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stew/[results, byteutils],
2022-11-04 09:52:08 +00:00
../../waku/v2/utils/noise as waku_message_utils,
procSuite "Waku Noise Sessions":
# This test implements the Device pairing and Secure Transfers with Noise
# detailed in the 43/WAKU2-DEVICE-PAIRING RFC https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/43/
test "Noise Waku Pairing Handhshake and Secure transfer":
# Pairing Phase
let hsPattern = NoiseHandshakePatterns["WakuPairing"]
# Alice static/ephemeral key initialization and commitment
let aliceStaticKey = genKeyPair(rng[])
let aliceEphemeralKey = genKeyPair(rng[])
let s = randomSeqByte(rng[], 32)
let aliceCommittedStaticKey = commitPublicKey(getPublicKey(aliceStaticKey), s)
# Bob static/ephemeral key initialization and commitment
let bobStaticKey = genKeyPair(rng[])
let bobEphemeralKey = genKeyPair(rng[])
let r = randomSeqByte(rng[], 32)
let bobCommittedStaticKey = commitPublicKey(getPublicKey(bobStaticKey), r)
# Content Topic information
let applicationName = "waku-noise-sessions"
let applicationVersion = "0.1"
let shardId = "10"
let qrMessageNametag = randomSeqByte(rng[], MessageNametagLength)
# Out-of-band Communication
# Bob prepares the QR and sends it out-of-band to Alice
let qr = toQr(applicationName, applicationVersion, shardId, getPublicKey(bobEphemeralKey), bobCommittedStaticKey)
# Alice deserializes the QR code
let (readApplicationName, readApplicationVersion, readShardId, readEphemeralKey, readCommittedStaticKey) = fromQr(qr)
# We check if QR serialization/deserialization works
applicationName == readApplicationName
applicationVersion == readApplicationVersion
shardId == readShardId
getPublicKey(bobEphemeralKey) == readEphemeralKey
bobCommittedStaticKey == readCommittedStaticKey
# We set the contentTopic from the content topic parameters exchanged in the QR
let contentTopic: ContentTopic = "/" & applicationName & "/" & applicationVersion & "/wakunoise/1/sessions_shard-" & shardId & "/proto"
# Pre-handshake message
# <- eB {H(sB||r), contentTopicParams, messageNametag}
let preMessagePKs: seq[NoisePublicKey] = @[toNoisePublicKey(getPublicKey(bobEphemeralKey))]
# We initialize the Handshake states.
# Note that we pass the whole qr serialization as prologue information
var aliceHS = initialize(hsPattern = hsPattern, ephemeralKey = aliceEphemeralKey, staticKey = aliceStaticKey, prologue = qr.toBytes, preMessagePKs = preMessagePKs, initiator = true)
var bobHS = initialize(hsPattern = hsPattern, ephemeralKey = bobEphemeralKey, staticKey = bobStaticKey, prologue = qr.toBytes, preMessagePKs = preMessagePKs)
# Pairing Handshake
sentTransportMessage: seq[byte]
aliceStep, bobStep: HandshakeStepResult
msgFromPb: ProtoResult[WakuMessage]
wakuMsg: Result[WakuMessage, cstring]
pb: ProtoBuffer
readPayloadV2: PayloadV2
aliceMessageNametag, bobMessageNametag: MessageNametag
# Write and read calls alternate between Alice and Bob: the handhshake progresses by alternatively calling stepHandshake for each user
# 1st step
# -> eA, eAeB {H(sA||s)} [authcode]
# The messageNametag for the first handshake message is randomly generated and exchanged out-of-band
# and corresponds to qrMessageNametag
# We set the transport message to be H(sA||s)
sentTransportMessage = digestToSeq(aliceCommittedStaticKey)
# We ensure that digestToSeq and its inverse seqToDigest256 are correct
seqToDigest256(sentTransportMessage) == aliceCommittedStaticKey
# By being the handshake initiator, Alice writes a Waku2 payload v2 containing her handshake message
# and the (encrypted) transport message
# The message is sent with a messageNametag equal to the one received through the QR code
aliceStep = stepHandshake(rng[], aliceHS, transportMessage = sentTransportMessage, messageNametag = qrMessageNametag).get()
# We prepare a Waku message from Alice's payload2
wakuMsg = encodePayloadV2(aliceStep.payload2, contentTopic)
wakuMsg.get().contentTopic == contentTopic
# At this point wakuMsg is sent over the Waku network and is received
# We simulate this by creating the ProtoBuffer from wakuMsg
pb = wakuMsg.get().encode()
# We decode the WakuMessage from the ProtoBuffer
msgFromPb = WakuMessage.decode(pb.buffer)
# We decode the payloadV2 from the WakuMessage
readPayloadV2 = decodePayloadV2(msgFromPb.get()).get()
readPayloadV2 == aliceStep.payload2
# Bob reads Alice's payloads, and returns the (decrypted) transport message Alice sent to him
# Note that Bob verifies if the received payloadv2 has the expected messageNametag set
bobStep = stepHandshake(rng[], bobHS, readPayloadV2 = readPayloadV2, messageNametag = qrMessageNametag).get()
bobStep.transportMessage == sentTransportMessage
# We generate an authorization code using the handshake state
let aliceAuthcode = genAuthcode(aliceHS)
let bobAuthcode = genAuthcode(bobHS)
# We check that they are equal. Note that this check has to be confirmed with a user interaction.
aliceAuthcode == bobAuthcode
# 2nd step
# <- sB, eAsB {r}
# Alice and Bob update their local next messageNametag using the available handshake information
# During the handshake, messageNametag = HKDF(h), where h is the handshake hash value at the end of the last processed message
aliceMessageNametag = toMessageNametag(aliceHS)
bobMessageNametag = toMessageNametag(bobHS)
# We set as a transport message the commitment randomness r
sentTransportMessage = r
# At this step, Bob writes and returns a payload
bobStep = stepHandshake(rng[], bobHS, transportMessage = sentTransportMessage, messageNametag = bobMessageNametag).get()
# We prepare a Waku message from Bob's payload2
wakuMsg = encodePayloadV2(bobStep.payload2, contentTopic)
wakuMsg.get().contentTopic == contentTopic
# At this point wakuMsg is sent over the Waku network and is received
# We simulate this by creating the ProtoBuffer from wakuMsg
pb = wakuMsg.get().encode()
# We decode the WakuMessage from the ProtoBuffer
msgFromPb = WakuMessage.decode(pb.buffer)
# We decode the payloadV2 from the WakuMessage
readPayloadV2 = decodePayloadV2(msgFromPb.get()).get()
readPayloadV2 == bobStep.payload2
# While Alice reads and returns the (decrypted) transport message
aliceStep = stepHandshake(rng[], aliceHS, readPayloadV2 = readPayloadV2, messageNametag = aliceMessageNametag).get()
aliceStep.transportMessage == sentTransportMessage
# Alice further checks if Bob's commitment opens to Bob's static key she just received
let expectedBobCommittedStaticKey = commitPublicKey(aliceHS.rs, aliceStep.transportMessage)
expectedBobCommittedStaticKey == bobCommittedStaticKey
# 3rd step
# -> sA, sAeB, sAsB {s}
# Alice and Bob update their local next messageNametag using the available handshake information
aliceMessageNametag = toMessageNametag(aliceHS)
bobMessageNametag = toMessageNametag(bobHS)
# We set as a transport message the commitment randomness s
sentTransportMessage = s
# Similarly as in first step, Alice writes a Waku2 payload containing the handshake message and the (encrypted) transport message
aliceStep = stepHandshake(rng[], aliceHS, transportMessage = sentTransportMessage, messageNametag = aliceMessageNametag).get()
# We prepare a Waku message from Bob's payload2
wakuMsg = encodePayloadV2(aliceStep.payload2, contentTopic)
wakuMsg.get().contentTopic == contentTopic
# At this point wakuMsg is sent over the Waku network and is received
# We simulate this by creating the ProtoBuffer from wakuMsg
pb = wakuMsg.get().encode()
# We decode the WakuMessage from the ProtoBuffer
msgFromPb = WakuMessage.decode(pb.buffer)
# We decode the payloadV2 from the WakuMessage
readPayloadV2 = decodePayloadV2(msgFromPb.get()).get()
readPayloadV2 == aliceStep.payload2
# Bob reads Alice's payloads, and returns the (decrypted) transport message Alice sent to him
bobStep = stepHandshake(rng[], bobHS, readPayloadV2 = readPayloadV2, messageNametag = bobMessageNametag).get()
bobStep.transportMessage == sentTransportMessage
# Bob further checks if Alice's commitment opens to Alice's static key he just received
let expectedAliceCommittedStaticKey = commitPublicKey(bobHS.rs, bobStep.transportMessage)
expectedAliceCommittedStaticKey == aliceCommittedStaticKey
# Secure Transfer Phase
# We finalize the handshake to retrieve the Inbound/Outbound Symmetric States
var aliceHSResult, bobHSResult: HandshakeResult
aliceHSResult = finalizeHandshake(aliceHS)
bobHSResult = finalizeHandshake(bobHS)
# We test read/write of random messages exchanged between Alice and Bob
payload2: PayloadV2
message: seq[byte]
readMessage: seq[byte]
# We test message exchange
# Note that we exchange more than the number of messages contained in the nametag buffer to test if they are filled correctly as the communication proceeds
for i in 0 .. 10 * MessageNametagBufferSize:
# Alice writes to Bob
message = randomSeqByte(rng[], 32)
payload2 = writeMessage(aliceHSResult, message, outboundMessageNametagBuffer = aliceHSResult.nametagsOutbound)
readMessage = readMessage(bobHSResult, payload2, inboundMessageNametagBuffer = bobHSResult.nametagsInbound).get()
message == readMessage
# Bob writes to Alice
message = randomSeqByte(rng[], 32)
payload2 = writeMessage(bobHSResult, message, outboundMessageNametagBuffer = bobHSResult.nametagsOutbound)
readMessage = readMessage(aliceHSResult, payload2, inboundMessageNametagBuffer = aliceHSResult.nametagsInbound).get()
message == readMessage
# We test how nametag buffers help in detecting lost messages
# Alice writes two messages to Bob, but only the second is received
message = randomSeqByte(rng[], 32)
payload2 = writeMessage(aliceHSResult, message, outboundMessageNametagBuffer = aliceHSResult.nametagsOutbound)
message = randomSeqByte(rng[], 32)
payload2 = writeMessage(aliceHSResult, message, outboundMessageNametagBuffer = aliceHSResult.nametagsOutbound)
expect NoiseSomeMessagesWereLost:
readMessage = readMessage(bobHSResult, payload2, inboundMessageNametagBuffer = bobHSResult.nametagsInbound).get()
# We adjust bob nametag buffer for next test (i.e. the missed message is correctly recovered)
delete(bobHSResult.nametagsInbound, 2)
message = randomSeqByte(rng[], 32)
payload2 = writeMessage(bobHSResult, message, outboundMessageNametagBuffer = bobHSResult.nametagsOutbound)
readMessage = readMessage(aliceHSResult, payload2, inboundMessageNametagBuffer = aliceHSResult.nametagsInbound).get()
message == readMessage
# We test if a missing nametag is correctly detected
message = randomSeqByte(rng[], 32)
payload2 = writeMessage(aliceHSResult, message, outboundMessageNametagBuffer = aliceHSResult.nametagsOutbound)
delete(bobHSResult.nametagsInbound, 1)
expect NoiseMessageNametagError:
readMessage = readMessage(bobHSResult, payload2, inboundMessageNametagBuffer = bobHSResult.nametagsInbound).get()