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synced 2025-01-27 07:06:42 +00:00
common types & codec
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import std/[options, random], chronos, chronicles
import waku/[node/peer_manager, waku_core, waku_store_sync], ../testlib/wakucore
proc randomHash*(rng: var Rand): WakuMessageHash =
var hash = EmptyWakuMessageHash
for i in 0 ..< hash.len:
hash[i] = rng.rand(uint8)
return hash
proc newTestWakuRecon*(
switch: Switch,
idsRx: AsyncQueue[ID],
wantsTx: AsyncQueue[(PeerId, Fingerprint)],
needsTx: AsyncQueue[(PeerId, Fingerprint)],
): Future[SyncReconciliation] {.async.} =
let peerManager = PeerManager.new(switch)
let res = await SyncReconciliation.new(
peerManager = peerManager,
wakuArchive = nil,
relayJitter = 0.seconds,
idsRx = idsRx,
wantsTx = wantsTx,
needsTx = needsTx,
let proto = res.get()
return proto
proc newTestWakuTransfer*(
switch: Switch,
idsTx: AsyncQueue[ID],
wantsRx: AsyncQueue[(PeerId, Fingerprint)],
needsRx: AsyncQueue[(PeerId, Fingerprint)],
): SyncTransfer =
let peerManager = PeerManager.new(switch)
let proto = SyncTransfer.new(
peerManager = peerManager,
wakuArchive = nil,
idsTx = idsTx,
wantsRx = wantsRx,
needsRx = needsRx,
return proto
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
import std/[options, random], testutils/unittests, chronos
proc randomItemSet(count: int, startTime: Timestamp, rng: var Rand): ItemSet =
elements = newSeqOfCap[ID](count)
lastTime = startTime
for i in 0 ..< count:
let diff = rng.rand(9.uint8) + 1
let timestamp = lastTime + diff * 1_000_000_000
lastTime = timestamp
let hash = randomHash(rng)
let id = ID(time: Timestamp(timestamp), fingerprint: hash)
return ItemSet(elements: elements, reconciled: true)
proc randomSetRange(
count: int, startTime: Timestamp, rng: var Rand
): (Slice[ID], ItemSet) =
let itemSet = randomItemSet(count, startTime, rng)
lb = itemSet.elements[0]
ub = itemSet.elements[^1]
#for test check equality
lb.fingerprint = EmptyFingerprint
ub.fingerprint = EmptyFingerprint
let bounds = lb .. ub
return (bounds, itemSet)
suite "Waku Store Sync Codec":
test "empty item set encoding roundtrip":
var origItemSet = ItemSet()
origItemSet.reconciled = true
var encodedSet = origItemSet.deltaEncode()
var itemSet = ItemSet()
let _ = deltaDecode(itemSet, encodedSet, 0)
origItemSet == itemSet
test "item set encoding roundtrip":
count = 10
time = getNowInNanosecondTime()
var rng = initRand()
let origItemSet = randomItemSet(count, time, rng)
var encodedSet = origItemSet.deltaEncode()
#faking a longer payload
let pad: seq[byte] =
@[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
encodedSet &= pad
var itemSet = ItemSet()
let _ = deltaDecode(itemSet, encodedSet, count)
origItemSet == itemSet
test "payload item set encoding roundtrip":
let count = 5
rng = initRand()
time = getNowInNanosecondTime()
let (bounds1, itemSet1) = randomSetRange(count, time, rng)
let (bounds2, itemSet2) = randomSetRange(count, time + 10_000_000_000, rng)
let (bounds3, itemSet3) = randomSetRange(count, time + 20_000_000_000, rng)
let (bounds4, itemSet4) = randomSetRange(count, time + 30_000_000_000, rng)
let range1 = (bounds1, RangeType.itemSetRange)
let range2 = (bounds2, RangeType.itemSetRange)
let range3 = (bounds3, RangeType.itemSetRange)
let range4 = (bounds4, RangeType.itemSetRange)
let payload = SyncPayload(
ranges: @[range1, range2, range3, range4],
fingerprints: @[],
itemSets: @[itemSet1, itemSet2, itemSet3, itemSet4],
let encodedPayload = payload.deltaEncode()
let decodedPayload = SyncPayload.deltaDecode(encodedPayload)
payload.ranges[0][0].b == decodedPayload.ranges[0][0].b
payload.ranges[1][0].b == decodedPayload.ranges[1][0].b
payload.ranges[2][0].b == decodedPayload.ranges[2][0].b
payload.ranges[3][0].b == decodedPayload.ranges[3][0].b
payload.itemSets == decodedPayload.itemSets
test "payload fingerprint encoding roundtrip":
let count = 4
rng = initRand()
lastTime = getNowInNanosecondTime()
ranges = newSeqOfCap[(Slice[ID], RangeType)](4)
for i in 0 ..< count:
let lb = ID(time: Timestamp(lastTime), fingerprint: EmptyFingerprint)
#echo "lower bound: " & $lastTime
let nowTime = lastTime + 10_000_000_000 # 10s
#echo "upper bound: " & $nowTime
lastTime = nowTime
let ub = ID(time: Timestamp(nowTime), fingerprint: EmptyFingerprint)
let bounds = lb .. ub
let range = (bounds, RangeType.fingerprintRange)
let payload = SyncPayload(
ranges: ranges,
@[randomHash(rng), randomHash(rng), randomHash(rng), randomHash(rng)],
itemSets: @[],
let encodedPayload = payload.deltaEncode()
#echo "encoding done!"
let decodedPayload = SyncPayload.deltaDecode(encodedPayload)
payload.ranges[0][0].b == decodedPayload.ranges[0][0].b
payload.ranges[1][0].b == decodedPayload.ranges[1][0].b
payload.ranges[2][0].b == decodedPayload.ranges[2][0].b
payload.ranges[3][0].b == decodedPayload.ranges[3][0].b
payload.fingerprints == decodedPayload.fingerprints
test "payload mixed encoding roundtrip":
let count = 2
rng = initRand()
lastTime = getNowInNanosecondTime()
ranges = newSeqOfCap[(Slice[ID], RangeType)](4)
itemSets = newSeqOfCap[ItemSet](4)
fingerprints = newSeqOfCap[Fingerprint](4)
for i in 1 .. count:
let lb = ID(time: Timestamp(lastTime), fingerprint: EmptyFingerprint)
let nowTime = lastTime + 10_000_000_000 # 10s
lastTime = nowTime
let ub = ID(time: Timestamp(nowTime), fingerprint: EmptyFingerprint)
let bounds = lb .. ub
let range = (bounds, RangeType.fingerprintRange)
let (bound, itemSet) = randomSetRange(5, lastTime, rng)
lastTime += 50_000_000_000 # 50s
ranges.add((bound, RangeType.itemSetRange))
let payload =
SyncPayload(ranges: ranges, fingerprints: fingerprints, itemSets: itemSets)
let encodedPayload = payload.deltaEncode()
#echo "encoding done!"
let decodedPayload = SyncPayload.deltaDecode(encodedPayload)
payload.ranges[0][0].b == decodedPayload.ranges[0][0].b
payload.ranges[1][0].b == decodedPayload.ranges[1][0].b
payload.ranges[2][0].b == decodedPayload.ranges[2][0].b
payload.ranges[3][0].b == decodedPayload.ranges[3][0].b
payload.fingerprints == decodedPayload.fingerprints
payload.itemSets == decodedPayload.itemSets
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
{.push raises: [].}
import std/sequtils, stew/leb128
import ../common/protobuf, ../waku_core/message, ../waku_core/time, ./common
proc encode*(value: WakuMessagePayload): ProtoBuffer =
var pb = initProtoBuffer()
pb.write3(1, value.pubsub)
pb.write3(2, value.message.encode())
return pb
proc deltaEncode*(itemSet: ItemSet): seq[byte] =
let capacity = 1 + (itemSet.elements.len * 41)
output = newSeqOfCap[byte](capacity)
lastTime = Timestamp(0)
buf = Leb128Buf[uint64]()
for id in itemSet.elements:
let timeDiff = uint64(id.time) - uint64(lastTime)
lastTime = id.time
# encode timestamp
buf = timediff.toBytes(Leb128)
output &= @buf
output &= id.fingerprint
output &= byte(itemSet.reconciled)
return output
proc deltaEncode*(value: SyncPayload): seq[byte] =
if value.ranges.len == 0:
return @[0]
output = newSeqOfCap[byte](1000)
buf = Leb128Buf[uint64]()
lastTimestamp: Timestamp
lastHash: Fingerprint
i = 0
j = 0
# the first range is implicit but must be explicit when encoded
let (bound, _) = value.ranges[0]
lastTimestamp = bound.a.time
lastHash = bound.a.fingerprint
# encode first timestamp
buf = uint64(lastTimestamp).toBytes(Leb128)
output &= @buf
#echo "First Timestamp: " & $lastTimestamp
# implicit first fingerprint is always 0 and range type is always skip
for (bound, rangeType) in value.ranges:
let timeDiff = uint64(bound.b.time) - uint64(lastTimestamp)
lastTimestamp = bound.b.time
# encode timestamp
buf = timeDiff.toBytes(Leb128)
output &= @buf
#echo "Timestamp: " & $timeDiff
if timeDiff == 0:
var sameBytes = 0
for (byte1, byte2) in zip(lastHash, bound.b.fingerprint):
if byte1 != byte2:
# encode number of same bytes
output &= byte(sameBytes)
#echo "Same Bytes: " & $sameBytes
# encode fingerprint bytes
output &= bound.b.fingerprint[0 ..< sameBytes]
# encode rangeType
output &= byte(rangeType)
case rangeType
of skipRange:
#echo "Skip Range"
of fingerprintRange:
let fingerprint = value.fingerprints[i]
#echo "Encode Fingerprint"
output &= fingerprint
of itemSetRange:
let itemSet = value.itemSets[j]
# encode how many elements are in the set
buf = uint64(itemSet.elements.len).toBytes(Leb128)
output &= @buf
#echo "Set elements: " & $itemSet.elements.len
let encodedSet = itemSet.deltaEncode()
#echo "Encoded Set"
output &= encodedSet
return output
proc deltaDecode*(itemSet: var ItemSet, buffer: seq[byte], setLength: int): int =
lastTime = Timestamp(0)
val = 0.uint64
len = 0.int8
idx = 0
while itemSet.elements.len < setLength:
var slice = buffer[idx ..< idx + 9]
(val, len) = uint64.fromBytes(slice, Leb128)
idx += len
let time = lastTime + Timestamp(val)
lastTime = time
#echo "Timestamp: " & $time
#echo "IDX: " & $idx
slice = buffer[idx ..< idx + 32]
idx += 32
var fingerprint = EmptyFingerprint
for i, bytes in slice:
fingerprint[i] = bytes
#echo "Hash: " & $fingerprint
#echo "IDX: " & $idx
let id = ID(time: time, fingerprint: fingerprint)
itemSet.reconciled = bool(buffer[idx])
idx += 1
#echo "Reconciled: " & $itemSet.reconciled
#echo "IDX: " & $idx
return idx
proc deltaDecode*(T: type SyncPayload, buffer: seq[byte]): T =
#echo "buffer length: " & $buffer.len
if buffer.len == 1:
return SyncPayload()
payload = SyncPayload()
lastTime = Timestamp(0)
val = 0.uint64
len = 0.int8
idx = 0
slice = buffer[idx ..< idx + 9]
# first timestamp
(val, len) = uint64.fromBytes(slice, Leb128)
idx += len
lastTime = Timestamp(val)
#echo "First Range Timestamp: " & $lastTime
#echo "IDX: " & $idx
# implicit first fingerprint is always 0
# implicit first range mode is alway skip
while idx < buffer.len - 1:
let lowerRangeBound = ID(time: lastTime, fingerprint: EmptyFingerprint)
# decode timestamp diff
let min = min(idx + 9, buffer.len)
slice = buffer[idx ..< min]
(val, len) = uint64.fromBytes(slice, Leb128)
idx += len
let timeDiff = Timestamp(val)
#echo "Range Timestamp diff: " & $timeDiff
#echo "IDX: " & $idx
var fingerprint = EmptyFingerprint
if timeDiff == 0:
# decode number of same bytes
let sameBytes = int(buffer[idx])
idx += 1
#echo "Same Bytes Count: " & $sameBytes
#echo "IDX: " & $idx
# decode same bytes
slice = buffer[idx ..< idx + sameBytes]
idx += sameBytes
for i, bytes in slice:
fingerprint[i] = bytes
#echo "Same Bytes: " & $fingerprint
#echo "IDX: " & $idx
let thisTime = lastTime + timeDiff
lastTime = thisTime
#echo "Range Timestamp: " & $thisTime
let upperRangeBound = ID(time: thisTime, fingerprint: fingerprint)
let bounds = lowerRangeBound .. upperRangeBound
# decode range type
let rangeType = RangeType(buffer[idx])
idx += 1
#echo "Range Type: " & $rangeType
#echo "IDX: " & $idx
payload.ranges.add((bounds, rangeType))
if rangeType == fingerprintRange:
# decode fingerprint
slice = buffer[idx ..< idx + 32]
idx += 32
var fingerprint = EmptyFingerprint
for i, bytes in slice:
fingerprint[i] = bytes
#echo "Fingerprint: " & $fingerprint
#echo "IDX: " & $idx
elif rangeType == itemSetRange:
# decode item set length
let min = min(idx + 9, buffer.len)
slice = buffer[idx ..< min]
(val, len) = uint64.fromBytes(slice, Leb128)
idx += len
let itemSetLength = int(val)
#echo "Set length: " & $itemSetLength
#echo "IDX: " & $idx
# decode item set
var itemSet = ItemSet()
slice = buffer[idx ..< buffer.len]
let count = deltaDecode(itemSet, slice, itemSetLength)
idx += count
#echo "Set Decoded"
#echo "IDX: " & $idx
return payload
proc decode*(T: type WakuMessagePayload, buffer: seq[byte]): ProtobufResult[T] =
let pb = initProtoBuffer(buffer)
var pubsub: string
discard ?pb.getField(1, pubsub)
var proto: ProtoBuffer
discard ?pb.getField(2, proto)
let message = ?WakuMessage.decode(proto.buffer)
return ok(WakuMessagePayload(pubsub: pubsub, message: message))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
{.push raises: [].}
import std/[options], chronos, stew/[byteutils]
import ../waku_core
DefaultSyncInterval*: Duration = 5.minutes
DefaultSyncRange*: Duration = 1.hours
RetryDelay*: Duration = 30.seconds
SyncReconciliationCodec* = "/vac/waku/reconciliation/1.0"
SyncTransferCodec* = "/vac/waku/transfer/1.0"
DefaultGossipSubJitter*: Duration = 20.seconds
Fingerprint* = array[32, byte]
ID* = object
time*: Timestamp
fingerprint*: Fingerprint
ItemSet* = object
elements*: seq[ID]
reconciled*: bool
RangeType* = enum
skipRange = 0
fingerprintRange = 1
itemSetRange = 2
SyncPayload* = object
ranges*: seq[(Slice[ID], RangeType)]
fingerprints*: seq[Fingerprint]
itemSets*: seq[ItemSet]
WakuMessagePayload* = object
pubsub*: string
message*: WakuMessage
const EmptyFingerprint*: Fingerprint = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
const FullFingerprint*: Fingerprint = [
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
proc high*(T: type ID): T =
return ID(time: Timestamp(high(int64)), fingerprint: FullFingerprint)
proc low*(T: type ID): T =
return ID(time: Timestamp(low(int64)), fingerprint: EmptyFingerprint)
proc `$`*(value: ID): string =
return '(' & $value.time & ", " & $value.fingerprint & ')'
proc cmp(x, y: Fingerprint): int =
if x < y:
return -1
elif x == y:
return 0
return 1
proc cmp*(x, y: ID): int =
if x.time == y.time:
return cmp(x.fingerprint, y.fingerprint)
if x.time < y.time:
return -1
return 1
proc `<`*(x, y: ID): bool =
cmp(x, y) == -1
proc `>`*(x, y: ID): bool =
cmp(x, y) == 1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user