mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 14:00:57 +00:00
feat(rln-relay): abstract group management into its own api (#1465)
* feat(rln-relay): group manager api * fix(rln-relay): static gm, method async works now * fix(rln-relay): cb naming, ensure merkle root changed * chore(rln-relay): static group manager fully tested * chore(rln-relay): split ffi into its own module, split conversion_utils * chore(rln-relay): refactor onchain group * fix(rln-relay): throw error if privatekey is malformed * chore(rln-relay): convert methods to procs, remove warnings, formatting * chore(rln-relay): remove comment * style(rln-relay): fmt test * feat(rln-relay): complete onchain group manager. pending tests * fix(rln-relay): onchain implementation works now * fix(rln-relay): reg index * fix(rln): imports * fix(rln-relay): revert method to proc conv * fix(rln-relay): s/ffi/rln * fix(rln-relay): remove rln/ from gitignore * fix(rln-relay): s/ffi/rln
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
@ -50,4 +49,4 @@ nimbus-build-system.paths
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
std/[osproc, streams, strutils, sequtils],
chronos, chronicles, stint, web3, json,
stew/shims/net as stewNet,
from posix import kill, SIGINT
proc generateCredentials(rlnInstance: ptr RLN): IdentityCredential =
let credRes = membershipKeyGen(rlnInstance)
return credRes.get()
proc generateCredentials(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, n: int): seq[IdentityCredential] =
var credentials: seq[IdentityCredential]
for i in 0 ..< n:
return credentials
# a util function used for testing purposes
# it deploys membership contract on Ganache (or any Eth client available on EthClient address)
# must be edited if used for a different contract than membership contract
proc uploadRLNContract*(ethClientAddress: string): Future[Address] {.async.} =
let web3 = await newWeb3(ethClientAddress)
debug "web3 connected to", ethClientAddress
# fetch the list of registered accounts
let accounts = await web3.provider.eth_accounts()
web3.defaultAccount = accounts[1]
let add = web3.defaultAccount
debug "contract deployer account address ", add
let balance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(web3.defaultAccount, "latest")
debug "Initial account balance: ", balance
# deploy the poseidon hash contract and gets its address
hasherReceipt = await web3.deployContract(PoseidonHasherCode)
hasherAddress = hasherReceipt.contractAddress.get
debug "hasher address: ", hasherAddress
# encode membership contract inputs to 32 bytes zero-padded
membershipFeeEncoded = encode(MembershipFee).data
depthEncoded = encode(MerkleTreeDepth.u256).data
hasherAddressEncoded = encode(hasherAddress).data
# this is the contract constructor input
contractInput = membershipFeeEncoded & depthEncoded & hasherAddressEncoded
debug "encoded membership fee: ", membershipFeeEncoded
debug "encoded depth: ", depthEncoded
debug "encoded hasher address: ", hasherAddressEncoded
debug "encoded contract input:", contractInput
# deploy membership contract with its constructor inputs
let receipt = await web3.deployContract(MembershipContractCode,
contractInput = contractInput)
let contractAddress = receipt.contractAddress.get
debug "Address of the deployed membership contract: ", contractAddress
let newBalance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(web3.defaultAccount, "latest")
debug "Account balance after the contract deployment: ", newBalance
await web3.close()
debug "disconnected from ", ethClientAddress
return contractAddress
proc createEthAccount(): Future[(keys.PrivateKey, Address)] {.async.} =
let theRNG = keys.newRng()
let web3 = await newWeb3(EthClient)
let accounts = await web3.provider.eth_accounts()
let gasPrice = int(await web3.provider.eth_gasPrice())
web3.defaultAccount = accounts[0]
let pk = keys.PrivateKey.random(theRNG[])
let acc = Address(toCanonicalAddress(pk.toPublicKey()))
var tx:EthSend
tx.source = accounts[0]
tx.value = some(ethToWei(10.u256))
tx.to = some(acc)
tx.gasPrice = some(gasPrice)
# Send 10 eth to acc
discard await web3.send(tx)
let balance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(acc, "latest")
assert(balance == ethToWei(10.u256))
return (pk, acc)
# Runs Ganache daemon
proc runGanache(): Process =
# We run directly "node node_modules/ganache/dist/node/cli.js" rather than using "npx ganache", so that the daemon does not spawn in a new child process.
# In this way, we can directly send a SIGINT signal to the corresponding PID to gracefully terminate Ganache without dealing with multiple processes.
# Passed options are
# --port Port to listen on.
# --miner.blockGasLimit Sets the block gas limit in WEI.
# --wallet.defaultBalance The default account balance, specified in ether.
# See ganache documentation https://www.npmjs.com/package/ganache for more details
let runGanache = startProcess("npx", args = ["--yes", "ganache", "--port", "8540", "--miner.blockGasLimit", "300000000000000", "--wallet.defaultBalance", "10000"], options = {poUsePath})
let ganachePID = runGanache.processID
# We read stdout from Ganache to see when daemon is ready
var ganacheStartLog: string
var cmdline: string
while true:
if runGanache.outputstream.readLine(cmdline):
if cmdline.contains("Listening on"):
debug "Ganache daemon is running and ready", pid=ganachePID, startLog=ganacheStartLog
return runGanache
error "Ganache daemon run failed"
# Stops Ganache daemon
proc stopGanache(runGanache: Process) {.used.} =
let ganachePID = runGanache.processID
# We gracefully terminate Ganache daemon by sending a SIGINT signal to the runGanache PID to trigger RPC server termination and clean-up
let returnCodeSIGINT = kill(ganachePID.int32, SIGINT)
debug "Sent SIGINT to Ganache", ganachePID=ganachePID, returnCode=returnCodeSIGINT
# We wait the daemon to exit
let returnCodeExit = runGanache.waitForExit()
debug "Ganache daemon terminated", returnCode=returnCodeExit
debug "Ganache daemon run log", log=runGanache.outputstream.readAll()
error "Ganache daemon termination failed"
proc setup(): Future[OnchainGroupManager] {.async.} =
let rlnInstanceRes = createRlnInstance()
let rlnInstance = rlnInstanceRes.get()
let contractAddress = await uploadRLNContract(EthClient)
# connect to the eth client
let web3 = await newWeb3(EthClient)
let accounts = await web3.provider.eth_accounts()
web3.defaultAccount = accounts[1]
let (pk, _) = await createEthAccount()
let onchainConfig = OnchainGroupManagerConfig(ethClientUrl: EthClient,
ethContractAddress: $contractAddress,
ethPrivateKey: some($pk))
let manager {.used.} = OnchainGroupManager(config: onchainConfig,
rlnInstance: rlnInstance)
return manager
suite "Onchain group manager":
# We run Ganache
let runGanache {.used.} = runGanache()
asyncTest "should initialize successfully":
let manager = await setup()
await manager.init()
asyncTest "startGroupSync: should start group sync":
let manager = await setup()
await manager.init()
await manager.startGroupSync()
asyncTest "startGroupSync: should guard against uninitialized state":
let manager = await setup()
await manager.startGroupSync()
asyncTest "startGroupSync: should sync to the state of the group":
let manager = await setup()
let credentials = generateCredentials(manager.rlnInstance)
manager.idCredentials = some(credentials)
await manager.init()
let merkleRootBeforeRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
let merkleRootBefore = merkleRootBeforeRes.get()
let future = newFuture[void]("startGroupSync")
proc generateCallback(fut: Future[void], idCommitment: IDCommitment): OnRegisterCallback =
proc callback(registrations: seq[Membership]): Future[void] {.async.} =
registrations.len == 1
registrations[0].idCommitment == idCommitment
registrations[0].index == 0
return callback
manager.onRegister(generateCallback(future, credentials.idCommitment))
await manager.startGroupSync()
await future
let merkleRootAfterRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
let merkleRootAfter = merkleRootAfterRes.get()
merkleRootBefore != merkleRootAfter
asyncTest "startGroupSync: should fetch history correctly":
let manager = await setup()
let credentials = generateCredentials(manager.rlnInstance, 5)
await manager.init()
let merkleRootBeforeRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
let merkleRootBefore = merkleRootBeforeRes.get()
var futures = [newFuture[void](), newFuture[void](), newFuture[void](), newFuture[void](), newFuture[void]()]
proc generateCallback(futs: array[0..4, Future[system.void]], credentials: seq[IdentityCredential]): OnRegisterCallback =
var futureIndex = 0
proc callback(registrations: seq[Membership]): Future[void] {.async.} =
registrations.len == 1
registrations[0].idCommitment == credentials[futureIndex].idCommitment
registrations[0].index == MembershipIndex(futureIndex)
futureIndex += 1
return callback
manager.onRegister(generateCallback(futures, credentials))
await manager.startGroupSync()
for i in 0 ..< credentials.len():
await manager.register(credentials[i])
await allFutures(futures)
let merkleRootAfterRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
let merkleRootAfter = merkleRootAfterRes.get()
merkleRootBefore != merkleRootAfter
asyncTest "register: should guard against uninitialized state":
let manager = await setup()
let dummyCommitment = default(IDCommitment)
await manager.register(dummyCommitment)
asyncTest "register: should register successfully":
let manager = await setup()
await manager.init()
await manager.startGroupSync()
let idCommitment = generateCredentials(manager.rlnInstance).idCommitment
let merkleRootBeforeRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
let merkleRootBefore = merkleRootBeforeRes.get()
await manager.register(idCommitment)
let merkleRootAfterRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
let merkleRootAfter = merkleRootAfterRes.get()
merkleRootAfter.inHex() != merkleRootBefore.inHex()
manager.latestIndex == 1
asyncTest "register: callback is called":
let manager = await setup()
var callbackCalled = false
let idCommitment = generateCredentials(manager.rlnInstance).idCommitment
let fut = newFuture[void]()
proc callback(registrations: seq[Membership]): Future[void] {.async.} =
registrations.len == 1
registrations[0].idCommitment == idCommitment
registrations[0].index == 0
callbackCalled = true
await manager.init()
await manager.startGroupSync()
await manager.register(idCommitment)
await fut
asyncTest "withdraw: should guard against uninitialized state":
let manager = await setup()
let idSecretHash = generateCredentials(manager.rlnInstance).idSecretHash
await manager.withdraw(idSecretHash)
## Terminating/removing Ganache
# We stop Ganache daemon
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
proc generateCredentials(rlnInstance: ptr RLN): IdentityCredential =
let credRes = membershipKeyGen(rlnInstance)
return credRes.get()
proc generateCredentials(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, n: int): seq[IdentityCredential] =
var credentials: seq[IdentityCredential]
for i in 0 ..< n:
return credentials
suite "Static group manager":
let rlnInstanceRes = createRlnInstance()
let rlnInstance = rlnInstanceRes.get()
let credentials = generateCredentials(rlnInstance, 10)
let staticConfig = StaticGroupManagerConfig(groupSize: 10,
membershipIndex: 5,
groupKeys: credentials)
let manager {.used.} = StaticGroupManager(config: staticConfig,
rlnInstance: rlnInstance)
asyncTest "should initialize successfully":
let merkleRootBeforeRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
let merkleRootBefore = merkleRootBeforeRes.get()
await manager.init()
let merkleRootAfterRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
let merkleRootAfter = merkleRootAfterRes.get()
manager.config.groupKeys.len == 10
manager.config.groupSize == 10
manager.config.membershipIndex == 5
manager.config.groupKeys[5] == manager.idCredentials.get()
manager.latestIndex == 9
merkleRootAfter.inHex() != merkleRootBefore.inHex()
asyncTest "startGroupSync: should start group sync":
await manager.init()
await manager.startGroupSync()
asyncTest "startGroupSync: should guard against uninitialized state":
let staticConfig = StaticGroupManagerConfig(groupSize: 0,
membershipIndex: 0,
groupKeys: @[])
let manager = StaticGroupManager(config: staticConfig,
rlnInstance: rlnInstance)
await manager.startGroupSync()
asyncTest "register: should guard against uninitialized state":
let staticConfig = StaticGroupManagerConfig(groupSize: 0,
membershipIndex: 0,
groupKeys: @[])
let manager = StaticGroupManager(config: staticConfig,
rlnInstance: rlnInstance)
let dummyCommitment = default(IDCommitment)
await manager.register(dummyCommitment)
asyncTest "register: should register successfully":
await manager.init()
await manager.startGroupSync()
let idCommitment = generateCredentials(manager.rlnInstance).idCommitment
let merkleRootBeforeRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
let merkleRootBefore = merkleRootBeforeRes.get()
await manager.register(idCommitment)
let merkleRootAfterRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
let merkleRootAfter = merkleRootAfterRes.get()
merkleRootAfter.inHex() != merkleRootBefore.inHex()
manager.latestIndex == 10
asyncTest "register: callback is called":
var callbackCalled = false
let idCommitment = generateCredentials(manager.rlnInstance).idCommitment
let fut = newFuture[void]()
proc callback(registrations: seq[Membership]): Future[void] {.async.} =
registrations.len == 1
registrations[0].idCommitment == idCommitment
registrations[0].index == 10
callbackCalled = true
await manager.init()
await manager.startGroupSync()
await manager.register(idCommitment)
await fut
asyncTest "withdraw: should guard against uninitialized state":
let idSecretHash = credentials[0].idSecretHash
await manager.withdraw(idSecretHash)
asyncTest "withdraw: should withdraw successfully":
await manager.init()
await manager.startGroupSync()
let idSecretHash = credentials[0].idSecretHash
let merkleRootBeforeRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
let merkleRootBefore = merkleRootBeforeRes.get()
await manager.withdraw(idSecretHash)
let merkleRootAfterRes = manager.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
let merkleRootAfter = merkleRootAfterRes.get()
merkleRootAfter.inHex() != merkleRootBefore.inHex()
asyncTest "withdraw: callback is called":
var callbackCalled = false
let idSecretHash = credentials[0].idSecretHash
let idCommitment = credentials[0].idCommitment
let fut = newFuture[void]()
proc callback(withdrawals: seq[Membership]): Future[void] {.async.} =
withdrawals.len == 1
withdrawals[0].idCommitment == idCommitment
withdrawals[0].index == 0
callbackCalled = true
await manager.init()
await manager.startGroupSync()
await manager.withdraw(idSecretHash)
await fut
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import
@ -11,5 +12,6 @@ export
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
stew/[arrayops, results, endians2],
topics = "waku rln_relay conversion_utils"
proc toUInt256*(idCommitment: IDCommitment): UInt256 =
let pk = UInt256.fromBytesLE(idCommitment)
return pk
proc toIDCommitment*(idCommitmentUint: UInt256): IDCommitment =
let pk = IDCommitment(idCommitmentUint.toBytesLE())
return pk
proc inHex*(value: array[32, byte]): string =
var valueHex = (UInt256.fromBytesLE(value)).toHex()
# We pad leading zeroes
while valueHex.len < value.len * 2:
valueHex = "0" & valueHex
return valueHex
proc toMembershipIndex*(v: UInt256): MembershipIndex =
let membershipIndex: MembershipIndex = cast[MembershipIndex](v)
return membershipIndex
proc appendLength*(input: openArray[byte]): seq[byte] =
## returns length prefixed version of the input
## with the following format [len<8>|input<var>]
## len: 8-byte value that represents the number of bytes in the `input`
## len is serialized in little-endian
## input: the supplied `input`
# the length should be serialized in little-endian
len = toBytes(uint64(input.len), Endianness.littleEndian)
output = concat(@len, @input)
return output
proc serialize*(idSecretHash: IdentitySecretHash, memIndex: MembershipIndex, epoch: Epoch,
msg: openArray[byte]): seq[byte] =
## a private proc to convert RateLimitProof and the data to a byte seq
## this conversion is used in the proofGen proc
## the serialization is done as instructed in https://github.com/kilic/rln/blob/7ac74183f8b69b399e3bc96c1ae8ab61c026dc43/src/public.rs#L146
## [ id_key<32> | id_index<8> | epoch<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
let memIndexBytes = toBytes(uint64(memIndex), Endianness.littleEndian)
let lenPrefMsg = appendLength(msg)
let output = concat(@idSecretHash, @memIndexBytes, @epoch, lenPrefMsg)
return output
proc serialize*(proof: RateLimitProof, data: openArray[byte]): seq[byte] =
## a private proc to convert RateLimitProof and data to a byte seq
## this conversion is used in the proof verification proc
## [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
let lenPrefMsg = appendLength(@data)
var proofBytes = concat(@(proof.proof),
return proofBytes
# Serializes a sequence of MerkleNodes
proc serialize*(roots: seq[MerkleNode]): seq[byte] =
var rootsBytes: seq[byte] = @[]
for root in roots:
rootsBytes = concat(rootsBytes, @root)
return rootsBytes
proc serializeIdCommitments*(idComms: seq[IDCommitment]): seq[byte] =
## serializes a seq of IDCommitments to a byte seq
## the serialization is based on https://github.com/status-im/nwaku/blob/37bd29fbc37ce5cf636734e7dd410b1ed27b88c8/waku/v2/protocol/waku_rln_relay/rln.nim#L142
## the order of serialization is |id_commitment_len<8>|id_commitment<var>|
var idCommsBytes = newSeq[byte]()
# serialize the idComms, with its length prefixed
let len = toBytes(uint64(idComms.len), Endianness.littleEndian)
for idComm in idComms:
idCommsBytes = concat(idCommsBytes, @idComm)
return idCommsBytes
# Converts a sequence of tuples containing 4 string (i.e. identity trapdoor, nullifier, secret hash and commitment) to an IndentityCredential
proc toIdentityCredentials*(groupKeys: seq[(string, string, string, string)]): RlnRelayResult[seq[
IdentityCredential]] =
## groupKeys is sequence of membership key tuples in the form of (identity key, identity commitment) all in the hexadecimal format
## the toIdentityCredentials proc populates a sequence of IdentityCredentials using the supplied groupKeys
## Returns an error if the conversion fails
var groupIdCredentials = newSeq[IdentityCredential]()
for i in 0..groupKeys.len-1:
idTrapdoor = hexToUint[IdentityTrapdoor.len*8](groupKeys[i][0]).toBytesLE()
idNullifier = hexToUint[IdentityNullifier.len*8](groupKeys[i][1]).toBytesLE()
idSecretHash = hexToUint[IdentitySecretHash.len*8](groupKeys[i][2]).toBytesLE()
idCommitment = hexToUint[IDCommitment.len*8](groupKeys[i][3]).toBytesLE()
groupIdCredentials.add(IdentityCredential(idTrapdoor: idTrapdoor, idNullifier: idNullifier, idSecretHash: idSecretHash,
idCommitment: idCommitment))
except ValueError as err:
warn "could not convert the group key to bytes", err = err.msg
return err("could not convert the group key to bytes: " & err.msg)
return ok(groupIdCredentials)
# Converts a sequence of tuples containing 2 string (i.e. identity secret hash and commitment) to an IndentityCredential
proc toIdentityCredentials*(groupKeys: seq[(string, string)]): RlnRelayResult[seq[
IdentityCredential]] =
## groupKeys is sequence of membership key tuples in the form of (identity key, identity commitment) all in the hexadecimal format
## the toIdentityCredentials proc populates a sequence of IdentityCredentials using the supplied groupKeys
## Returns an error if the conversion fails
var groupIdCredentials = newSeq[IdentityCredential]()
for i in 0..groupKeys.len-1:
idSecretHash = hexToUint[IdentitySecretHash.len*8](groupKeys[i][0]).toBytesLE()
idCommitment = hexToUint[IDCommitment.len*8](groupKeys[i][1]).toBytesLE()
groupIdCredentials.add(IdentityCredential(idSecretHash: idSecretHash,
idCommitment: idCommitment))
except ValueError as err:
warn "could not convert the group key to bytes", err = err.msg
return err("could not convert the group key to bytes: " & err.msg)
return ok(groupIdCredentials)
proc toEpoch*(t: uint64): Epoch =
## converts `t` to `Epoch` in little-endian order
let bytes = toBytes(t, Endianness.littleEndian)
debug "bytes", bytes = bytes
var epoch: Epoch
discard epoch.copyFrom(bytes)
return epoch
proc fromEpoch*(epoch: Epoch): uint64 =
## decodes bytes of `epoch` (in little-endian) to uint64
let t = fromBytesLE(uint64, array[32, byte](epoch))
return t
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
group_manager/[static, on_chain]
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# This module contains the GroupManager interface
# The GroupManager is responsible for managing the group state
# It should be used to register new members, and withdraw existing members
# It should also be used to sync the group state with the rest of the group members
type Membership* = object
idCommitment*: IDCommitment
index*: MembershipIndex
type OnRegisterCallback* = proc (registrations: seq[Membership]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
type OnWithdrawCallback* = proc (withdrawals: seq[Membership]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
type GroupManagerResult*[T] = Result[T, string]
GroupManager*[Config] = ref object of RootObj
idCredentials*: Option[IdentityCredential]
registerCb*: Option[OnRegisterCallback]
withdrawCb*: Option[OnWithdrawCallback]
config*: Config
rlnInstance*: ptr RLN
initialized*: bool
latestIndex*: MembershipIndex
# This proc is used to initialize the group manager
# Any initialization logic should be implemented here
method init*(g: GroupManager): Future[void] {.base,gcsafe.} =
return err("init proc for " & $g.kind & " is not implemented yet")
# This proc is used to start the group sync process
# It should be used to sync the group state with the rest of the group members
method startGroupSync*(g: GroupManager): Future[void] {.base,gcsafe.} =
return err("startGroupSync proc for " & $g.kind & " is not implemented yet")
# This proc is used to register a new identity commitment into the merkle tree
# The user may or may not have the identity secret to this commitment
# It should be used when detecting new members in the group, and syncing the group state
method register*(g: GroupManager, idCommitment: IDCommitment): Future[void] {.base,gcsafe.} =
return err("register proc for " & $g.kind & " is not implemented yet")
# This proc is used to register a new identity commitment into the merkle tree
# The user should have the identity secret to this commitment
# It should be used when the user wants to join the group
method register*(g: GroupManager, credentials: IdentityCredential): Future[void] {.base,gcsafe.} =
return err("register proc for " & $g.kind & " is not implemented yet")
# This proc is used to register a batch of new identity commitments into the merkle tree
# The user may or may not have the identity secret to these commitments
# It should be used when detecting a batch of new members in the group, and syncing the group state
method registerBatch*(g: GroupManager, idCommitments: seq[IDCommitment]): Future[void] {.base,gcsafe.} =
return err("registerBatch proc for " & $g.kind & " is not implemented yet")
# This proc is used to set a callback that will be called when a new identity commitment is registered
# The callback may be called multiple times, and should be used to for any post processing
method onRegister*(g: GroupManager, cb: OnRegisterCallback) {.base,gcsafe.} =
g.registerCb = some(cb)
# This proc is used to withdraw/remove an identity commitment from the merkle tree
# The user should have the identity secret hash to this commitment, by either deriving it, or owning it
method withdraw*(g: GroupManager, identitySecretHash: IdentitySecretHash): Future[void] {.base,gcsafe.} =
return err("withdraw proc for " & $g.kind & " is not implemented yet")
# This proc is used to withdraw/remove a batch of identity commitments from the merkle tree
# The user should have the identity secret hash to these commitments, by either deriving them, or owning them
method withdrawBatch*(g: GroupManager, identitySecretHashes: seq[IdentitySecretHash]): Future[void] {.base,gcsafe.} =
return err("withdrawBatch proc for " & $g.kind & " is not implemented yet")
# This proc is used to set a callback that will be called when an identity commitment is withdrawn
# The callback may be called multiple times, and should be used to for any post processing
method onWithdraw*(g: GroupManager, cb: OnWithdrawCallback) {.base,gcsafe.} =
g.withdrawCb = some(cb)
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
import on_chain/group_manager
export group_manager
@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
eth/keys as keys,
stew/[byteutils, arrayops],
from strutils import parseHexInt
export group_manager_base
topics = "waku rln_relay onchain_group_manager"
# membership contract interface
proc register(pubkey: Uint256) {.payable.} # external payable
proc MemberRegistered(pubkey: Uint256, index: Uint256) {.event.}
# TODO the following are to be supported
# proc registerBatch(pubkeys: seq[Uint256]) # external payable
# proc withdraw(secret: Uint256, pubkeyIndex: Uint256, receiver: Address)
# proc withdrawBatch( secrets: seq[Uint256], pubkeyIndex: seq[Uint256], receiver: seq[Address])
RlnContractWithSender = Sender[RlnContract]
OnchainGroupManagerConfig* = object
ethClientUrl*: string
ethPrivateKey*: Option[string]
ethContractAddress*: string
ethRpc*: Option[Web3]
rlnContract*: Option[RlnContractWithSender]
membershipFee*: Option[Uint256]
membershipIndex*: Option[MembershipIndex]
latestProcessedBlock*: Option[BlockNumber]
OnchainGroupManager* = ref object of GroupManager[OnchainGroupManagerConfig]
template initializedGuard*(g: OnchainGroupManager): untyped =
if not g.initialized:
raise newException(ValueError, "OnchainGroupManager is not initialized")
proc register*(g: OnchainGroupManager, idCommitment: IDCommitment): Future[void] {.async.} =
let memberInserted = g.rlnInstance.insertMember(idCommitment)
if not memberInserted:
raise newException(ValueError,"member insertion failed")
if g.registerCb.isSome():
await g.registerCb.get()(@[Membership(idCommitment: idCommitment, index: g.latestIndex)])
g.latestIndex += 1
proc registerBatch*(g: OnchainGroupManager, idCommitments: seq[IDCommitment]): Future[void] {.async.} =
let membersInserted = g.rlnInstance.insertMembers(g.latestIndex, idCommitments)
if not membersInserted:
raise newException(ValueError, "Failed to insert members into the merkle tree")
if g.registerCb.isSome():
var membersSeq = newSeq[Membership]()
for i in 0 ..< idCommitments.len():
var index = g.latestIndex + MembershipIndex(i)
debug "registering member", idCommitment = idCommitments[i], index = index, latestIndex = g.latestIndex
let member = Membership(idCommitment: idCommitments[i], index: index)
await g.registerCb.get()(membersSeq)
g.latestIndex += MembershipIndex(idCommitments.len())
proc register*(g: OnchainGroupManager, identityCredentials: IdentityCredential): Future[void] {.async.} =
let ethRpc = g.config.ethRpc.get()
let rlnContract = g.config.rlnContract.get()
let membershipFee = g.config.membershipFee.get()
let gasPrice = int(await ethRpc.provider.eth_gasPrice()) * 2
let idCommitment = identityCredentials.idCommitment.toUInt256()
var txHash: TxHash
try: # send the registration transaction and check if any error occurs
txHash = await rlnContract.register(idCommitment).send(value = membershipFee,
gasPrice = gasPrice)
except ValueError as e:
raise newException(ValueError, "could not register the member: " & e.msg)
let tsReceipt = await ethRpc.getMinedTransactionReceipt(txHash)
# the receipt topic holds the hash of signature of the raised events
# TODO: make this robust. search within the event list for the event
let firstTopic = tsReceipt.logs[0].topics[0]
# the hash of the signature of MemberRegistered(uint256,uint256) event is equal to the following hex value
if firstTopic[0..65] != "0x5a92c2530f207992057b9c3e544108ffce3beda4a63719f316967c49bf6159d2":
raise newException(ValueError, "unexpected event signature")
# the arguments of the raised event i.e., MemberRegistered are encoded inside the data field
# data = pk encoded as 256 bits || index encoded as 256 bits
let arguments = tsReceipt.logs[0].data
debug "tx log data", arguments=arguments
argumentsBytes = arguments.hexToSeqByte()
# In TX log data, uints are encoded in big endian
eventIndex = UInt256.fromBytesBE(argumentsBytes[32..^1])
g.config.membershipIndex = some(eventIndex.toMembershipIndex())
# don't handle member insertion into the tree here, it will be handled by the event listener
proc withdraw*(g: OnchainGroupManager, idCommitment: IDCommitment): Future[void] {.async.} =
# TODO: after slashing is enabled on the contract
proc withdrawBatch*(g: OnchainGroupManager, idCommitments: seq[IDCommitment]): Future[void] {.async.} =
# TODO: after slashing is enabled on the contract
proc parseEvent*(event: type MemberRegistered,
log: JsonNode): GroupManagerResult[Membership] =
## parses the `data` parameter of the `MemberRegistered` event `log`
## returns an error if it cannot parse the `data` parameter
var idComm: UInt256
var index: UInt256
var data: string
# Remove the 0x prefix
data = strip0xPrefix(log["data"].getStr())
except CatchableError:
return err("failed to parse the data field of the MemberRegistered event: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg())
var offset = 0
# Parse the idComm
offset += decode(data, offset, idComm)
# Parse the index
offset += decode(data, offset, index)
return ok(Membership(idCommitment: idComm.toIDCommitment(), index: index.toMembershipIndex()))
return err("failed to parse the data field of the MemberRegistered event")
type BlockTable* = OrderedTable[BlockNumber, seq[Membership]]
proc getEvents*(g: OnchainGroupManager, fromBlock: BlockNumber, toBlock: Option[BlockNumber] = none(BlockNumber)): Future[BlockTable] {.async.} =
let ethRpc = g.config.ethRpc.get()
let rlnContract = g.config.rlnContract.get()
var normalizedToBlock: BlockNumber
if toBlock.isSome():
var value = toBlock.get()
if value == 0:
# set to latest block
value = cast[BlockNumber](await ethRpc.provider.eth_blockNumber())
normalizedToBlock = value
normalizedToBlock = fromBlock
var blockTable = default(BlockTable)
let events = await rlnContract.getJsonLogs(MemberRegistered, fromBlock = some(fromBlock.blockId()), toBlock = some(normalizedToBlock.blockId()))
if events.len == 0:
debug "no events found"
return blockTable
for event in events:
let blockNumber = parseHexInt(event["blockNumber"].getStr()).uint
let parsedEventRes = parseEvent(MemberRegistered, event)
if parsedEventRes.isErr():
error "failed to parse the MemberRegistered event", error=parsedEventRes.error()
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to parse the MemberRegistered event")
let parsedEvent = parsedEventRes.get()
if blockTable.hasKey(blockNumber):
blockTable[blockNumber] = @[parsedEvent]
return blockTable
proc seedBlockTableIntoTree*(g: OnchainGroupManager, blockTable: BlockTable): Future[void] {.async.} =
for blockNumber, members in blockTable.pairs():
let latestIndex = g.latestIndex
let startingIndex = members[0].index
await g.registerBatch(members.mapIt(it.idCommitment))
error "failed to insert members into the tree"
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to insert members into the tree")
debug "new members added to the Merkle tree", commitments=members.mapIt(it.idCommitment.inHex()) , startingIndex=startingIndex
let lastIndex = startingIndex + members.len.uint - 1
let indexGap = startingIndex - latestIndex
if not (toSeq(startingIndex..lastIndex) == members.mapIt(it.index)):
raise newException(ValueError, "membership indices are not sequential")
if indexGap != 1.uint and lastIndex != latestIndex:
warn "membership index gap, may have lost connection", lastIndex, currIndex=latestIndex, indexGap = indexGap
g.config.latestProcessedBlock = some(blockNumber)
proc getEventsAndSeedIntoTree*(g: OnchainGroupManager, fromBlock: BlockNumber, toBlock: Option[BlockNumber] = none(BlockNumber)): Future[void] {.async.} =
let events = await g.getEvents(fromBlock, toBlock)
await g.seedBlockTableIntoTree(events)
proc getNewHeadCallback*(g: OnchainGroupManager): BlockHeaderHandler =
proc newHeadCallback(blockheader: BlockHeader) {.gcsafe.} =
let latestBlock = blockheader.number.uint
debug "block received", blockNumber = latestBlock
# get logs from the last block
asyncSpawn g.getEventsAndSeedIntoTree(latestBlock)
except CatchableError:
warn "failed to handle log: ", error=getCurrentExceptionMsg()
return newHeadCallback
proc newHeadErrCallback(error: CatchableError) =
warn "failed to get new head", error=error.msg
proc startListeningToEvents*(g: OnchainGroupManager): Future[void] {.async.} =
let ethRpc = g.config.ethRpc.get()
let newHeadCallback = g.getNewHeadCallback()
discard await ethRpc.subscribeForBlockHeaders(newHeadCallback, newHeadErrCallback)
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to subscribe to block headers: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg())
proc startOnchainSync*(g: OnchainGroupManager, fromBlock: BlockNumber = BlockNumber(0)): Future[void] {.async.} =
await g.getEventsAndSeedIntoTree(fromBlock, some(fromBlock))
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to get the history/reconcile missed blocks: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg())
# listen to blockheaders and contract events
await g.startListeningToEvents()
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to start listening to events: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg())
proc startGroupSync*(g: OnchainGroupManager): Future[void] {.async.} =
# Get archive history
await startOnchainSync(g)
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to start onchain sync service: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg())
if g.config.ethPrivateKey.isSome() and g.idCredentials.isSome():
debug "registering commitment on contract"
await g.register(g.idCredentials.get())
proc onRegister*(g: OnchainGroupManager, cb: OnRegisterCallback) {.gcsafe.} =
g.registerCb = some(cb)
proc onWithdraw*(g: OnchainGroupManager, cb: OnWithdrawCallback) {.gcsafe.} =
g.withdrawCb = some(cb)
proc init*(g: OnchainGroupManager): Future[void] {.async.} =
var ethRpc: Web3
var contract: RlnContractWithSender
# check if the Ethereum client is reachable
ethRpc = await newWeb3(g.config.ethClientUrl)
raise newException(ValueError, "could not connect to the Ethereum client")
let contractAddress = web3.fromHex(web3.Address, g.config.ethContractAddress)
contract = ethRpc.contractSender(RlnContract, contractAddress)
# check if the contract exists by calling a static function
var membershipFee: Uint256
membershipFee = await contract.MEMBERSHIP_DEPOSIT().call()
raise newException(ValueError, "could not get the membership deposit")
if g.config.ethPrivateKey.isSome():
let pk = string(g.config.ethPrivateKey.get())
let pkParseRes = keys.PrivateKey.fromHex(pk)
if pkParseRes.isErr():
raise newException(ValueError, "could not parse the private key")
ethRpc.privateKey = some(pkParseRes.get())
g.config.ethRpc = some(ethRpc)
g.config.rlnContract = some(contract)
g.config.membershipFee = some(membershipFee)
ethRpc.ondisconnect = proc() =
error "Ethereum client disconnected"
let fromBlock = g.config.latestProcessedBlock.get()
info "reconnecting with the Ethereum client, and restarting group sync", fromBlock = fromBlock
asyncSpawn g.startOnchainSync(fromBlock)
error "failed to restart group sync"
g.initialized = true
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
import static/group_manager
export group_manager
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
StaticGroupManagerConfig* = object
groupKeys*: seq[IdentityCredential]
groupSize*: uint
membershipIndex*: MembershipIndex
StaticGroupManager* = ref object of GroupManager[StaticGroupManagerConfig]
template initializedGuard*(g: StaticGroupManager): untyped =
if not g.initialized:
raise newException(ValueError, "StaticGroupManager is not initialized")
proc init*(g: StaticGroupManager): Future[void] {.async,gcsafe.} =
groupSize = g.config.groupSize
groupKeys = g.config.groupKeys
membershipIndex = g.config.membershipIndex
if membershipIndex < MembershipIndex(0) or membershipIndex >= MembershipIndex(groupSize):
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid membership index. Must be within 0 and " & $(groupSize - 1) & "but was " & $membershipIndex)
g.idCredentials = some(groupKeys[membershipIndex])
# Seed the received commitments into the merkle tree
let idCommitments = groupKeys.mapIt(it.idCommitment)
let membersInserted = g.rlnInstance.insertMembers(g.latestIndex, idCommitments)
if not membersInserted:
raise newException(ValueError, "Failed to insert members into the merkle tree")
g.latestIndex += MembershipIndex(idCommitments.len() - 1)
g.initialized = true
proc startGroupSync*(g: StaticGroupManager): Future[void] =
var retFuture = newFuture[void]("StaticGroupManager.sta rtGroupSync")
# No-op
return retFuture
proc register*(g: StaticGroupManager, idCommitment: IDCommitment): Future[void] {.async.} =
let memberInserted = g.rlnInstance.insertMember(idCommitment)
if not memberInserted:
raise newException(ValueError, "Failed to insert member into the merkle tree")
g.latestIndex += 1
if g.registerCb.isSome():
await g.registerCb.get()(@[Membership(idCommitment: idCommitment, index: g.latestIndex)])
proc registerBatch*(g: StaticGroupManager, idCommitments: seq[IDCommitment]): Future[void] {.async.} =
let membersInserted = g.rlnInstance.insertMembers(g.latestIndex + 1, idCommitments)
if not membersInserted:
raise newException(ValueError, "Failed to insert members into the merkle tree")
if g.registerCb.isSome():
var memberSeq = newSeq[Membership]()
for i in 0..<idCommitments.len():
memberSeq.add(Membership(idCommitment: idCommitments[i], index: g.latestIndex + MembershipIndex(i)))
await g.registerCb.get()(memberSeq)
g.latestIndex += MembershipIndex(idCommitments.len() - 1)
proc withdraw*(g: StaticGroupManager, idSecretHash: IdentitySecretHash): Future[void] {.async.} =
let groupKeys = g.config.groupKeys
for i in 0..<groupKeys.len():
if groupKeys[i].idSecretHash == idSecretHash:
let idCommitment = groupKeys[i].idCommitment
let index = MembershipIndex(i)
let memberRemoved = g.rlnInstance.removeMember(index)
if not memberRemoved:
raise newException(ValueError, "Failed to remove member from the merkle tree")
if g.withdrawCb.isSome():
await g.withdrawCb.get()(@[Membership(idCommitment: idCommitment, index: index)])
proc withdrawBatch*(g: StaticGroupManager, idSecretHashes: seq[IdentitySecretHash]): Future[void] {.async.} =
# call withdraw on each idSecretHash
for idSecretHash in idSecretHashes:
await g.withdraw(idSecretHash)
proc onRegister*(g: StaticGroupManager, cb: OnRegisterCallback) {.gcsafe.} =
g.registerCb = some(cb)
proc onWithdraw*(g: StaticGroupManager, cb: OnWithdrawCallback) {.gcsafe.} =
g.withdrawCb = some(cb)
@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ import
export metrics
topics = "waku rln_relay"
@ -1,152 +1,7 @@
## Nim wrappers for the functions defined in librln
when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
## Buffer struct is taken from
# https://github.com/celo-org/celo-threshold-bls-rs/blob/master/crates/threshold-bls-ffi/src/ffi.rs
type Buffer* = object
`ptr`*: ptr uint8
len*: uint
## RLN Zerokit module APIs
#------------------------------ Merkle Tree operations -----------------------------------------
proc update_next_member*(ctx: ptr RLN, input_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "set_next_leaf".}
## adds an element in the merkle tree to the next available position
## input_buffer points to the id commitment byte seq
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc delete_member*(ctx: ptr RLN, index: uint): bool {.importc: "delete_leaf".}
## index is the position of the id commitment key to be deleted from the tree
## the deleted id commitment key is replaced with a zero leaf
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc get_root*(ctx: ptr RLN, output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "get_root".}
## get_root populates the passed pointer output_buffer with the current tree root
## the output_buffer holds the Merkle tree root of size 32 bytes
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc get_merkle_proof*(ctx: ptr RLN, index: uint, output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "get_proof".}
## populates the passed pointer output_buffer with the merkle proof for the leaf at position index in the tree stored by ctx
## the output_buffer holds a serialized Merkle proof (vector of 32 bytes nodes)
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc set_leaf*(ctx: ptr RLN, index: uint, input_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "set_leaf".}
## sets the leaf at position index in the tree stored by ctx to the value passed by input_buffer
## the input_buffer holds a serialized leaf of 32 bytes
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc init_tree_with_leaves*(ctx: ptr RLN, input_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "init_tree_with_leaves".}
## sets multiple leaves in the tree stored by ctx to the value passed by input_buffer
## the input_buffer holds a serialized vector of leaves (32 bytes each)
## the input_buffer size is prefixed by a 8 bytes integer indicating the number of leaves
## leaves are set one after each other starting from index 0
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc set_leaves_from*(ctx: ptr RLN, index: uint, input_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "set_leaves_from".}
## sets multiple leaves in the tree stored by ctx to the value passed by input_buffer
## the input_buffer holds a serialized vector of leaves (32 bytes each)
## the input_buffer size is prefixed by a 8 bytes integer indicating the number of leaves
## leaves are set one after each other starting from index `index`
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc reset_tree*(ctx: ptr RLN, tree_height: uint): bool {.importc: "set_tree".}
## resets the tree stored by ctx to the the empty tree (all leaves set to 0) of height tree_height
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
#-------------------------------- zkSNARKs operations -----------------------------------------
proc key_gen*(ctx: ptr RLN, output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "extended_key_gen".}
## generates identity trapdoor, identity nullifier, identity secret hash and id commitment tuple serialized inside output_buffer as | identity_trapdoor<32> | identity_nullifier<32> | identity_secret_hash<32> | id_commitment<32> |
## identity secret hash is the poseidon hash of [identity_trapdoor, identity_nullifier]
## id commitment is the poseidon hash of the identity secret hash
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc seeded_key_gen*(ctx: ptr RLN, input_buffer: ptr Buffer, output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "seeded_extended_key_gen".}
## generates identity trapdoor, identity nullifier, identity secret hash and id commitment tuple serialized inside output_buffer as | identity_trapdoor<32> | identity_nullifier<32> | identity_secret_hash<32> | id_commitment<32> | using ChaCha20
## seeded with an arbitrary long seed serialized in input_buffer
## The input seed provided by the user is hashed using Keccak256 before being passed to ChaCha20 as seed.
## identity secret hash is the poseidon hash of [identity_trapdoor, identity_nullifier]
## id commitment is the poseidon hash of the identity secret hash
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc generate_proof*(ctx: ptr RLN,
input_buffer: ptr Buffer,
output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "generate_rln_proof".}
## input_buffer has to be serialized as [ id_key<32> | id_index<8> | epoch<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
## output_buffer holds the proof data and should be parsed as [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> ]
## integers wrapped in <> indicate value sizes in bytes
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc verify*(ctx: ptr RLN,
proof_buffer: ptr Buffer,
proof_is_valid_ptr: ptr bool): bool {.importc: "verify_rln_proof".}
## proof_buffer has to be serialized as [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the call to the verify function
## the verification of the zk proof is available in proof_is_valid_ptr, where a value of true indicates success and false a failure
proc verify_with_roots*(ctx: ptr RLN,
proof_buffer: ptr Buffer,
roots_buffer: ptr Buffer,
proof_is_valid_ptr: ptr bool): bool {.importc: "verify_with_roots".}
## proof_buffer has to be serialized as [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
## roots_buffer contains the concatenation of 32 bytes long serializations in little endian of root values
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the call to the verify function
## the verification of the zk proof is available in proof_is_valid_ptr, where a value of true indicates success and false a failure
proc zk_prove*(ctx: ptr RLN,
input_buffer: ptr Buffer,
output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "prove".}
## Computes the zkSNARK proof and stores it in output_buffer for input values stored in input_buffer
## input_buffer is serialized as input_data as [ id_key<32> | path_elements<Vec<32>> | identity_path_index<Vec<1>> | x<32> | epoch<32> | rln_identifier<32> ]
## output_buffer holds the proof data and should be parsed as [ proof<128> ]
## path_elements and indentity_path elements serialize a merkle proof for id_key and are vectors of elements of 32 and 1 bytes, respectively (not. Vec<>).
## x is the x coordinate of the Shamir's secret share for which the proof is computed
## epoch is the input epoch (equivalently, the nullifier)
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc zk_verify*(ctx: ptr RLN,
proof_buffer: ptr Buffer,
proof_is_valid_ptr: ptr bool): bool {.importc: "verify".}
## Verifies the zkSNARK proof passed in proof_buffer
## input_buffer is serialized as input_data as [ proof<128> ]
## the verification of the zk proof is available in proof_is_valid_ptr, where a value of true indicates success and false a failure
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
#-------------------------------- Common procedures -------------------------------------------
proc new_circuit*(tree_height: uint, input_buffer: ptr Buffer, ctx: ptr (ptr RLN)): bool {.importc: "new".}
## creates an instance of rln object as defined by the zerokit RLN lib
## tree_height represent the depth of the Merkle tree
## input_buffer contains a serialization of the path where the circuit resources can be found (.r1cs, .wasm, .zkey and optionally the verification_key.json)
## ctx holds the final created rln object
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc new_circuit_from_data*(tree_height: uint, circom_buffer: ptr Buffer, zkey_buffer: ptr Buffer, vk_buffer: ptr Buffer, ctx: ptr (ptr RLN)): bool {.importc: "new_with_params".}
## creates an instance of rln object as defined by the zerokit RLN lib by passing the required inputs as byte arrays
## tree_height represent the depth of the Merkle tree
## circom_buffer contains the bytes read from the Circom .wasm circuit
## zkey_buffer contains the bytes read from the .zkey proving key
## vk_buffer contains the bytes read from the verification_key.json
## ctx holds the final created rln object
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc hash*(ctx: ptr RLN,
input_buffer: ptr Buffer,
output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "hash".}
## it hashes (sha256) the plain text supplied in inputs_buffer and then maps it to a field element
## this proc is used to map arbitrary signals to field element for the sake of proof generation
## inputs_buffer holds the hash input as a byte seq
## the hash output is generated and populated inside output_buffer
## the output_buffer contains 32 bytes hash output
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
## Nim wrappers for the functions defined in librln
when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
## Buffer struct is taken from
# https://github.com/celo-org/celo-threshold-bls-rs/blob/master/crates/threshold-bls-ffi/src/ffi.rs
type Buffer* = object
`ptr`*: ptr uint8
len*: uint
proc toBuffer*(x: openArray[byte]): Buffer =
## converts the input to a Buffer object
## the Buffer object is used to communicate data with the rln lib
var temp = @x
let baseAddr = cast[pointer](x)
let output = Buffer(`ptr`: cast[ptr uint8](baseAddr), len: uint(temp.len))
return output
## RLN Zerokit module APIs
#------------------------------ Merkle Tree operations -----------------------------------------
proc update_next_member*(ctx: ptr RLN, input_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "set_next_leaf".}
## adds an element in the merkle tree to the next available position
## input_buffer points to the id commitment byte seq
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc delete_member*(ctx: ptr RLN, index: uint): bool {.importc: "delete_leaf".}
## index is the position of the id commitment key to be deleted from the tree
## the deleted id commitment key is replaced with a zero leaf
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc get_root*(ctx: ptr RLN, output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "get_root".}
## get_root populates the passed pointer output_buffer with the current tree root
## the output_buffer holds the Merkle tree root of size 32 bytes
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc get_merkle_proof*(ctx: ptr RLN, index: uint, output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "get_proof".}
## populates the passed pointer output_buffer with the merkle proof for the leaf at position index in the tree stored by ctx
## the output_buffer holds a serialized Merkle proof (vector of 32 bytes nodes)
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc set_leaf*(ctx: ptr RLN, index: uint, input_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "set_leaf".}
## sets the leaf at position index in the tree stored by ctx to the value passed by input_buffer
## the input_buffer holds a serialized leaf of 32 bytes
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc init_tree_with_leaves*(ctx: ptr RLN, input_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "init_tree_with_leaves".}
## sets multiple leaves in the tree stored by ctx to the value passed by input_buffer
## the input_buffer holds a serialized vector of leaves (32 bytes each)
## the input_buffer size is prefixed by a 8 bytes integer indicating the number of leaves
## leaves are set one after each other starting from index 0
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc set_leaves_from*(ctx: ptr RLN, index: uint, input_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "set_leaves_from".}
## sets multiple leaves in the tree stored by ctx to the value passed by input_buffer
## the input_buffer holds a serialized vector of leaves (32 bytes each)
## the input_buffer size is prefixed by a 8 bytes integer indicating the number of leaves
## leaves are set one after each other starting from index `index`
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc reset_tree*(ctx: ptr RLN, tree_height: uint): bool {.importc: "set_tree".}
## resets the tree stored by ctx to the the empty tree (all leaves set to 0) of height tree_height
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
#-------------------------------- zkSNARKs operations -----------------------------------------
proc key_gen*(ctx: ptr RLN, output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "extended_key_gen".}
## generates identity trapdoor, identity nullifier, identity secret hash and id commitment tuple serialized inside output_buffer as | identity_trapdoor<32> | identity_nullifier<32> | identity_secret_hash<32> | id_commitment<32> |
## identity secret hash is the poseidon hash of [identity_trapdoor, identity_nullifier]
## id commitment is the poseidon hash of the identity secret hash
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc seeded_key_gen*(ctx: ptr RLN, input_buffer: ptr Buffer, output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "seeded_extended_key_gen".}
## generates identity trapdoor, identity nullifier, identity secret hash and id commitment tuple serialized inside output_buffer as | identity_trapdoor<32> | identity_nullifier<32> | identity_secret_hash<32> | id_commitment<32> | using ChaCha20
## seeded with an arbitrary long seed serialized in input_buffer
## The input seed provided by the user is hashed using Keccak256 before being passed to ChaCha20 as seed.
## identity secret hash is the poseidon hash of [identity_trapdoor, identity_nullifier]
## id commitment is the poseidon hash of the identity secret hash
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc generate_proof*(ctx: ptr RLN,
input_buffer: ptr Buffer,
output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "generate_rln_proof".}
## input_buffer has to be serialized as [ id_key<32> | id_index<8> | epoch<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
## output_buffer holds the proof data and should be parsed as [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> ]
## integers wrapped in <> indicate value sizes in bytes
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc verify*(ctx: ptr RLN,
proof_buffer: ptr Buffer,
proof_is_valid_ptr: ptr bool): bool {.importc: "verify_rln_proof".}
## proof_buffer has to be serialized as [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the call to the verify function
## the verification of the zk proof is available in proof_is_valid_ptr, where a value of true indicates success and false a failure
proc verify_with_roots*(ctx: ptr RLN,
proof_buffer: ptr Buffer,
roots_buffer: ptr Buffer,
proof_is_valid_ptr: ptr bool): bool {.importc: "verify_with_roots".}
## proof_buffer has to be serialized as [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
## roots_buffer contains the concatenation of 32 bytes long serializations in little endian of root values
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the call to the verify function
## the verification of the zk proof is available in proof_is_valid_ptr, where a value of true indicates success and false a failure
proc zk_prove*(ctx: ptr RLN,
input_buffer: ptr Buffer,
output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "prove".}
## Computes the zkSNARK proof and stores it in output_buffer for input values stored in input_buffer
## input_buffer is serialized as input_data as [ id_key<32> | path_elements<Vec<32>> | identity_path_index<Vec<1>> | x<32> | epoch<32> | rln_identifier<32> ]
## output_buffer holds the proof data and should be parsed as [ proof<128> ]
## path_elements and indentity_path elements serialize a merkle proof for id_key and are vectors of elements of 32 and 1 bytes, respectively (not. Vec<>).
## x is the x coordinate of the Shamir's secret share for which the proof is computed
## epoch is the input epoch (equivalently, the nullifier)
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc zk_verify*(ctx: ptr RLN,
proof_buffer: ptr Buffer,
proof_is_valid_ptr: ptr bool): bool {.importc: "verify".}
## Verifies the zkSNARK proof passed in proof_buffer
## input_buffer is serialized as input_data as [ proof<128> ]
## the verification of the zk proof is available in proof_is_valid_ptr, where a value of true indicates success and false a failure
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
#-------------------------------- Common procedures -------------------------------------------
proc new_circuit*(tree_height: uint, input_buffer: ptr Buffer, ctx: ptr (ptr RLN)): bool {.importc: "new".}
## creates an instance of rln object as defined by the zerokit RLN lib
## tree_height represent the depth of the Merkle tree
## input_buffer contains a serialization of the path where the circuit resources can be found (.r1cs, .wasm, .zkey and optionally the verification_key.json)
## ctx holds the final created rln object
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc new_circuit_from_data*(tree_height: uint, circom_buffer: ptr Buffer, zkey_buffer: ptr Buffer, vk_buffer: ptr Buffer, ctx: ptr (ptr RLN)): bool {.importc: "new_with_params".}
## creates an instance of rln object as defined by the zerokit RLN lib by passing the required inputs as byte arrays
## tree_height represent the depth of the Merkle tree
## circom_buffer contains the bytes read from the Circom .wasm circuit
## zkey_buffer contains the bytes read from the .zkey proving key
## vk_buffer contains the bytes read from the verification_key.json
## ctx holds the final created rln object
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc hash*(ctx: ptr RLN,
input_buffer: ptr Buffer,
output_buffer: ptr Buffer): bool {.importc: "hash".}
## it hashes (sha256) the plain text supplied in inputs_buffer and then maps it to a field element
## this proc is used to map arbitrary signals to field element for the sake of proof generation
## inputs_buffer holds the hash input as a byte seq
## the hash output is generated and populated inside output_buffer
## the output_buffer contains 32 bytes hash output
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
stew/[arrayops, results],
topics = "waku rln_relay ffi"
proc membershipKeyGen*(ctxPtr: ptr RLN): RlnRelayResult[IdentityCredential] =
## generates a IdentityCredential that can be used for the registration into the rln membership contract
## Returns an error if the key generation fails
# keysBufferPtr will hold the generated identity tuple i.e., trapdoor, nullifier, secret hash and commitment
keysBuffer: Buffer
keysBufferPtr = addr(keysBuffer)
done = key_gen(ctxPtr, keysBufferPtr)
# check whether the keys are generated successfully
if(done == false):
return err("error in key generation")
var generatedKeys = cast[ptr array[4*32, byte]](keysBufferPtr.`ptr`)[]
# the public and secret keys together are 64 bytes
if (generatedKeys.len != 4*32):
return err("generated keys are of invalid length")
# TODO define a separate proc to decode the generated keys to the secret and public components
idTrapdoor: array[32, byte]
idNullifier: array[32, byte]
idSecretHash: array[32, byte]
idCommitment: array[32, byte]
for (i, x) in idTrapdoor.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+0*32]
for (i, x) in idNullifier.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+1*32]
for (i, x) in idSecretHash.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+2*32]
for (i, x) in idCommitment.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+3*32]
identityCredential = IdentityCredential(idTrapdoor: idTrapdoor, idNullifier: idNullifier, idSecretHash: idSecretHash, idCommitment: idCommitment)
return ok(identityCredential)
proc createRLNInstanceLocal*(d: int = MerkleTreeDepth): RLNResult =
## generates an instance of RLN
## An RLN instance supports both zkSNARKs logics and Merkle tree data structure and operations
## d indicates the depth of Merkle tree
## Returns an error if the instance creation fails
rlnInstance: ptr RLN
merkleDepth: csize_t = uint(d)
resourcesPathBuffer = RlnResourceFolder.toOpenArrayByte(0, RlnResourceFolder.high).toBuffer()
# create an instance of RLN
let res = new_circuit(merkleDepth, addr resourcesPathBuffer, addr rlnInstance)
# check whether the circuit parameters are generated successfully
if (res == false):
debug "error in parameters generation"
return err("error in parameters generation")
return ok(rlnInstance)
proc createRLNInstance*(d: int = MerkleTreeDepth): RLNResult =
## Wraps the rln instance creation for metrics
## Returns an error if the instance creation fails
var res: RLNResult
res = createRLNInstanceLocal(d)
return res
proc hash*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, data: openArray[byte]): MerkleNode =
## a thin layer on top of the Nim wrapper of the Poseidon hasher
debug "hash input", hashhex = data.toHex()
var lenPrefData = appendLength(data)
hashInputBuffer = lenPrefData.toBuffer()
outputBuffer: Buffer # will holds the hash output
debug "hash input buffer length", bufflen = hashInputBuffer.len
hashSuccess = hash(rlnInstance, addr hashInputBuffer, addr outputBuffer)
# check whether the hash call is done successfully
if not hashSuccess:
debug "error in hash"
return default(MerkleNode)
output = cast[ptr MerkleNode](outputBuffer.`ptr`)[]
return output
proc proofGen*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, data: openArray[byte],
memKeys: IdentityCredential, memIndex: MembershipIndex,
epoch: Epoch): RateLimitProofResult =
# serialize inputs
let serializedInputs = serialize(idSecretHash = memKeys.idSecretHash,
memIndex = memIndex,
epoch = epoch,
msg = data)
var inputBuffer = toBuffer(serializedInputs)
debug "input buffer ", inputBuffer= repr(inputBuffer)
# generate the proof
var proof: Buffer
let proofIsSuccessful = generate_proof(rlnInstance, addr inputBuffer, addr proof)
# check whether the generate_proof call is done successfully
if not proofIsSuccessful:
return err("could not generate the proof")
var proofValue = cast[ptr array[320, byte]] (proof.`ptr`)
let proofBytes: array[320, byte] = proofValue[]
debug "proof content", proofHex = proofValue[].toHex
## parse the proof as [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> ]
proofOffset = 128
rootOffset = proofOffset + 32
epochOffset = rootOffset + 32
shareXOffset = epochOffset + 32
shareYOffset = shareXOffset + 32
nullifierOffset = shareYOffset + 32
rlnIdentifierOffset = nullifierOffset + 32
zkproof: ZKSNARK
proofRoot, shareX, shareY: MerkleNode
epoch: Epoch
nullifier: Nullifier
rlnIdentifier: RlnIdentifier
discard zkproof.copyFrom(proofBytes[0..proofOffset-1])
discard proofRoot.copyFrom(proofBytes[proofOffset..rootOffset-1])
discard epoch.copyFrom(proofBytes[rootOffset..epochOffset-1])
discard shareX.copyFrom(proofBytes[epochOffset..shareXOffset-1])
discard shareY.copyFrom(proofBytes[shareXOffset..shareYOffset-1])
discard nullifier.copyFrom(proofBytes[shareYOffset..nullifierOffset-1])
discard rlnIdentifier.copyFrom(proofBytes[nullifierOffset..rlnIdentifierOffset-1])
let output = RateLimitProof(proof: zkproof,
merkleRoot: proofRoot,
epoch: epoch,
shareX: shareX,
shareY: shareY,
nullifier: nullifier,
rlnIdentifier: rlnIdentifier)
return ok(output)
# validRoots should contain a sequence of roots in the acceptable windows.
# As default, it is set to an empty sequence of roots. This implies that the validity check for the proof's root is skipped
proc proofVerify*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN,
data: openArray[byte],
proof: RateLimitProof,
validRoots: seq[MerkleNode] = @[]): RlnRelayResult[bool] =
## verifies the proof, returns an error if the proof verification fails
## returns true if the proof is valid
proofBytes = serialize(proof, data)
proofBuffer = proofBytes.toBuffer()
validProof: bool
rootsBytes = serialize(validRoots)
rootsBuffer = rootsBytes.toBuffer()
trace "serialized proof", proof = proofBytes.toHex()
let verifyIsSuccessful = verify_with_roots(rlnInstance, addr proofBuffer, addr rootsBuffer, addr validProof)
if not verifyIsSuccessful:
# something went wrong in verification call
warn "could not verify validity of the proof", proof=proof
return err("could not verify the proof")
if not validProof:
return ok(false)
return ok(true)
proc insertMember*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, idComm: IDCommitment): bool =
## inserts a member to the tree
## returns true if the member is inserted successfully
## returns false if the member could not be inserted
var pkBuffer = toBuffer(idComm)
let pkBufferPtr = addr pkBuffer
# add the member to the tree
let memberAdded = update_next_member(rlnInstance, pkBufferPtr)
return memberAdded
proc insertMembers*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN,
index: MembershipIndex,
idComms: seq[IDCommitment]): bool =
## Insert multiple members i.e., identity commitments
## returns true if the insertion is successful
## returns false if any of the insertions fails
## Note: This proc is atomic, i.e., if any of the insertions fails, all the previous insertions are rolled back
# serialize the idComms
let idCommsBytes = serializeIdCommitments(idComms)
var idCommsBuffer = idCommsBytes.toBuffer()
let idCommsBufferPtr = addr idCommsBuffer
# add the member to the tree
let membersAdded = set_leaves_from(rlnInstance, index, idCommsBufferPtr)
return membersAdded
proc removeMember*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, index: MembershipIndex): bool =
let deletion_success = delete_member(rlnInstance, index)
return deletion_success
proc getMerkleRoot*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN): MerkleNodeResult =
# read the Merkle Tree root after insertion
root {.noinit.}: Buffer = Buffer()
rootPtr = addr(root)
getRootSuccessful = getRoot(rlnInstance, rootPtr)
if not getRootSuccessful:
return err("could not get the root")
if not root.len == 32:
return err("wrong output size")
var rootValue = cast[ptr MerkleNode] (root.`ptr`)[]
return ok(rootValue)
@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ import
stew/[byteutils, arrayops, endians2]
stew/[byteutils, arrayops]
@ -57,94 +58,23 @@ contract(MembershipContract):
# proc withdraw(secret: Uint256, pubkeyIndex: Uint256, receiver: Address)
# proc withdrawBatch( secrets: seq[Uint256], pubkeyIndex: seq[Uint256], receiver: seq[Address])
proc toBuffer*(x: openArray[byte]): Buffer =
## converts the input to a Buffer object
## the Buffer object is used to communicate data with the rln lib
var temp = @x
let baseAddr = cast[pointer](x)
let output = Buffer(`ptr`: cast[ptr uint8](baseAddr), len: uint(temp.len))
return output
proc createRLNInstanceLocal(d: int = MerkleTreeDepth): RLNResult =
## generates an instance of RLN
## An RLN instance supports both zkSNARKs logics and Merkle tree data structure and operations
## d indicates the depth of Merkle tree
## Returns an error if the instance creation fails
rlnInstance: ptr RLN
merkleDepth: csize_t = uint(d)
resourcesPathBuffer = RlnResourceFolder.toOpenArrayByte(0, RlnResourceFolder.high).toBuffer()
# create an instance of RLN
let res = new_circuit(merkleDepth, addr resourcesPathBuffer, addr rlnInstance)
# check whether the circuit parameters are generated successfully
if (res == false):
debug "error in parameters generation"
return err("error in parameters generation")
return ok(rlnInstance)
proc membershipKeyGen*(ctxPtr: ptr RLN): RlnRelayResult[IdentityCredential] =
## generates a IdentityCredential that can be used for the registration into the rln membership contract
## Returns an error if the key generation fails
# keysBufferPtr will hold the generated identity tuple i.e., trapdoor, nullifier, secret hash and commitment
keysBuffer: Buffer
keysBufferPtr = addr(keysBuffer)
done = key_gen(ctxPtr, keysBufferPtr)
# check whether the keys are generated successfully
if(done == false):
return err("error in key generation")
var generatedKeys = cast[ptr array[4*32, byte]](keysBufferPtr.`ptr`)[]
# the public and secret keys together are 64 bytes
if (generatedKeys.len != 4*32):
return err("generated keys are of invalid length")
# TODO define a separate proc to decode the generated keys to the secret and public components
idTrapdoor: array[32, byte]
idNullifier: array[32, byte]
idSecretHash: array[32, byte]
idCommitment: array[32, byte]
for (i, x) in idTrapdoor.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+0*32]
for (i, x) in idNullifier.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+1*32]
for (i, x) in idSecretHash.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+2*32]
for (i, x) in idCommitment.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+3*32]
identityCredential = IdentityCredential(idTrapdoor: idTrapdoor, idNullifier: idNullifier, idSecretHash: idSecretHash, idCommitment: idCommitment)
return ok(identityCredential)
proc createRLNInstance*(d: int = MerkleTreeDepth): RLNResult =
## Wraps the rln instance creation for metrics
## Returns an error if the instance creation fails
var res: RLNResult
res = createRLNInstanceLocal(d)
return res
proc toUInt256*(idCommitment: IDCommitment): UInt256 =
let pk = UInt256.fromBytesLE(idCommitment)
return pk
proc toIDCommitment*(idCommitmentUint: UInt256): IDCommitment =
let pk = IDCommitment(idCommitmentUint.toBytesLE())
return pk
proc inHex*(value: IdentityTrapdoor or IdentityNullifier or IdentitySecretHash or IDCommitment or MerkleNode or Nullifier or Epoch or RlnIdentifier): string =
var valueHex = (UInt256.fromBytesLE(value)).toHex()
proc inHex*(value:
IdentityTrapdoor or
IdentityNullifier or
IdentitySecretHash or
IDCommitment or
MerkleNode or
Nullifier or
Epoch or
): string =
var valueHex = UInt256.fromBytesLE(value)
valueHex = valueHex.toHex()
# We pad leading zeroes
while valueHex.len < value.len * 2:
valueHex = "0" & valueHex
return valueHex
proc toMembershipIndex(v: UInt256): MembershipIndex =
let membershipIndex: MembershipIndex = cast[MembershipIndex](v)
return membershipIndex
proc register*(idComm: IDCommitment, ethAccountAddress: Option[Address], ethAccountPrivKey: keys.PrivateKey, ethClientAddress: string, membershipContractAddress: Address, registrationHandler: Option[RegistrationHandler] = none(RegistrationHandler)): Future[Result[MembershipIndex, string]] {.async.} =
# TODO may need to also get eth Account Private Key as PrivateKey
## registers the idComm into the membership contract whose address is in rlnPeer.membershipContractAddress
@ -216,216 +146,6 @@ proc register*(rlnPeer: WakuRLNRelay, registrationHandler: Option[RegistrationHa
return err(regResult.error())
return ok(true)
proc appendLength*(input: openArray[byte]): seq[byte] =
## returns length prefixed version of the input
## with the following format [len<8>|input<var>]
## len: 8-byte value that represents the number of bytes in the `input`
## len is serialized in little-endian
## input: the supplied `input`
# the length should be serialized in little-endian
len = toBytes(uint64(input.len), Endianness.littleEndian)
output = concat(@len, @input)
return output
proc hash*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, data: openArray[byte]): MerkleNode =
## a thin layer on top of the Nim wrapper of the Poseidon hasher
debug "hash input", hashhex = data.toHex()
var lenPrefData = appendLength(data)
hashInputBuffer = lenPrefData.toBuffer()
outputBuffer: Buffer # will holds the hash output
debug "hash input buffer length", bufflen = hashInputBuffer.len
hashSuccess = hash(rlnInstance, addr hashInputBuffer, addr outputBuffer)
output = cast[ptr MerkleNode](outputBuffer.`ptr`)[]
return output
proc serialize(idSecretHash: IdentitySecretHash, memIndex: MembershipIndex, epoch: Epoch,
msg: openArray[byte]): seq[byte] =
## a private proc to convert RateLimitProof and the data to a byte seq
## this conversion is used in the proofGen proc
## the serialization is done as instructed in https://github.com/kilic/rln/blob/7ac74183f8b69b399e3bc96c1ae8ab61c026dc43/src/public.rs#L146
## [ id_key<32> | id_index<8> | epoch<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
let memIndexBytes = toBytes(uint64(memIndex), Endianness.littleEndian)
let lenPrefMsg = appendLength(msg)
let output = concat(@idSecretHash, @memIndexBytes, @epoch, lenPrefMsg)
return output
proc proofGen*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, data: openArray[byte],
memKeys: IdentityCredential, memIndex: MembershipIndex,
epoch: Epoch): RateLimitProofResult =
# serialize inputs
let serializedInputs = serialize(idSecretHash = memKeys.idSecretHash,
memIndex = memIndex,
epoch = epoch,
msg = data)
var inputBuffer = toBuffer(serializedInputs)
debug "input buffer ", inputBuffer= repr(inputBuffer)
# generate the proof
var proof: Buffer
let proofIsSuccessful = generate_proof(rlnInstance, addr inputBuffer, addr proof)
# check whether the generate_proof call is done successfully
if not proofIsSuccessful:
return err("could not generate the proof")
var proofValue = cast[ptr array[320, byte]] (proof.`ptr`)
let proofBytes: array[320, byte] = proofValue[]
debug "proof content", proofHex = proofValue[].toHex
## parse the proof as [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> ]
proofOffset = 128
rootOffset = proofOffset + 32
epochOffset = rootOffset + 32
shareXOffset = epochOffset + 32
shareYOffset = shareXOffset + 32
nullifierOffset = shareYOffset + 32
rlnIdentifierOffset = nullifierOffset + 32
zkproof: ZKSNARK
proofRoot, shareX, shareY: MerkleNode
epoch: Epoch
nullifier: Nullifier
rlnIdentifier: RlnIdentifier
discard zkproof.copyFrom(proofBytes[0..proofOffset-1])
discard proofRoot.copyFrom(proofBytes[proofOffset..rootOffset-1])
discard epoch.copyFrom(proofBytes[rootOffset..epochOffset-1])
discard shareX.copyFrom(proofBytes[epochOffset..shareXOffset-1])
discard shareY.copyFrom(proofBytes[shareXOffset..shareYOffset-1])
discard nullifier.copyFrom(proofBytes[shareYOffset..nullifierOffset-1])
discard rlnIdentifier.copyFrom(proofBytes[nullifierOffset..rlnIdentifierOffset-1])
let output = RateLimitProof(proof: zkproof,
merkleRoot: proofRoot,
epoch: epoch,
shareX: shareX,
shareY: shareY,
nullifier: nullifier,
rlnIdentifier: rlnIdentifier)
return ok(output)
proc serialize(proof: RateLimitProof, data: openArray[byte]): seq[byte] =
## a private proc to convert RateLimitProof and data to a byte seq
## this conversion is used in the proof verification proc
## [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
let lenPrefMsg = appendLength(@data)
var proofBytes = concat(@(proof.proof),
return proofBytes
# Serializes a sequence of MerkleNodes
proc serialize(roots: seq[MerkleNode]): seq[byte] =
var rootsBytes: seq[byte] = @[]
for root in roots:
rootsBytes = concat(rootsBytes, @root)
return rootsBytes
# validRoots should contain a sequence of roots in the acceptable windows.
# As default, it is set to an empty sequence of roots. This implies that the validity check for the proof's root is skipped
proc proofVerify*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN,
data: openArray[byte],
proof: RateLimitProof,
validRoots: seq[MerkleNode] = @[]): RlnRelayResult[bool] =
## verifies the proof, returns an error if the proof verification fails
## returns true if the proof is valid
proofBytes = serialize(proof, data)
proofBuffer = proofBytes.toBuffer()
validProof: bool
rootsBytes = serialize(validRoots)
rootsBuffer = rootsBytes.toBuffer()
trace "serialized proof", proof = proofBytes.toHex()
let verifyIsSuccessful = verify_with_roots(rlnInstance, addr proofBuffer, addr rootsBuffer, addr validProof)
if not verifyIsSuccessful:
# something went wrong in verification call
warn "could not verify validity of the proof", proof=proof
return err("could not verify the proof")
if not validProof:
return ok(false)
return ok(true)
proc insertMember*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, idComm: IDCommitment): bool =
## inserts a member to the tree
## returns true if the member is inserted successfully
## returns false if the member could not be inserted
var pkBuffer = toBuffer(idComm)
let pkBufferPtr = addr pkBuffer
# add the member to the tree
let memberAdded = update_next_member(rlnInstance, pkBufferPtr)
return memberAdded
proc serializeIdCommitments*(idComms: seq[IDCommitment]): seq[byte] =
## serializes a seq of IDCommitments to a byte seq
## the serialization is based on https://github.com/status-im/nwaku/blob/37bd29fbc37ce5cf636734e7dd410b1ed27b88c8/waku/v2/protocol/waku_rln_relay/rln.nim#L142
## the order of serialization is |id_commitment_len<8>|id_commitment<var>|
var idCommsBytes = newSeq[byte]()
# serialize the idComms, with its length prefixed
let len = toBytes(uint64(idComms.len), Endianness.littleEndian)
for idComm in idComms:
idCommsBytes = concat(idCommsBytes, @idComm)
return idCommsBytes
proc insertMembers*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN,
index: MembershipIndex,
idComms: seq[IDCommitment]): bool =
## Insert multiple members i.e., identity commitments
## returns true if the insertion is successful
## returns false if any of the insertions fails
## Note: This proc is atomic, i.e., if any of the insertions fails, all the previous insertions are rolled back
# serialize the idComms
let idCommsBytes = serializeIdCommitments(idComms)
var idCommsBuffer = idCommsBytes.toBuffer()
let idCommsBufferPtr = addr idCommsBuffer
# add the member to the tree
let membersAdded = set_leaves_from(rlnInstance, index, idCommsBufferPtr)
return membersAdded
proc removeMember*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, index: MembershipIndex): bool =
let deletion_success = delete_member(rlnInstance, index)
return deletion_success
proc getMerkleRoot*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN): MerkleNodeResult =
# read the Merkle Tree root after insertion
root {.noinit.}: Buffer = Buffer()
rootPtr = addr(root)
getRootSuccessful = getRoot(rlnInstance, rootPtr)
if not getRootSuccessful:
return err("could not get the root")
if not root.len == 32:
return err("wrong output size")
var rootValue = cast[ptr MerkleNode] (root.`ptr`)[]
return ok(rootValue)
proc updateValidRootQueue*(wakuRlnRelay: WakuRLNRelay, root: MerkleNode): void =
## updates the valid Merkle root queue with the latest root and pops the oldest one when the capacity of `AcceptableRootWindowSize` is reached
let overflowCount = wakuRlnRelay.validMerkleRoots.len() - AcceptableRootWindowSize
@ -468,50 +188,6 @@ proc validateRoot*(wakuRlnRelay: WakuRLNRelay, root: MerkleNode): bool =
## Validate against the window of roots stored in wakuRlnRelay.validMerkleRoots
return root in wakuRlnRelay.validMerkleRoots
# Converts a sequence of tuples containing 4 string (i.e. identity trapdoor, nullifier, secret hash and commitment) to an IndentityCredential
proc toIdentityCredentials*(groupKeys: seq[(string, string, string, string)]): RlnRelayResult[seq[
IdentityCredential]] =
## groupKeys is sequence of membership key tuples in the form of (identity key, identity commitment) all in the hexadecimal format
## the toIdentityCredentials proc populates a sequence of IdentityCredentials using the supplied groupKeys
## Returns an error if the conversion fails
var groupIdCredentials = newSeq[IdentityCredential]()
for i in 0..groupKeys.len-1:
idTrapdoor = hexToUint[IdentityTrapdoor.len*8](groupKeys[i][0]).toBytesLE()
idNullifier = hexToUint[IdentityNullifier.len*8](groupKeys[i][1]).toBytesLE()
idSecretHash = hexToUint[IdentitySecretHash.len*8](groupKeys[i][2]).toBytesLE()
idCommitment = hexToUint[IDCommitment.len*8](groupKeys[i][3]).toBytesLE()
groupIdCredentials.add(IdentityCredential(idTrapdoor: idTrapdoor, idNullifier: idNullifier, idSecretHash: idSecretHash,
idCommitment: idCommitment))
except ValueError as err:
warn "could not convert the group key to bytes", err = err.msg
return err("could not convert the group key to bytes: " & err.msg)
return ok(groupIdCredentials)
# Converts a sequence of tuples containing 2 string (i.e. identity secret hash and commitment) to an IndentityCredential
proc toIdentityCredentials*(groupKeys: seq[(string, string)]): RlnRelayResult[seq[
IdentityCredential]] =
## groupKeys is sequence of membership key tuples in the form of (identity key, identity commitment) all in the hexadecimal format
## the toIdentityCredentials proc populates a sequence of IdentityCredentials using the supplied groupKeys
## Returns an error if the conversion fails
var groupIdCredentials = newSeq[IdentityCredential]()
for i in 0..groupKeys.len-1:
idSecretHash = hexToUint[IdentitySecretHash.len*8](groupKeys[i][0]).toBytesLE()
idCommitment = hexToUint[IDCommitment.len*8](groupKeys[i][1]).toBytesLE()
groupIdCredentials.add(IdentityCredential(idSecretHash: idSecretHash,
idCommitment: idCommitment))
except ValueError as err:
warn "could not convert the group key to bytes", err = err.msg
return err("could not convert the group key to bytes: " & err.msg)
return ok(groupIdCredentials)
proc calcMerkleRoot*(list: seq[IDCommitment]): RlnRelayResult[string] =
## returns the root of the Merkle tree that is computed from the supplied list
## the root is in hexadecimal format
@ -604,6 +280,12 @@ proc rlnRelayStaticSetUp*(rlnRelayMembershipIndex: MembershipIndex): RlnRelayRes
return ok((groupIDCommitmentsOpt, groupIdCredentialsOpt, memIndexOpt))
proc calcEpoch*(t: float64): Epoch =
## gets time `t` as `flaot64` with subseconds resolution in the fractional part
## and returns its corresponding rln `Epoch` value
let e = uint64(t/EpochUnitSeconds)
return toEpoch(e)
proc hasDuplicate*(rlnPeer: WakuRLNRelay, msg: WakuMessage): RlnRelayResult[bool] =
## returns true if there is another message in the `nullifierLog` of the `rlnPeer` with the same
## epoch and nullifier as `msg`'s epoch and nullifier but different Shamir secret shares
@ -680,25 +362,6 @@ proc updateLog*(rlnPeer: WakuRLNRelay, msg: WakuMessage): RlnRelayResult[bool] =
except KeyError as e:
return err("the epoch was not found")
proc toEpoch*(t: uint64): Epoch =
## converts `t` to `Epoch` in little-endian order
let bytes = toBytes(t, Endianness.littleEndian)
debug "bytes", bytes = bytes
var epoch: Epoch
discard epoch.copyFrom(bytes)
return epoch
proc fromEpoch*(epoch: Epoch): uint64 =
## decodes bytes of `epoch` (in little-endian) to uint64
let t = fromBytesLE(uint64, array[32, byte](epoch))
return t
proc calcEpoch*(t: float64): Epoch =
## gets time `t` as `flaot64` with subseconds resolution in the fractional part
## and returns its corresponding rln `Epoch` value
let e = uint64(t/EpochUnitSeconds)
return toEpoch(e)
proc getCurrentEpoch*(): Epoch =
## gets the current rln Epoch time
return calcEpoch(epochTime())
@ -1000,8 +663,8 @@ proc handleGroupUpdates*(rlnPeer: WakuRLNRelay) {.async, gcsafe.} =
proc addRLNRelayValidator*(wakuRlnRelay: WakuRLNRelay,
wakuRelay: WakuRelay,
pubsubTopic: PubsubTopic,
contentTopic: ContentTopic,
pubsubTopic: PubsubTopic,
contentTopic: ContentTopic,
spamHandler: Option[SpamHandler] = none(SpamHandler)) =
## this procedure is a thin wrapper for the pubsub addValidator method
## it sets a validator for the waku messages published on the supplied pubsubTopic and contentTopic
@ -1220,7 +883,7 @@ proc mount(wakuRelay: WakuRelay,
registrationHandler: Option[RegistrationHandler] = none(RegistrationHandler)
): Future[RlnRelayResult[WakuRlnRelay]] {.async.} =
if not conf.rlnRelayDynamic:
if not conf.rlnRelayDynamic:
info " setting up waku-rln-relay in off-chain mode... "
# set up rln relay inputs
let staticSetupRes = rlnRelayStaticSetUp(MembershipIndex(conf.rlnRelayMembershipIndex))
@ -1233,11 +896,11 @@ proc mount(wakuRelay: WakuRelay,
# mount rlnrelay in off-chain mode with a static group of users
let mountRes = mountRlnRelayStatic(wakuRelay,
group = groupOpt.get(),
group = groupOpt.get(),
memIdCredential = idCredentialOpt.get(),
memIndex = memIndexOpt.get(),
memIndex = memIndexOpt.get(),
pubsubTopic = conf.rlnRelayPubsubTopic,
contentTopic = conf.rlnRelayContentTopic,
contentTopic = conf.rlnRelayContentTopic,
spamHandler = spamHandler)
if mountRes.isErr():
@ -1325,26 +988,26 @@ proc mount(wakuRelay: WakuRelay,
if credentials.isSome():
# mount rln-relay in on-chain mode, with credentials that were read or generated
rlnRelayRes = await mountRlnRelayDynamic(wakuRelay,
memContractAddr = ethMemContractAddress,
memContractAddr = ethMemContractAddress,
ethClientAddr = ethClientAddr,
ethAccountAddress = ethAccountAddressOpt,
ethAccountPrivKeyOpt = ethAccountPrivKeyOpt,
ethAccountAddress = ethAccountAddressOpt,
ethAccountPrivKeyOpt = ethAccountPrivKeyOpt,
pubsubTopic = conf.rlnRelayPubsubTopic,
contentTopic = conf.rlnRelayContentTopic,
spamHandler = spamHandler,
contentTopic = conf.rlnRelayContentTopic,
spamHandler = spamHandler,
registrationHandler = registrationHandler,
memIdCredential = some(credentials.get().identityCredential),
memIndex = some(credentials.get().rlnIndex))
memIndex = some(credentials.get().rlnIndex))
# mount rln-relay in on-chain mode, with the provided private key
rlnRelayRes = await mountRlnRelayDynamic(wakuRelay,
memContractAddr = ethMemContractAddress,
memContractAddr = ethMemContractAddress,
ethClientAddr = ethClientAddr,
ethAccountAddress = ethAccountAddressOpt,
ethAccountPrivKeyOpt = ethAccountPrivKeyOpt,
ethAccountAddress = ethAccountAddressOpt,
ethAccountPrivKeyOpt = ethAccountPrivKeyOpt,
pubsubTopic = conf.rlnRelayPubsubTopic,
contentTopic = conf.rlnRelayContentTopic,
spamHandler = spamHandler,
contentTopic = conf.rlnRelayContentTopic,
spamHandler = spamHandler,
registrationHandler = registrationHandler)
persistCredentials = true
@ -1354,13 +1017,13 @@ proc mount(wakuRelay: WakuRelay,
# a new credential will be generated during the mount process but will not be persisted
info "no need to persist or use a persisted rln-relay credential"
rlnRelayRes = await mountRlnRelayDynamic(wakuRelay,
memContractAddr = ethMemContractAddress,
memContractAddr = ethMemContractAddress,
ethClientAddr = ethClientAddr,
ethAccountAddress = ethAccountAddressOpt,
ethAccountPrivKeyOpt = ethAccountPrivKeyOpt,
ethAccountAddress = ethAccountAddressOpt,
ethAccountPrivKeyOpt = ethAccountPrivKeyOpt,
pubsubTopic = conf.rlnRelayPubsubTopic,
contentTopic = conf.rlnRelayContentTopic,
spamHandler = spamHandler,
contentTopic = conf.rlnRelayContentTopic,
spamHandler = spamHandler,
registrationHandler = registrationHandler)
if rlnRelayRes.isErr():
@ -1368,7 +1031,7 @@ proc mount(wakuRelay: WakuRelay,
let wakuRlnRelay = rlnRelayRes.get()
if persistCredentials:
# persist rln credential
credentials = some(RlnMembershipCredentials(rlnIndex: wakuRlnRelay.membershipIndex,
credentials = some(RlnMembershipCredentials(rlnIndex: wakuRlnRelay.membershipIndex,
identityCredential: wakuRlnRelay.identityCredential))
if writeRlnCredentials(rlnRelayCredPath, credentials.get(), conf.rlnRelayCredentialsPassword).isErr():
return err("error in storing rln credentials")
@ -1393,11 +1056,11 @@ proc new*(T: type WakuRlnRelay,
return err("The relay protocol does not support the configured pubsub topic")
debug "rln-relay input validation passed"
let rlnRelayRes = await mount(
return rlnRelayRes
return rlnRelayRes
Reference in New Issue
Block a user