryResponseRPC = if res.isErr(): let error = res.error.toRPC() HistoryResponseRPC(error: error) else: let resp = res.get() let messages = resp.messages pagingInfo = block: if resp.cursor.isNone(): none(PagingInfoRPC) else: some(PagingInfoRPC(cursor: resp.cursor.map(toRPC))) error = HistoryResponseErrorRPC.NONE HistoryResponseRPC( messages: messages, pagingInfo: pagingInfo, error: error ) proc toAPI*(rpc: HistoryResponseRPC): HistoryResult = if rpc.error != HistoryResponseErrorRPC.NONE: err(rpc.error.toAPI()) else: let messages = rpc.messages cursor = if rpc.pagingInfo.isNone(): none(HistoryCursor) else: rpc.pagingInfo.get().cursor.map(toAPI) ok(HistoryResponse( messages: messages, cursor: cursor ))