# basic2 TODO # publisher/subscriber Within `examples/v2` you can find a `publisher` and a `subscriber`. The first one publises messages to the default pubsub topic to a given content topic, and the second one runs forever listening to that pubsub topic and printing the content it receives. **Some notes:** * These examples are meant to work even in if you are behind a firewall and you can't be discovered by discv5. * You only need to provide a reachable bootstrap peer (see our [fleets](https://fleets.status.im/)) * The examples are meant to work out of the box. * Note that both services wait for some time until a given minimum amount of connections are reached. This is to ensure messages are gossiped. **Compile:** Make all examples. ```console make example2 ``` **Run:** Wait until the subscriber is ready. ```console ./build/subscriber ``` And run a publisher ```console ./build/publisher ``` See how the subscriber received the messages published by the publisher. Feel free to experiment from different machines in different locations.