2021-01-07 12:34:24 -08:00
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
chronos , chronicles , options , stint , unittest ,
web3 ,
2021-02-22 09:40:02 -08:00
stew / byteutils , stew / shims / net as stewNet ,
libp2p / crypto / crypto ,
2021-02-18 14:59:10 -08:00
.. / .. / waku / v2 / protocol / waku_rln_relay / [ rln , waku_rln_relay_utils ] ,
2021-02-22 09:40:02 -08:00
.. / .. / waku / v2 / node / wakunode2 ,
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
.. / test_helpers ,
2021-02-04 11:30:00 -08:00
2021-01-07 12:34:24 -08:00
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
# the address of Ethereum client (ganache-cli for now)
2021-02-22 09:40:02 -08:00
# TODO this address in hardcoded in the code, we may need to take it as input from the user
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
const EthClient = " ws://localhost:8540/ "
2021-02-19 11:44:18 -08:00
2021-02-04 12:10:25 -08:00
# poseidonHasherCode holds the bytecode of Poseidon hasher solidity smart contract:
# https://github.com/kilic/rlnapp/blob/master/packages/contracts/contracts/crypto/PoseidonHasher.sol
# the solidity contract is compiled separately and the resultant bytecode is copied here
const poseidonHasherCode = readFile ( " tests/v2/poseidonHasher.txt " )
# membershipContractCode contains the bytecode of the membership solidity smart contract:
# https://github.com/kilic/rlnapp/blob/master/packages/contracts/contracts/RLN.sol
# the solidity contract is compiled separately and the resultant bytecode is copied here
const membershipContractCode = readFile ( " tests/v2/membershipContract.txt " )
# the membership contract code in solidity
# uint256 public immutable MEMBERSHIP_DEPOSIT;
# uint256 public immutable DEPTH;
# uint256 public immutable SET_SIZE;
# uint256 public pubkeyIndex = 0;
# mapping(uint256 => uint256) public members;
# IPoseidonHasher public poseidonHasher;
# event MemberRegistered(uint256 indexed pubkey, uint256 indexed index);
# event MemberWithdrawn(uint256 indexed pubkey, uint256 indexed index);
# constructor(
# uint256 membershipDeposit,
# uint256 depth,
# address _poseidonHasher
# ) public {
# MEMBERSHIP_DEPOSIT = membershipDeposit;
# DEPTH = depth;
# SET_SIZE = 1 << depth;
# poseidonHasher = IPoseidonHasher(_poseidonHasher);
# }
# function register(uint256 pubkey) external payable {
# require(pubkeyIndex < SET_SIZE, "RLN, register: set is full");
# require(msg.value == MEMBERSHIP_DEPOSIT, "RLN, register: membership deposit is not satisfied");
# _register(pubkey);
# }
# function registerBatch(uint256[] calldata pubkeys) external payable {
# require(pubkeyIndex + pubkeys.length <= SET_SIZE, "RLN, registerBatch: set is full");
# require(msg.value == MEMBERSHIP_DEPOSIT * pubkeys.length, "RLN, registerBatch: membership deposit is not satisfied");
# for (uint256 i = 0; i < pubkeys.length; i++) {
# _register(pubkeys[i]);
# }
# }
# function withdrawBatch(
# uint256[] calldata secrets,
# uint256[] calldata pubkeyIndexes,
# address payable[] calldata receivers
# ) external {
# uint256 batchSize = secrets.length;
# require(batchSize != 0, "RLN, withdrawBatch: batch size zero");
# require(batchSize == pubkeyIndexes.length, "RLN, withdrawBatch: batch size mismatch pubkey indexes");
# require(batchSize == receivers.length, "RLN, withdrawBatch: batch size mismatch receivers");
# for (uint256 i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
# _withdraw(secrets[i], pubkeyIndexes[i], receivers[i]);
# }
# }
# function withdraw(
# uint256 secret,
# uint256 _pubkeyIndex,
# address payable receiver
# ) external {
# _withdraw(secret, _pubkeyIndex, receiver);
# }
2021-01-07 12:34:24 -08:00
contract ( MembershipContract ) :
2021-02-04 12:10:25 -08:00
proc register ( pubkey : Uint256 ) # external payable
# proc registerBatch(pubkeys: seq[Uint256]) # external payable
# TODO will add withdraw function after integrating the keyGeneration function (required to compute public keys from secret keys)
# proc withdraw(secret: Uint256, pubkeyIndex: Uint256, receiver: Address)
# proc withdrawBatch( secrets: seq[Uint256], pubkeyIndex: seq[Uint256], receiver: seq[Address])
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
proc uploadContract ( ethClientAddress : string ) : Future [ Address ] {. async . } =
let web3 = await newWeb3 ( ethClientAddress )
debug " web3 connected to " , ethClientAddress
2021-02-04 11:30:00 -08:00
# fetch the list of registered accounts
2021-01-07 12:34:24 -08:00
let accounts = await web3 . provider . eth_accounts ( )
web3 . defaultAccount = accounts [ 1 ]
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
let add = web3 . defaultAccount
debug " contract deployer account address " , add
2021-01-07 12:34:24 -08:00
var balance = await web3 . provider . eth_getBalance ( web3 . defaultAccount , " latest " )
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
debug " Initial account balance: " , balance
2021-01-07 12:34:24 -08:00
2021-02-04 12:10:25 -08:00
# deploy the poseidon hash first
hasherReceipt = await web3 . deployContract ( poseidonHasherCode )
hasherAddress = hasherReceipt . contractAddress . get
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
debug " hasher address: " , hasherAddress
2021-02-04 12:10:25 -08:00
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
2021-02-04 12:10:25 -08:00
# encode membership contract inputs to 32 bytes zero-padded
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
membershipFeeEncoded = encode ( MembershipFee ) . data
depthEncoded = encode ( Depth ) . data
2021-02-04 12:10:25 -08:00
hasherAddressEncoded = encode ( hasherAddress ) . data
# this is the contract constructor input
contractInput = membershipFeeEncoded & depthEncoded & hasherAddressEncoded
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
debug " encoded membership fee: " , membershipFeeEncoded
debug " encoded depth: " , depthEncoded
debug " encoded hasher address: " , hasherAddressEncoded
debug " encoded contract input: " , contractInput
2021-02-04 12:10:25 -08:00
# deploy membership contract with its constructor inputs
let receipt = await web3 . deployContract ( membershipContractCode , contractInput = contractInput )
2021-01-07 12:34:24 -08:00
var contractAddress = receipt . contractAddress . get
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
debug " Address of the deployed membership contract: " , contractAddress
2021-01-07 12:34:24 -08:00
2021-02-04 12:10:25 -08:00
# balance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(web3.defaultAccount , "latest")
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
# debug "Account balance after the contract deployment: ", balance
2021-01-07 12:34:24 -08:00
await web3 . close ( )
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
debug " disconnected from " , ethClientAddress
return contractAddress
procSuite " Waku rln relay " :
asyncTest " contract membership " :
let contractAddress = await uploadContract ( EthClient )
# connect to the eth client
let web3 = await newWeb3 ( EthClient )
debug " web3 connected to " , EthClient
# fetch the list of registered accounts
let accounts = await web3 . provider . eth_accounts ( )
web3 . defaultAccount = accounts [ 1 ]
let add = web3 . defaultAccount
debug " contract deployer account address " , add
# prepare a contract sender to interact with it
var sender = web3 . contractSender ( MembershipContract , contractAddress ) # creates a Sender object with a web3 field and contract address of type Address
# send takes three parameters, c: ContractCallBase, value = 0.u256, gas = 3000000'u64 gasPrice = 0
# should use send proc for the contract functions that update the state of the contract
let tx = await sender . register ( 20 . u256 ) . send ( value = MembershipFee )
debug " The hash of registration tx: " , tx # value is the membership fee
# var members: array[2, uint256] = [20.u256, 21.u256]
# debug "This is the batch registration result ", await sender.registerBatch(members).send(value = (members.len * membershipFee)) # value is the membership fee
# balance = await web3.provider.eth_getBalance(web3.defaultAccount , "latest")
# debug "Balance after registration: ", balance
await web3 . close ( )
debug " disconnected from " , EthClient
2021-02-19 11:44:18 -08:00
asyncTest " registration procedure " :
# deploy the contract
let contractAddress = await uploadContract ( EthClient )
# prepare rln-relay peer inputs
web3 = await newWeb3 ( EthClient )
accounts = await web3 . provider . eth_accounts ( )
# choose one of the existing accounts for the rln-relay peer
ethAccountAddress = accounts [ 9 ]
await web3 . close ( )
# generate the membership keys
let membershipKeyPair = membershipKeyGen ( )
check :
membershipKeyPair . isSome
2021-02-22 09:40:02 -08:00
# initialize the WakuRLNRelay
var rlnPeer = WakuRLNRelay ( membershipKeyPair : membershipKeyPair . get ( ) ,
2021-02-19 11:44:18 -08:00
ethClientAddress : EthClient ,
ethAccountAddress : ethAccountAddress ,
membershipContractAddress : contractAddress )
# register the rln-relay peer to the membership contract
let is_successful = await rlnPeer . register ( )
check :
2021-02-22 09:40:02 -08:00
asyncTest " mounting waku rln relay " :
nodeKey = crypto . PrivateKey . random ( Secp256k1 , rng [ ] ) [ ]
node = WakuNode . init ( nodeKey , ValidIpAddress . init ( " " ) ,
Port ( 60000 ) )
await node . start ( )
# deploy the contract
let membershipContractAddress = await uploadContract ( EthClient )
# prepare rln-relay inputs
web3 = await newWeb3 ( EthClient )
accounts = await web3 . provider . eth_accounts ( )
# choose one of the existing account for the rln-relay peer
ethAccountAddress = accounts [ 9 ]
await web3 . close ( )
# start rln-relay
await node . mountRlnRelay ( ethClientAddress = some ( EthClient ) , ethAccountAddress = some ( ethAccountAddress ) , membershipContractAddress = some ( membershipContractAddress ) )
2021-02-17 13:54:49 -08:00
suite " Waku rln relay " :
test " Keygen Nim Wrappers " :
merkleDepth : csize_t = 32
# parameters.key contains the parameters related to the Poseidon hasher
# to generate this file, clone this repo https://github.com/kilic/rln
# and run the following command in the root directory of the cloned project
# cargo run --example export_test_keys
# the file is generated separately and copied here
parameters = readFile ( " waku/v2/protocol/waku_rln_relay/parameters.key " )
pbytes = parameters . toBytes ( )
len : csize_t = uint ( pbytes . len )
parametersBuffer = Buffer ( ` ptr ` : unsafeAddr ( pbytes [ 0 ] ) , len : len )
check :
# check the parameters.key is not empty
pbytes . len ! = 0
# ctx holds the information that is going to be used for the key generation
obj = RLNBn256 ( )
objPtr = unsafeAddr ( obj )
ctx = objPtr
let res = newCircuitFromParams ( merkleDepth , unsafeAddr parametersBuffer , ctx )
check :
# check whether the circuit parameters are generated successfully
res = = true
# keysBufferPtr will hold the generated key pairs i.e., secret and public keys
keysBufferPtr : Buffer
done = keyGen ( ctx , keysBufferPtr )
check :
# check whether the keys are generated successfully
done = = true
if done :
var generatedKeys = cast [ ptr array [ 64 , byte ] ] ( keysBufferPtr . ` ptr ` ) [ ]
check :
# the public and secret keys together are 64 bytes
generatedKeys . len = = 64
2021-02-18 14:59:10 -08:00
debug " generated keys: " , generatedKeys
test " membership Key Gen " :
var key = membershipKeyGen ( )
var empty : array [ 32 , byte ]
check :
key . isSome
key . get ( ) . secretKey . len = = 32
key . get ( ) . publicKey . len = = 32
key . get ( ) . secretKey ! = empty
key . get ( ) . publicKey ! = empty
debug " the generated membership key pair: " , key