{.used.} import std/unittest, chronicles, chronos, stew/shims/net as stewNet, stew/byteutils, libp2p/crypto/crypto, libp2p/crypto/secp, libp2p/switch, eth/keys, ../../waku/v2/protocol/[waku_relay, waku_store, waku_filter, message_notifier], ../../waku/v2/node/wakunode2, ../test_helpers, ../../waku/v2/waku_types procSuite "WakuNode": let rng = keys.newRng() asyncTest "Message published with content filter is retrievable": let nodeKey = crypto.PrivateKey.random(Secp256k1, rng[])[] node = WakuNode.init(nodeKey, ValidIpAddress.init(""), Port(60000)) pubSubTopic = "chat" contentTopic = ContentTopic(1) filterRequest = FilterRequest(topic: pubSubTopic, contentFilters: @[ContentFilter(topics: @[contentTopic])], subscribe: true) message = WakuMessage(payload: "hello world".toBytes(), contentTopic: contentTopic) # This could/should become a more fixed handler (at least default) that # would be enforced on WakuNode level. proc relayHandler(topic: string, data: seq[byte]) {.async, gcsafe.} = let msg = WakuMessage.init(data) if msg.isOk(): check: topic == "chat" node.filters.notify(msg.value(), topic) var completionFut = newFuture[bool]() # This would be the actual application handler proc contentHandler(msg: WakuMessage) {.gcsafe, closure.} = let message = string.fromBytes(msg.payload) check: message == "hello world" completionFut.complete(true) await node.start() await node.mountRelay() # Subscribe our node to the pubSubTopic where all chat data go onto. await node.subscribe(pubSubTopic, relayHandler) # Subscribe a contentFilter to trigger a specific application handler when # WakuMessages with that content are received await node.subscribe(filterRequest, contentHandler) await sleepAsync(2000.millis) node.publish(pubSubTopic, message) check: (await completionFut.withTimeout(5.seconds)) == true await node.stop() asyncTest "Content filtered publishing over network": let nodeKey1 = crypto.PrivateKey.random(Secp256k1, rng[])[] node1 = WakuNode.init(nodeKey1, ValidIpAddress.init(""), Port(60000)) nodeKey2 = crypto.PrivateKey.random(Secp256k1, rng[])[] node2 = WakuNode.init(nodeKey2, ValidIpAddress.init(""), Port(60002)) pubSubTopic = "chat" contentTopic = ContentTopic(1) filterRequest = FilterRequest(topic: pubSubTopic, contentFilters: @[ContentFilter(topics: @[contentTopic])], subscribe: true) message = WakuMessage(payload: "hello world".toBytes(), contentTopic: contentTopic) var completionFut = newFuture[bool]() # This could/should become a more fixed handler (at least default) that # would be enforced on WakuNode level. proc relayHandler(topic: string, data: seq[byte]) {.async, gcsafe.} = let msg = WakuMessage.init(data) if msg.isOk(): check: topic == "chat" node1.filters.notify(msg.value(), topic) # This would be the actual application handler proc contentHandler(msg: WakuMessage) {.gcsafe, closure.} = let message = string.fromBytes(msg.payload) check: message == "hello world" completionFut.complete(true) await allFutures([node1.start(), node2.start()]) await node1.mountRelay() await node2.mountRelay() node1.mountFilter() node2.mountFilter() # Subscribe our node to the pubSubTopic where all chat data go onto. await node1.subscribe(pubSubTopic, relayHandler) # Subscribe a contentFilter to trigger a specific application handler when # WakuMessages with that content are received node1.wakuFilter.setPeer(node2.peerInfo) await node1.subscribe(filterRequest, contentHandler) await sleepAsync(2000.millis) # Connect peers by dialing from node2 to node1 let conn = await node2.switch.dial(node1.peerInfo.peerId, node1.peerInfo.addrs, WakuRelayCodec) # We need to sleep to allow the subscription to go through info "Going to sleep to allow subscribe to go through" await sleepAsync(2000.millis) info "Waking up and publishing" node2.publish(pubSubTopic, message) check: (await completionFut.withTimeout(5.seconds)) == true await node1.stop() await node2.stop() asyncTest "Store protocol returns expected message": let nodeKey1 = crypto.PrivateKey.random(Secp256k1, rng[])[] node1 = WakuNode.init(nodeKey1, ValidIpAddress.init(""), Port(60000)) nodeKey2 = crypto.PrivateKey.random(Secp256k1, rng[])[] node2 = WakuNode.init(nodeKey2, ValidIpAddress.init(""), Port(60002)) contentTopic = ContentTopic(1) message = WakuMessage(payload: "hello world".toBytes(), contentTopic: contentTopic) var completionFut = newFuture[bool]() await node1.start() node1.mountStore() await node2.start() node2.mountStore() await node2.subscriptions.notify("/waku/2/default-waku/proto", message) await sleepAsync(2000.millis) node1.wakuStore.setPeer(node2.peerInfo) proc storeHandler(response: HistoryResponse) {.gcsafe, closure.} = check: response.messages[0] == message completionFut.complete(true) await node1.query(HistoryQuery(topics: @[contentTopic]), storeHandler) check: (await completionFut.withTimeout(5.seconds)) == true await node1.stop() await node2.stop() asyncTest "Filter protocol returns expected message": let nodeKey1 = crypto.PrivateKey.random(Secp256k1, rng[])[] node1 = WakuNode.init(nodeKey1, ValidIpAddress.init(""), Port(60000)) nodeKey2 = crypto.PrivateKey.random(Secp256k1, rng[])[] node2 = WakuNode.init(nodeKey2, ValidIpAddress.init(""), Port(60002)) contentTopic = ContentTopic(1) message = WakuMessage(payload: "hello world".toBytes(), contentTopic: contentTopic) var completionFut = newFuture[bool]() await node1.start() node1.mountFilter() await node2.start() node2.mountFilter() node1.wakuFilter.setPeer(node2.peerInfo) proc handler(msg: WakuMessage) {.gcsafe, closure.} = check: msg == message completionFut.complete(true) await node1.subscribe(FilterRequest(topic: "/waku/2/default-waku/proto", contentFilters: @[ContentFilter(topics: @[contentTopic])], subscribe: true), handler) await sleepAsync(2000.millis) await node2.subscriptions.notify("/waku/2/default-waku/proto", message) await sleepAsync(2000.millis) check: (await completionFut.withTimeout(5.seconds)) == true await node1.stop() await node2.stop() asyncTest "Messages are correctly relayed": let nodeKey1 = crypto.PrivateKey.random(Secp256k1, rng[])[] node1 = WakuNode.init(nodeKey1, ValidIpAddress.init(""), Port(60000)) nodeKey2 = crypto.PrivateKey.random(Secp256k1, rng[])[] node2 = WakuNode.init(nodeKey2, ValidIpAddress.init(""), Port(60002)) nodeKey3 = crypto.PrivateKey.random(Secp256k1, rng[])[] node3 = WakuNode.init(nodeKey3, ValidIpAddress.init(""), Port(60003)) pubSubTopic = "test" contentTopic = ContentTopic(1) payload = "hello world".toBytes() message = WakuMessage(payload: payload, contentTopic: contentTopic) await node1.start() await node1.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node2.start() await node2.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node3.start() await node3.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node1.connectToNodes(@[node2.peerInfo]) await node3.connectToNodes(@[node2.peerInfo]) var completionFut = newFuture[bool]() proc relayHandler(topic: string, data: seq[byte]) {.async, gcsafe.} = let msg = WakuMessage.init(data) if msg.isOk(): let val = msg.value() check: topic == pubSubTopic val.contentTopic == contentTopic val.payload == payload completionFut.complete(true) await node3.subscribe(pubSubTopic, relayHandler) await sleepAsync(2000.millis) node1.publish(pubSubTopic, message) await sleepAsync(2000.millis) check: (await completionFut.withTimeout(5.seconds)) == true await node1.stop() await node2.stop() await node3.stop()