import std/[strutils, strformat], results, chronos, regex, confutils, confutils/defs, confutils/std/net, confutils/toml/defs as confTomlDefs, confutils/toml/std/net as confTomlNet, libp2p/crypto/crypto, libp2p/crypto/secp, libp2p/multiaddress, nimcrypto/utils, secp256k1, json import waku/[ common/confutils/envvar/defs as confEnvvarDefs, common/confutils/envvar/std/net as confEnvvarNet, common/logging, factory/external_config, waku/waku_core, ] export confTomlDefs, confTomlNet, confEnvvarDefs, confEnvvarNet const LitePubsubTopic* = PubsubTopic("/waku/2/rs/0/0") LiteContentTopic* = ContentTopic("/tester/1/light-pubsub-example/proto") type TesterFunctionality* = enum SENDER # pumps messages to the network RECEIVER # gather and analyze messages from the network type LiteProtocolTesterConf* = object configFile* {. desc: "Loads configuration from a TOML file (cmd-line parameters take precedence) for the light waku node", name: "config-file" .}: Option[InputFile] ## Log configuration logLevel* {. desc: "Sets the log level for process. Supported levels: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARN, ERROR or FATAL", defaultValue: logging.LogLevel.DEBUG, name: "log-level" .}: logging.LogLevel logFormat* {. desc: "Specifies what kind of logs should be written to stdout. Suported formats: TEXT, JSON", defaultValue: logging.LogFormat.TEXT, name: "log-format" .}: logging.LogFormat ## Test configuration servicenode* {.desc: "Peer multiaddr of the service node.", name: "service-node".}: string nat* {. desc: "Specify method to use for determining public address. " & "Must be one of: any, none, upnp, pmp, extip:.", defaultValue: "any" .}: string testFunc* {. desc: "Specifies the lite protocol tester side. Supported values: sender, receiver.", defaultValue: TesterFunctionality.RECEIVER, name: "test-func" .}: TesterFunctionality numMessages* {. desc: "Number of messages to send.", defaultValue: 120, name: "num-messages" .}: uint32 delayMessages* {. desc: "Delay between messages in milliseconds.", defaultValue: 1000, name: "delay-messages" .}: uint32 pubsubTopics* {. desc: "Default pubsub topic to subscribe to. Argument may be repeated.", defaultValue: @[LitePubsubTopic], name: "pubsub-topic" .}: seq[PubsubTopic] ## TODO: extend lite protocol tester configuration based on testing needs # shards* {. # desc: "Shards index to subscribe to [0..MAX_SHARDS-1]. Argument may be repeated.", # defaultValue: @[], # name: "shard" # .}: seq[uint16] contentTopics* {. desc: "Default content topic to subscribe to. Argument may be repeated.", defaultValue: @[LiteContentTopic], name: "content-topic" .}: seq[ContentTopic] clusterId* {. desc: "Cluster id that the node is running in. Node in a different cluster id is disconnected.", defaultValue: 0, name: "cluster-id" .}: uint32 ## Tester REST service configuration restAddress* {. desc: "Listening address of the REST HTTP server.", defaultValue: parseIpAddress(""), name: "rest-address" .}: IpAddress restPort* {. desc: "Listening port of the REST HTTP server.", defaultValue: 8654, name: "rest-port" .}: uint16 restAllowOrigin* {. desc: "Allow cross-origin requests from the specified origin." & "Argument may be repeated." & "Wildcards: * or ? allowed." & "Ex.: \"localhost:*\" or \"\"", defaultValue: @["*"], name: "rest-allow-origin" .}: seq[string] {.push warning[ProveInit]: off.} proc load*(T: type LiteProtocolTesterConf, version = ""): ConfResult[T] = try: let conf = LiteProtocolTesterConf.load( version = version, secondarySources = proc( conf: LiteProtocolTesterConf, sources: auto ) {.gcsafe, raises: [ConfigurationError].} = sources.addConfigFile(Envvar, InputFile("liteprotocoltester")) , ) ok(conf) except CatchableError: err(getCurrentExceptionMsg()) {.pop.}