when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4): {.push raises: [Defect].} else: {.push raises: [].} import json, std/[options, os, sequtils], ./keyfile, ./protocol_types # Checks if a JsonNode has all keys contained in "keys" proc hasKeys*(data: JsonNode, keys: openArray[string]): bool = return all(keys, proc (key: string): bool = return data.hasKey(key)) # Defines how to sort membership groups proc sortMembershipGroup*(a,b: MembershipGroup): int = return cmp(a.membershipContract.address, b.membershipContract.address) # Safely saves a Keystore's JsonNode to disk. # If exists, the destination file is renamed with extension .bkp; the file is written at its destination and the .bkp file is removed if write is successful, otherwise is restored proc save*(json: JsonNode, path: string, separator: string): KeystoreResult[void] = # We first backup the current keystore if fileExists(path): try: moveFile(path, path & ".bkp") except: return err(KeystoreOsError) # We save the updated json var f: File if not f.open(path, fmAppend): return err(KeystoreOsError) try: # To avoid other users/attackers to be able to read keyfiles, we make the file readable/writable only by the running user setFilePermissions(path, {fpUserWrite, fpUserRead}) f.write($json) # We store a keyfile per line f.write(separator) except CatchableError: # We got some KeystoreOsError writing to disk. We attempt to restore the previous keystore backup if fileExists(path & ".bkp"): try: f.close() removeFile(path) moveFile(path & ".bkp", path) except: # Unlucky, we just fail return err(KeystoreOsError) return err(KeystoreOsError) finally: f.close() # The write went fine, so we can remove the backup keystore if fileExists(path & ".bkp"): try: removeFile(path & ".bkp") except: return err(KeystoreOsError) return ok() # Filters a membership credential based on either input identity credential's value, membership contracts or both proc filterCredential*(credential: MembershipCredentials, filterIdentityCredentials: seq[IdentityCredential], filterMembershipContracts: seq[MembershipContract]): Option[MembershipCredentials] = # We filter by identity credentials if filterIdentityCredentials.len() != 0: if (credential.identityCredential in filterIdentityCredentials) == false: return none(MembershipCredentials) # We filter by membership groups credentials if filterMembershipContracts.len() != 0: # Here we keep only groups that match a contract in the filter var membershipGroupsIntersection: seq[MembershipGroup] = @[] # We check if we have a group in the input credential matching any contract in the filter for membershipGroup in credential.membershipGroups: if membershipGroup.membershipContract in filterMembershipContracts: membershipGroupsIntersection.add(membershipGroup) if membershipGroupsIntersection.len() != 0: # If we have a match on some groups, we return the credential with filtered groups return some(MembershipCredentials(identityCredential: credential.identityCredential, membershipGroups: membershipGroupsIntersection)) else: return none(MembershipCredentials) # We hit this return only if # - filterIdentityCredentials.len() == 0 and filterMembershipContracts.len() == 0 (no filter) # - filterIdentityCredentials.len() != 0 and filterMembershipContracts.len() == 0 (filter only on identity credential) # Indeed, filterMembershipContracts.len() != 0 will have its exclusive return based on all values of membershipGroupsIntersection.len() return some(credential)