import pkg/unittest2 import ../web3 import chronos, options, json, stint, eth/keys import test_utils #[ Contract NumberStorage pragma solidity ^0.4.18; contract NumberStorage { uint num; function setNumber(uint _num) public { num = _num; } function getNumber() public constant returns (uint) { return num; } } ]# contract(NumberStorage): proc setNumber(number: UInt256) proc getNumber(): UInt256 {.view.} const NumberStorageCode = "6060604052341561000f57600080fd5b60bb8061001d6000396000f30060606040526004361060485763ffffffff7c01000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006000350416633fb5c1cb8114604d578063f2c9ecd8146062575b600080fd5b3415605757600080fd5b60606004356084565b005b3415606c57600080fd5b60726089565b60405190815260200160405180910390f35b600055565b600054905600a165627a7a7230582023e722f35009f12d5698a4ab22fb9d55a6c0f479fc43875c65be46fbdd8db4310029" suite "Signed transactions": test "contract creation and method invocation": proc test() {.async.} = let theRNG = newRng() let web3 = await newWeb3("ws://") let accounts = await web3.provider.eth_accounts() let gasPrice = int(await web3.provider.eth_gasPrice()) web3.defaultAccount = accounts[0] let pk = PrivateKey.random(theRNG[]) let acc = Address(toCanonicalAddress(pk.toPublicKey())) var tx: EthSend tx.source = accounts[0] tx.value = some(ethToWei(10.u256)) = some(acc) tx.gasPrice = some(gasPrice) # Send 10 eth to acc discard await web3.send(tx) var balance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(acc, "latest") assert(balance == ethToWei(10.u256)) # Send 5 eth back web3.privateKey = some(pk) tx.value = some(ethToWei(5.u256)) = some(accounts[0]) tx.gas = some(Quantity(3000000)) discard await web3.send(tx) balance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(acc, "latest") assert(balance in ethToWei(4.u256)..ethToWei(5.u256)) # 5 minus gas costs # Creating the contract with a signed tx let receipt = await web3.deployContract(NumberStorageCode, gasPrice = gasPrice) let contractAddress = receipt.contractAddress.get balance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(acc, "latest") assert(balance < ethToWei(5.u256)) let c = web3.contractSender(NumberStorage, contractAddress) # Calling a methof with a signed tx discard await c.setNumber(5.u256).send(gasPrice = gasPrice) let n = await c.getNumber().call() assert(n == 5.u256) await web3.close() waitFor test()