{.used.} {.push raises: [].} import std/[options, os, osproc, sequtils, deques, streams, strutils, tempfiles, strformat], stew/[results, byteutils], testutils/unittests, chronos, chronicles, stint, web3, json, libp2p/crypto/crypto, eth/keys import waku/[ waku_rln_relay, waku_rln_relay/protocol_types, waku_rln_relay/constants, waku_rln_relay/contract, waku_rln_relay/rln, ], ../testlib/common, ./utils const CHAIN_ID* = 1337 proc generateCredentials*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN): IdentityCredential = let credRes = membershipKeyGen(rlnInstance) return credRes.get() proc getRateCommitment*( idCredential: IdentityCredential, userMessageLimit: UserMessageLimit ): RlnRelayResult[RawRateCommitment] = return RateCommitment( idCommitment: idCredential.idCommitment, userMessageLimit: userMessageLimit ).toLeaf() proc generateCredentials*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, n: int): seq[IdentityCredential] = var credentials: seq[IdentityCredential] for i in 0 ..< n: credentials.add(generateCredentials(rlnInstance)) return credentials # a util function used for testing purposes # it deploys membership contract on Anvil (or any Eth client available on EthClient address) # must be edited if used for a different contract than membership contract # proc uploadRLNContract*(ethClientAddress: string): Future[Address] {.async.} = let web3 = await newWeb3(ethClientAddress) debug "web3 connected to", ethClientAddress # fetch the list of registered accounts let accounts = await web3.provider.eth_accounts() web3.defaultAccount = accounts[1] let add = web3.defaultAccount debug "contract deployer account address ", add let balance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(web3.defaultAccount, "latest") debug "Initial account balance: ", balance # deploy poseidon hasher bytecode let poseidonT3Receipt = await web3.deployContract(PoseidonT3) let poseidonT3Address = poseidonT3Receipt.contractAddress.get() let poseidonAddressStripped = strip0xPrefix($poseidonT3Address) # deploy lazy imt bytecode let lazyImtReceipt = await web3.deployContract( LazyIMT.replace("__$PoseidonT3$__", poseidonAddressStripped) ) let lazyImtAddress = lazyImtReceipt.contractAddress.get() let lazyImtAddressStripped = strip0xPrefix($lazyImtAddress) # deploy waku rlnv2 contract let wakuRlnContractReceipt = await web3.deployContract( WakuRlnV2Contract.replace("__$PoseidonT3$__", poseidonAddressStripped).replace( "__$LazyIMT$__", lazyImtAddressStripped ) ) let wakuRlnContractAddress = wakuRlnContractReceipt.contractAddress.get() let wakuRlnAddressStripped = strip0xPrefix($wakuRlnContractAddress) debug "Address of the deployed rlnv2 contract: ", wakuRlnContractAddress # need to send concat: impl & init_bytes let contractInput = encode(wakuRlnContractAddress).data & Erc1967ProxyContractInput debug "contractInput", contractInput let proxyReceipt = await web3.deployContract(Erc1967Proxy, contractInput = contractInput) debug "proxy receipt", proxyReceipt let proxyAddress = proxyReceipt.contractAddress.get() let newBalance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(web3.defaultAccount, "latest") debug "Account balance after the contract deployment: ", newBalance await web3.close() debug "disconnected from ", ethClientAddress return proxyAddress proc createEthAccount*( ethAmount: UInt256 = 1000.u256 ): Future[(keys.PrivateKey, Address)] {.async.} = let web3 = await newWeb3(EthClient) let accounts = await web3.provider.eth_accounts() let gasPrice = int(await web3.provider.eth_gasPrice()) web3.defaultAccount = accounts[0] let pk = keys.PrivateKey.random(rng[]) let acc = Address(toCanonicalAddress(pk.toPublicKey())) var tx: EthSend tx.source = accounts[0] tx.value = some(ethToWei(ethAmount)) tx.to = some(acc) tx.gasPrice = some(gasPrice) # Send ethAmount to acc discard await web3.send(tx) let balance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(acc, "latest") assert balance == ethToWei(ethAmount), fmt"Balance is {balance} but expected {ethToWei(ethAmount)}" return (pk, acc) proc getAnvilPath*(): string = var anvilPath = "" if existsEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"): anvilPath = joinPath(anvilPath, os.getEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "")) else: anvilPath = joinPath(anvilPath, os.getEnv("HOME", "")) anvilPath = joinPath(anvilPath, ".foundry/bin/anvil") return $anvilPath # Runs Anvil daemon proc runAnvil*(port: int = 8540, chainId: string = "1337"): Process = # Passed options are # --port Port to listen on. # --gas-limit Sets the block gas limit in WEI. # --balance The default account balance, specified in ether. # --chain-id Chain ID of the network. # See anvil documentation https://book.getfoundry.sh/reference/anvil/ for more details try: let anvilPath = getAnvilPath() debug "Anvil path", anvilPath let runAnvil = startProcess( anvilPath, args = [ "--port", "8540", "--gas-limit", "300000000000000", "--balance", "1000000000", "--chain-id", $CHAIN_ID, ], options = {poUsePath}, ) let anvilPID = runAnvil.processID # We read stdout from Anvil to see when daemon is ready var anvilStartLog: string var cmdline: string while true: try: if runAnvil.outputstream.readLine(cmdline): anvilStartLog.add(cmdline) if cmdline.contains("Listening on" & $port): break except Exception, CatchableError: break debug "Anvil daemon is running and ready", pid = anvilPID, startLog = anvilStartLog return runAnvil except: # TODO: Fix "BareExcept" warning error "Anvil daemon run failed", err = getCurrentExceptionMsg() # Stops Anvil daemon proc stopAnvil*(runAnvil: Process) {.used.} = let anvilPID = runAnvil.processID # We wait the daemon to exit try: # We terminate Anvil daemon by sending a SIGTERM signal to the runAnvil PID to trigger RPC server termination and clean-up kill(runAnvil) debug "Sent SIGTERM to Anvil", anvilPID = anvilPID except: error "Anvil daemon termination failed: ", err = getCurrentExceptionMsg() proc setup*( ethClientAddress: string = EthClient, ethAmount: UInt256 = 10.u256 ): Future[OnchainGroupManager] {.async.} = let rlnInstanceRes = createRlnInstance(tree_path = genTempPath("rln_tree", "group_manager_onchain")) check: rlnInstanceRes.isOk() let rlnInstance = rlnInstanceRes.get() let contractAddress = await uploadRLNContract(ethClientAddress) # connect to the eth client let web3 = await newWeb3(ethClientAddress) let accounts = await web3.provider.eth_accounts() web3.defaultAccount = accounts[0] var pk = none(string) let (privateKey, _) = await createEthAccount(ethAmount) pk = some($privateKey) let manager = OnchainGroupManager( ethClientUrl: ethClientAddress, ethContractAddress: $contractAddress, chainId: CHAIN_ID, ethPrivateKey: pk, rlnInstance: rlnInstance, onFatalErrorAction: proc(errStr: string) = raiseAssert errStr , ) return manager {.pop.}