- [ ] All issues under the corresponding release [milestone](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/milestones) has been closed or, after consultation, deferred to a next release.
> **IMPORTANT:** Updating submodules requires a PR (and very often several "fixes" to maintain compatibility with the changes in submodules). That PR process must be done and merged a couple of days before the release.
> In case the submodules update has a low effort and/or risk for the release, follow the ["Update submodules"](./git-submodules.md) instructions.
> If the effort or risk is too high, consider postponing the submodules upgrade for the subsequent release or delaying the current release until the submodules updates are included in the release candidate.
- [ ] The [js-waku CI tests](https://github.com/waku-org/js-waku/actions/workflows/ci.yml) pass against the release candidate (i.e. nwaku latest `master`).
> **NOTE:** This serves as a basic regression test against typical clients of nwaku.
> The specific job that needs to pass is named `node_with_nwaku_master`.
- Create a [Github release](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/releases) on the release tag.
- Add binaries for `macos` and `ubuntu` as release assets. Binaries can be compiled by triggering the ["Upload Release Asset"](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/actions/workflows/release-assets.yml) workflow. Where possible, test the binaries before uploading to the release.
2. Deploy the release image to [Dockerhub](https://hub.docker.com/layers/statusteam/nim-waku/a5f8b9/images/sha256-88691a8f82bd6a4242fa99053a65b7fc4762b23a2b4e879d0f8b578c798a0e09?context=explore) by triggering [the manual Jenkins deployment job](https://ci.infra.status.im/job/nim-waku/job/manual/build).
- Ensure that nodes successfully start up and monitor health using [Grafana](https://grafana.infra.status.im/d/qrp_ZCTGz/nim-waku-v2?orgId=1) and [Kibana](https://kibana.infra.status.im/goto/a7728e70-eb26-11ec-81d1-210eb3022c76).
- If necessary, revert by deploying the previous release. Download logs and open a bug report issue.