#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base64.h" #include "../../library/libwaku.h" #define WAKU_CALL(call) \ do { \ int ret = call; \ if (ret != 0) { \ std::cout << "Failed the call to: " << #call << ". Code: " << ret << "\n"; \ } \ } while (0) struct ConfigNode { char host[128]; int port; char key[128]; int relay; char peers[2048]; }; // Arguments parsing static char doc[] = "\nC example that shows how to use the waku library."; static char args_doc[] = ""; static struct argp_option options[] = { { "host", 'h', "HOST", 0, "IP to listen for for LibP2P traffic. (default: \"\")"}, { "port", 'p', "PORT", 0, "TCP listening port. (default: \"60000\")"}, { "key", 'k', "KEY", 0, "P2P node private key as 64 char hex string."}, { "relay", 'r', "RELAY", 0, "Enable relay protocol: 1 or 0. (default: 1)"}, { "peers", 'a', "PEERS", 0, "Comma-separated list of peer-multiaddress to connect\ to. (default: \"\") e.g. \"/ip4/\""}, { 0 } }; static error_t parse_opt(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) { struct ConfigNode *cfgNode = (ConfigNode *) state->input; switch (key) { case 'h': snprintf(cfgNode->host, 128, "%s", arg); break; case 'p': cfgNode->port = atoi(arg); break; case 'k': snprintf(cfgNode->key, 128, "%s", arg); break; case 'r': cfgNode->relay = atoi(arg); break; case 'a': snprintf(cfgNode->peers, 2048, "%s", arg); break; case ARGP_KEY_ARG: if (state->arg_num >= 1) /* Too many arguments. */ argp_usage(state); break; case ARGP_KEY_END: break; default: return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; } return 0; } static struct argp argp = { options, parse_opt, args_doc, doc, 0, 0, 0 }; // Beginning of UI program logic enum PROGRAM_STATE { MAIN_MENU, SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC_MENU, CONNECT_TO_OTHER_NODE_MENU, PUBLISH_MESSAGE_MENU }; enum PROGRAM_STATE current_state = MAIN_MENU; void show_main_menu() { printf("\nPlease, select an option:\n"); printf("\t1.) Subscribe to topic\n"); printf("\t2.) Connect to other node\n"); printf("\t3.) Publish a message\n"); } void handle_user_input() { char cmd[1024]; memset(cmd, 0, 1024); int numRead = read(0, cmd, 1024); if (numRead <= 0) { return; } int c; while ( (c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF ) { } switch (atoi(cmd)) { case SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC_MENU: { printf("Indicate the Pubsubtopic to subscribe:\n"); char pubsubTopic[128]; scanf("%127s", pubsubTopic); // if (!waku_relay_subscribe(pubsubTopic, &mResp)) { // printf("Error subscribing to PubsubTopic: %s\n", mResp->data); // } // printf("Waku Relay subscription response: %s\n", mResp->data); show_main_menu(); } break; case CONNECT_TO_OTHER_NODE_MENU: printf("Connecting to a node. Please indicate the peer Multiaddress:\n"); printf("e.g.: /ip4/\n"); char peerAddr[512]; scanf("%511s", peerAddr); // if (!waku_connect(peerAddr, 10000 /* timeoutMs */, &mResp)) { // printf("Couldn't connect to the remote peer: %s\n", mResp->data); // } show_main_menu(); break; case PUBLISH_MESSAGE_MENU: { printf("Indicate the Pubsubtopic:\n"); char pubsubTopic[128]; scanf("%127s", pubsubTopic); printf("Type the message tp publish:\n"); char msg[1024]; scanf("%1023s", msg); char jsonWakuMsg[1024]; std::vector msgPayload; b64_encode(msg, strlen(msg), msgPayload); // waku_content_topic("appName", // 1, // "contentTopicName", // "encoding", // &mResp); // snprintf(jsonWakuMsg, // 1024, // "{\"payload\":\"%s\",\"content_topic\":\"%s\"}", // msgPayload, mResp->data); // free(msgPayload); // waku_relay_publish(pubsubTopic, jsonWakuMsg, 10000 /*timeout ms*/, &mResp); // printf("waku relay response [%s]\n", mResp->data); show_main_menu(); } break; case MAIN_MENU: break; } } // End of UI program logic void show_help_and_exit() { printf("Wrong parameters\n"); exit(1); } void event_handler(const char* msg, size_t len) { printf("Receiving message %s\n", msg); } void handle_error(const char* msg, size_t len) { printf("Error: %s\n", msg); exit(1); } template auto cify(F&& f) { static F fn = std::forward(f); return [](const char* msg, size_t len) { return fn(msg, len); }; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { struct ConfigNode cfgNode; // default values snprintf(cfgNode.host, 128, ""); snprintf(cfgNode.key, 128, "364d111d729a6eb6d2e6113e163f017b5ef03a6f94c9b5b7bb1bb36fa5cb07a9"); cfgNode.port = 60000; cfgNode.relay = 1; if (argp_parse(&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &cfgNode) == ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN) { show_help_and_exit(); } char jsonConfig[1024]; snprintf(jsonConfig, 1024, "{ \ \"host\": \"%s\", \ \"port\": %d, \ \"key\": \"%s\", \ \"relay\": %s, \ \"logLevel\": \"DEBUG\" \ }", cfgNode.host, cfgNode.port, cfgNode.key, cfgNode.relay ? "true":"false"); WAKU_CALL(waku_new(jsonConfig, cify([](const char* msg, size_t len) { std::cout << "Error: " << msg << std::endl; exit(1); }))); // example on how to retrieve a value from the `libwaku` callback. std::string defaultPubsubTopic; WAKU_CALL(waku_default_pubsub_topic(cify([&defaultPubsubTopic](const char* msg, size_t len) { defaultPubsubTopic = msg; }))); std::cout << "Default pubsub topic: " << defaultPubsubTopic << std::endl; WAKU_CALL(waku_version(cify([&](const char* msg, size_t len) { std::cout << "Git Version: " << msg << std::endl; }))); printf("Bind addr: %s:%u\n", cfgNode.host, cfgNode.port); printf("Waku Relay enabled: %s\n", cfgNode.relay == 1 ? "YES": "NO"); std::string pubsubTopic; WAKU_CALL(waku_pubsub_topic("example", cify([&](const char* msg, size_t len) { pubsubTopic = msg; }))); std::cout << "Custom pubsub topic: " << pubsubTopic << std::endl; waku_set_event_callback(event_handler); waku_start(); WAKU_CALL( waku_connect(cfgNode.peers, 10000 /* timeoutMs */, handle_error) ); WAKU_CALL( waku_relay_subscribe(defaultPubsubTopic.c_str(), handle_error) ); std::cout << "Establishing connection with: " << cfgNode.peers << std::endl; WAKU_CALL(waku_connect(cfgNode.peers, 10000 /* timeoutMs */, handle_error)); show_main_menu(); while(1) { handle_user_input(); } }