## creates an instance of rln object as defined by the rln lib https://github.com/kilic/rln/blob/7ac74183f8b69b399e3bc96c1ae8ab61c026dc43/src/public.rs#L48
## merkle_depth represent the depth of the Merkle tree
## parameters_buffer holds prover and verifier keys
## ctx holds the final created rln object
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
## as explained in https://github.com/kilic/rln/blob/7ac74183f8b69b399e3bc96c1ae8ab61c026dc43/src/public.rs#L135, it hashes (sha256) the plain text supplied in inputs_buffer and then maps it to a field element
## this proc is used to map arbitrary signals to field element for the sake of proof generation
## inputs_buffer holds the hash input as a byte seq
## the hash output is generated and populated inside output_buffer
## the output_buffer contains 32 bytes hash output
## input_buffer has to be serialized as [ id_key<32> | id_index<8> | epoch<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
## output_buffer holds the proof data and should be parsed as [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> ]
## integers wrapped in <> indicate value sizes in bytes
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
## proof_buffer has to be serialized as [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the call to the verify function
## the verification of the zk proof is available in proof_is_valid_ptr, where a value of true indicates success and false a failure
proc zk_prove*(ctx:ptrRLN,
## Computes the zkSNARK proof and stores it in output_buffer for input values stored in input_buffer
## input_buffer is serialized as input_data as [ id_key<32> | path_elements<Vec<32>> | identity_path_index<Vec<1>> | x<32> | epoch<32> | rln_identifier<32> ]
## output_buffer holds the proof data and should be parsed as [ proof<128> ]
## path_elements and indentity_path elements serialize a merkle proof for id_key and are vectors of elements of 32 and 1 bytes, respectively (not. Vec<>).
## x is the x coordinate of the Shamir's secret share for which the proof is computed
## epoch is the input epoch (equivalently, the nullifier)
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
## creates an instance of rln object as defined by the zerokit RLN lib
## merkle_depth represent the depth of the Merkle tree
## input_buffer contains a serialization of the path where the circuit resources can be found (.r1cs, .wasm, .zkey and optionally the verification_key.json)
## ctx holds the final created rln object
## the return bool value indicates the success or failure of the operation
proc hash*(ctx:ptrRLN,
## it hashes (sha256) the plain text supplied in inputs_buffer and then maps it to a field element
## this proc is used to map arbitrary signals to field element for the sake of proof generation
## inputs_buffer holds the hash input as a byte seq
## the hash output is generated and populated inside output_buffer
## the output_buffer contains 32 bytes hash output