{.used.} import std/[os, sequtils, sysrand, math], stew/byteutils, stew/shims/net as stewNet, testutils/unittests, chronos, libp2p/switch, libp2p/protocols/pubsub/pubsub, libp2p/protocols/pubsub/gossipsub import ../../waku/waku_core, ../../waku/node/peer_manager, ../../waku/waku_node, ../../waku/waku_relay, ../testlib/testutils, ../testlib/wakucore, ../testlib/wakunode template sourceDir(): string = currentSourcePath.parentDir() const KEY_PATH = sourceDir / "resources/test_key.pem" const CERT_PATH = sourceDir / "resources/test_cert.pem" suite "WakuNode - Relay": asyncTest "Relay protocol is started correctly": let nodeKey1 = generateSecp256k1Key() node1 = newTestWakuNode(nodeKey1, parseIpAddress(""), Port(0)) # Relay protocol starts if mounted after node start await node1.start() await node1.mountRelay() check: GossipSub(node1.wakuRelay).heartbeatFut.isNil() == false # Relay protocol starts if mounted before node start let nodeKey2 = generateSecp256k1Key() node2 = newTestWakuNode(nodeKey2, parseIpAddress(""), Port(0)) await node2.mountRelay() check: # Relay has not yet started as node has not yet started GossipSub(node2.wakuRelay).heartbeatFut.isNil() await node2.start() check: # Relay started on node start GossipSub(node2.wakuRelay).heartbeatFut.isNil() == false await allFutures([node1.stop(), node2.stop()]) asyncTest "Messages are correctly relayed": let nodeKey1 = generateSecp256k1Key() node1 = newTestWakuNode(nodeKey1, parseIpAddress(""), Port(0)) nodeKey2 = generateSecp256k1Key() node2 = newTestWakuNode(nodeKey2, parseIpAddress(""), Port(0)) nodeKey3 = generateSecp256k1Key() node3 = newTestWakuNode(nodeKey3, parseIpAddress(""), Port(0)) pubSubTopic = "test" contentTopic = ContentTopic("/waku/2/default-content/proto") payload = "hello world".toBytes() message = WakuMessage(payload: payload, contentTopic: contentTopic) await node1.start() await node1.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node2.start() await node2.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node3.start() await node3.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await allFutures( node1.connectToNodes(@[node2.switch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()]), node3.connectToNodes(@[node2.switch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()]), ) var completionFut = newFuture[bool]() proc relayHandler( topic: PubsubTopic, msg: WakuMessage ): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = check: topic == pubSubTopic msg.contentTopic == contentTopic msg.payload == payload completionFut.complete(true) node3.subscribe((kind: PubsubSub, topic: pubsubTopic), some(relayHandler)) await sleepAsync(500.millis) var res = await node1.publish(some(pubSubTopic), message) assert res.isOk(), $res.error ## Then check: (await completionFut.withTimeout(5.seconds)) == true ## Cleanup await allFutures(node1.stop(), node2.stop(), node3.stop()) asyncTest "filtering relayed messages using topic validators": ## test scenario: ## node1 and node3 set node2 as their relay node ## node3 publishes two messages with two different contentTopics but on the same pubsub topic ## node1 is also subscribed to the same pubsub topic ## node2 sets a validator for the same pubsub topic ## only one of the messages gets delivered to node1 because the validator only validates one of the content topics let # publisher node nodeKey1 = generateSecp256k1Key() node1 = newTestWakuNode(nodeKey1, parseIpAddress(""), Port(0)) # Relay node nodeKey2 = generateSecp256k1Key() node2 = newTestWakuNode(nodeKey2, parseIpAddress(""), Port(0)) # Subscriber nodeKey3 = generateSecp256k1Key() node3 = newTestWakuNode(nodeKey3, parseIpAddress(""), Port(0)) pubSubTopic = "test" contentTopic1 = ContentTopic("/waku/2/default-content/proto") payload = "hello world".toBytes() message1 = WakuMessage(payload: payload, contentTopic: contentTopic1) payload2 = "you should not see this message!".toBytes() contentTopic2 = ContentTopic("2") message2 = WakuMessage(payload: payload2, contentTopic: contentTopic2) # start all the nodes await node1.start() await node1.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node2.start() await node2.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node3.start() await node3.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node1.connectToNodes(@[node2.switch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()]) await node3.connectToNodes(@[node2.switch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()]) var completionFutValidatorAcc = newFuture[bool]() var completionFutValidatorRej = newFuture[bool]() # set a topic validator for pubSubTopic proc validator( topic: string, msg: WakuMessage ): Future[ValidationResult] {.async.} = ## the validator that only allows messages with contentTopic1 to be relayed check: topic == pubSubTopic # only relay messages with contentTopic1 if msg.contentTopic != contentTopic1: completionFutValidatorRej.complete(true) return ValidationResult.Reject completionFutValidatorAcc.complete(true) return ValidationResult.Accept node2.wakuRelay.addValidator(validator) var completionFut = newFuture[bool]() proc relayHandler( topic: PubsubTopic, msg: WakuMessage ): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = check: topic == pubSubTopic # check that only messages with contentTopic1 is relayed (but not contentTopic2) msg.contentTopic == contentTopic1 # relay handler is called completionFut.complete(true) node3.subscribe((kind: PubsubSub, topic: pubsubTopic), some(relayHandler)) await sleepAsync(500.millis) var res = await node1.publish(some(pubSubTopic), message1) assert res.isOk(), $res.error await sleepAsync(500.millis) # message2 never gets relayed because of the validator res = await node1.publish(some(pubSubTopic), message2) assert res.isOk(), $res.error await sleepAsync(500.millis) check: (await completionFut.withTimeout(10.seconds)) == true # check that validator is called for message1 (await completionFutValidatorAcc.withTimeout(10.seconds)) == true # check that validator is called for message2 (await completionFutValidatorRej.withTimeout(10.seconds)) == true await allFutures(node1.stop(), node2.stop(), node3.stop()) # TODO: Add a function to validate the WakuMessage integrity xasyncTest "Stats of peer sending wrong WakuMessages are updated": # Create 2 nodes let nodes = toSeq(0 .. 1).mapIt( newTestWakuNode(generateSecp256k1Key(), parseIpAddress(""), Port(0)) ) # Start all the nodes and mount relay with await allFutures(nodes.mapIt(it.start())) await allFutures(nodes.mapIt(it.mountRelay())) # Connect nodes let connOk = await nodes[0].peerManager.connectRelay( nodes[1].switch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo() ) require: connOk == true # Node 1 subscribes to topic nodes[1].subscribe((kind: PubsubSub, topic: DefaultPubsubTopic)) await sleepAsync(500.millis) # Node 0 publishes 5 messages not compliant with WakuMessage (aka random bytes) for i in 0 .. 4: discard await nodes[0].wakuRelay.publish(DefaultPubsubTopic, urandom(1 * (10 ^ 2))) # Wait for gossip await sleepAsync(500.millis) # Verify that node 1 has received 5 invalid messages from node 0 # meaning that message validity is enforced to gossip messages var peerStats = nodes[1].wakuRelay.peerStats check: peerStats[nodes[0].switch.peerInfo.peerId].topicInfos[DefaultPubsubTopic].invalidMessageDeliveries == 5.0 await allFutures(nodes.mapIt(it.stop())) asyncTest "Messages are relayed between two websocket nodes": let nodeKey1 = generateSecp256k1Key() node1 = newTestWakuNode( nodeKey1, parseIpAddress(""), bindPort = Port(0), wsBindPort = Port(0), wsEnabled = true, ) nodeKey2 = generateSecp256k1Key() node2 = newTestWakuNode( nodeKey2, parseIpAddress(""), bindPort = Port(0), wsBindPort = Port(0), wsEnabled = true, ) pubSubTopic = "test" contentTopic = ContentTopic("/waku/2/default-content/proto") payload = "hello world".toBytes() message = WakuMessage(payload: payload, contentTopic: contentTopic) await node1.start() await node1.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node2.start() await node2.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node1.connectToNodes(@[node2.switch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()]) var completionFut = newFuture[bool]() proc relayHandler( topic: PubsubTopic, msg: WakuMessage ): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = check: topic == pubSubTopic msg.contentTopic == contentTopic msg.payload == payload completionFut.complete(true) node1.subscribe((kind: PubsubSub, topic: pubsubTopic), some(relayHandler)) await sleepAsync(500.millis) let res = await node2.publish(some(pubSubTopic), message) assert res.isOk(), $res.error await sleepAsync(500.millis) check: (await completionFut.withTimeout(5.seconds)) == true await node1.stop() await node2.stop() asyncTest "Messages are relayed between nodes with multiple transports (TCP and Websockets)": let nodeKey1 = generateSecp256k1Key() node1 = newTestWakuNode( nodeKey1, parseIpAddress(""), bindPort = Port(0), wsBindPort = Port(0), wsEnabled = true, ) nodeKey2 = generateSecp256k1Key() node2 = newTestWakuNode(nodeKey2, parseIpAddress(""), bindPort = Port(0)) pubSubTopic = "test" contentTopic = ContentTopic("/waku/2/default-content/proto") payload = "hello world".toBytes() message = WakuMessage(payload: payload, contentTopic: contentTopic) await node1.start() await node1.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node2.start() await node2.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node1.connectToNodes(@[node2.switch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()]) var completionFut = newFuture[bool]() proc relayHandler( topic: PubsubTopic, msg: WakuMessage ): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = check: topic == pubSubTopic msg.contentTopic == contentTopic msg.payload == payload completionFut.complete(true) node1.subscribe((kind: PubsubSub, topic: pubsubTopic), some(relayHandler)) await sleepAsync(500.millis) let res = await node2.publish(some(pubSubTopic), message) assert res.isOk(), $res.error await sleepAsync(500.millis) check: (await completionFut.withTimeout(5.seconds)) == true await node1.stop() await node2.stop() asyncTest "Messages relaying fails with non-overlapping transports (TCP or Websockets)": let nodeKey1 = generateSecp256k1Key() node1 = newTestWakuNode(nodeKey1, parseIpAddress(""), bindPort = Port(0)) nodeKey2 = generateSecp256k1Key() node2 = newTestWakuNode( nodeKey2, parseIpAddress(""), bindPort = Port(0), wsBindPort = Port(0), wsEnabled = true, ) pubSubTopic = "test" contentTopic = ContentTopic("/waku/2/default-content/proto") payload = "hello world".toBytes() message = WakuMessage(payload: payload, contentTopic: contentTopic) await node1.start() await node1.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node2.start() await node2.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) #delete websocket peer address # TODO: a better way to find the index - this is too brittle node2.switch.peerInfo.listenAddrs.delete(0) await node1.connectToNodes(@[node2.switch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()]) var completionFut = newFuture[bool]() proc relayHandler( topic: PubsubTopic, msg: WakuMessage ): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = check: topic == pubSubTopic msg.contentTopic == contentTopic msg.payload == payload completionFut.complete(true) node1.subscribe((kind: PubsubSub, topic: pubsubTopic), some(relayHandler)) await sleepAsync(500.millis) let res = await node2.publish(some(pubSubTopic), message) assert res.isOk(), $res.error await sleepAsync(500.millis) check: (await completionFut.withTimeout(5.seconds)) == false await allFutures(node1.stop(), node2.stop()) asyncTest "Messages are relayed between nodes with multiple transports (TCP and secure Websockets)": let nodeKey1 = generateSecp256k1Key() node1 = newTestWakuNode( nodeKey1, parseIpAddress(""), bindPort = Port(0), wsBindPort = Port(0), wssEnabled = true, secureKey = KEY_PATH, secureCert = CERT_PATH, ) nodeKey2 = generateSecp256k1Key() node2 = newTestWakuNode(nodeKey2, parseIpAddress(""), bindPort = Port(0)) pubSubTopic = "test" contentTopic = ContentTopic("/waku/2/default-content/proto") payload = "hello world".toBytes() message = WakuMessage(payload: payload, contentTopic: contentTopic) await node1.start() await node1.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node2.start() await node2.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node1.connectToNodes(@[node2.switch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()]) var completionFut = newFuture[bool]() proc relayHandler( topic: PubsubTopic, msg: WakuMessage ): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = check: topic == pubSubTopic msg.contentTopic == contentTopic msg.payload == payload completionFut.complete(true) node1.subscribe((kind: PubsubSub, topic: pubsubTopic), some(relayHandler)) await sleepAsync(500.millis) let res = await node2.publish(some(pubSubTopic), message) assert res.isOk(), $res.error await sleepAsync(500.millis) check: (await completionFut.withTimeout(5.seconds)) == true await allFutures(node1.stop(), node2.stop()) asyncTest "Messages are relayed between nodes with multiple transports (websocket and secure Websockets)": let nodeKey1 = generateSecp256k1Key() node1 = newTestWakuNode( nodeKey1, parseIpAddress(""), bindPort = Port(0), wsBindPort = Port(0), wssEnabled = true, secureKey = KEY_PATH, secureCert = CERT_PATH, ) nodeKey2 = generateSecp256k1Key() node2 = newTestWakuNode( nodeKey2, parseIpAddress(""), bindPort = Port(0), wsBindPort = Port(0), wsEnabled = true, ) let pubSubTopic = "test" contentTopic = ContentTopic("/waku/2/default-content/proto") payload = "hello world".toBytes() message = WakuMessage(payload: payload, contentTopic: contentTopic) await node1.start() await node1.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node2.start() await node2.mountRelay(@[pubSubTopic]) await node1.connectToNodes(@[node2.switch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()]) var completionFut = newFuture[bool]() proc relayHandler( topic: PubsubTopic, msg: WakuMessage ): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = check: topic == pubSubTopic msg.contentTopic == contentTopic msg.payload == payload completionFut.complete(true) node1.subscribe((kind: PubsubSub, topic: pubsubTopic), some(relayHandler)) await sleepAsync(500.millis) let res = await node2.publish(some(pubSubTopic), message) assert res.isOk(), $res.error await sleepAsync(500.millis) check: (await completionFut.withTimeout(5.seconds)) == true await node1.stop() await node2.stop() asyncTest "Bad peers with low reputation are disconnected": # Create 5 nodes let nodes = toSeq(0 ..< 5).mapIt( newTestWakuNode(generateSecp256k1Key(), parseIpAddress(""), Port(0)) ) await allFutures(nodes.mapIt(it.start())) await allFutures(nodes.mapIt(it.mountRelay())) # subscribe all nodes to a topic let topic = "topic" for node in nodes: discard node.wakuRelay.subscribe(topic, nil) await sleepAsync(500.millis) # connect nodes in full mesh for i in 0 ..< 5: for j in 0 ..< 5: if i == j: continue let connOk = await nodes[i].peerManager.connectRelay( nodes[j].switch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo() ) require connOk # connection triggers different actions, wait for them await sleepAsync(1.seconds) # all peers are connected in a mesh, 4 conns each for i in 0 ..< 5: check: nodes[i].peerManager.switch.connManager.getConnections().len == 4 # node[0] publishes wrong messages (random bytes not decoding into WakuMessage) for j in 0 ..< 50: discard await nodes[0].wakuRelay.publish(topic, urandom(1 * (10 ^ 3))) # long wait, must be higher than the configured decayInterval (how often score is updated) await sleepAsync(20.seconds) # all nodes lower the score of nodes[0] (will change if gossipsub params or amount of msg changes) for i in 1 ..< 5: check: nodes[i].wakuRelay.peerStats[nodes[0].switch.peerInfo.peerId].score == -249999.9 # nodes[0] was blacklisted from all other peers, no connections check: nodes[0].peerManager.switch.connManager.getConnections().len == 0 # the rest of the nodes now have 1 conn less (kicked nodes[0] out) for i in 1 ..< 5: check: nodes[i].peerManager.switch.connManager.getConnections().len == 3 # Stop all nodes await allFutures(nodes.mapIt(it.stop())) asyncTest "Unsubscribe keep the subscription if other content topics also use the shard": ## Setup let nodeKey = generateSecp256k1Key() node = newTestWakuNode(nodeKey, parseIpAddress(""), Port(0)) await node.start() await node.mountRelay() require node.mountSharding(1, 1).isOk ## Given let shard = "/waku/2/rs/1/0" contentTopicA = DefaultContentTopic contentTopicB = ContentTopic("/waku/2/default-content1/proto") contentTopicC = ContentTopic("/waku/2/default-content2/proto") handler: WakuRelayHandler = proc( pubsubTopic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage ): Future[void] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} = discard pubsubTopic discard message assert shard == node.wakuSharding.getShard(contentTopicA).expect("Valid Topic"), "topic must use the same shard" assert shard == node.wakuSharding.getShard(contentTopicB).expect("Valid Topic"), "topic must use the same shard" assert shard == node.wakuSharding.getShard(contentTopicC).expect("Valid Topic"), "topic must use the same shard" ## When node.subscribe((kind: ContentSub, topic: contentTopicA), some(handler)) node.subscribe((kind: ContentSub, topic: contentTopicB), some(handler)) node.subscribe((kind: ContentSub, topic: contentTopicC), some(handler)) ## Then node.unsubscribe((kind: ContentUnsub, topic: contentTopicB)) check node.wakuRelay.isSubscribed(shard) node.unsubscribe((kind: ContentUnsub, topic: contentTopicA)) check node.wakuRelay.isSubscribed(shard) node.unsubscribe((kind: ContentUnsub, topic: contentTopicC)) check not node.wakuRelay.isSubscribed(shard) ## Cleanup await node.stop()