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synced 2025-03-03 08:20:59 +00:00
328 lines
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328 lines
9.6 KiB
os, unittest, random, strformat,
../faststreams, ../faststreams/textio
proc bytes(s: string): seq[byte] =
result = newSeqOfCap[byte](s.len)
for c in s: result.add byte(c)
template bytes(c: char): byte = byte(c)
template bytes(b: seq[byte]): seq[byte] = b
template bytes[N, T](b: array[N, T]): seq[byte] = @b
proc repeat(b: byte, count: int): seq[byte] =
result = newSeq[byte](count)
for i in 0 ..< count: result[i] = b
const line = "123456789123456789123456789123456789\n\n\n\n\n"
proc randomBytes(n: int): seq[byte] =
result.newSeq n
for i in 0 ..< n:
result[i] = byte(rand(line))
proc readAllAndClose(s: InputStream): seq[byte] =
while s.readable:
result.add s.read
import memfiles
suite "output stream":
nimSeq: seq[byte] = @[]
memStream = memoryOutput()
smallPageSizeStream = memoryOutput(pageSize = 10)
largePageSizeStream = memoryOutput(pageSize = 1000000)
fileOutputPath = getTempDir() / "faststreams_testfile"
unbufferedFileOutputPath = getTempDir() / "faststreams_testfile_unbuffered"
fileStream = fileOutput(fileOutputPath)
unbufferedFileStream = fileOutput(unbufferedFileOutputPath, pageSize = 0)
bufferSize = 1000000
buffer = alloc(bufferSize)
streamWritingToExistingBuffer = unsafeMemoryOutput(buffer, bufferSize)
removeFile fileOutputPath
removeFile unbufferedFileOutputPath
dealloc buffer
template output(val: auto) {.dirty.} =
nimSeq.add bytes(val)
memStream.write val
smallPageSizeStream.write val
largePageSizeStream.write val
fileStream.write val
unbufferedFileStream.write val
streamWritingToExistingBuffer.write val
template outputText(val: auto) =
let valAsStr = $val
nimSeq.add valAsStr.toOpenArrayByte(0, valAsStr.len - 1)
memStream.writeText val
smallPageSizeStream.writeText val
largePageSizeStream.writeText val
fileStream.writeText val
unbufferedFileStream.writeText val
streamWritingToExistingBuffer.writeText val
template checkOutputsMatch(showResults = false,
skipUnbufferedFile = false) =
close fileStream
close unbufferedFileStream
check fileExists(fileOutputPath) and
memStreamRes = memStream.getOutput
readFileRes = readFile(fileOutputPath).string.bytes
fileInputRes = fileInput(fileOutputPath).readAllAndClose
memFileInputRes = memFileInput(fileOutputPath).readAllAndClose
fileInputWithSmallPagesRes = fileInput(fileOutputPath, pageSize = 10).readAllAndClose
when showResults:
checkpoint "Nim seq result"
checkpoint $nimSeq
checkpoint "Writes to existing buffer result"
checkpoint $makeOpenArray(cast[ptr byte](buffer),
checkpoint "mem stream result"
checkpoint $memStreamRes
checkpoint "readFile result"
checkpoint $readFileRes
checkpoint "fileInput result"
checkpoint $fileInputRes
checkpoint "memFileInput result"
checkpoint $memFileInputRes
checkpoint "fileInput with small pageSize result"
checkpoint $fileInputWithSmallPagesRes
let outputsMatch =
nimSeq == makeOpenArray(cast[ptr byte](buffer),
check outputsMatch
check nimSeq == memStreamRes
check nimSeq == readFileRes
check nimSeq == fileInputRes
check nimSeq == memFileInputRes
check nimSeq == fileInputWithSmallPagesRes
when not skipUnbufferedFile:
let unbufferedFileRes = readFile(unbufferedFileOutputPath).string.bytes
check nimSeq == unbufferedFileRes
test "no appends produce an empty output":
test "write zero length slices":
output ""
output newSeq[byte]()
var arr: array[0, byte]
output arr
check nimSeq.len == 0
test "text output":
for i in 1 .. 100:
outputText i
outputText " bottles on the wall"
outputText '\n'
template undelayedOutput(content: seq[byte]) {.dirty.} =
nimSeq.add content
streamWritingToExistingBuffer.write content
test "delayed write":
output "initial output\n"
const delayedWriteContent = bytes "delayed write\n"
var memCursor = memStream.delayFixedSizeWrite(delayedWriteContent.len)
var fileCursor = fileStream.delayVarSizeWrite(delayedWriteContent.len + 50)
let cursorStart = memStream.pos
undelayedOutput delayedWriteContent
var bytesWritten = 0
for i, count in [2, 12, 342, 2121, 23, 1, 34012, 932]:
output repeat(byte(i), count)
bytesWritten += count
check memStream.pos - cursorStart == bytesWritten
memCursor.finalWrite delayedWriteContent
fileCursor.finalWrite delayedWriteContent
checkOutputsMatch(skipUnbufferedFile = true)
test "float output":
let basic: float64 = 12345.125
let small: float32 = 12345.125
let large: float64 = 9.99e+20
let tiny: float64 = -2.25e-35
outputText basic
outputText small
outputText large
outputText tiny
suite "randomized tests":
WriteTypes = enum
DelayedWrite = object
isFixedSize: bool
fixedSizeCursor: WriteCursor
varSizeCursor: VarSizeWriteCursor
content: seq[byte]
written: int
proc randomizedCursorsTestImpl(stream: OutputStream,
seed = 1000,
iterations = 1000,
minWriteSize = 500,
maxWriteSize = 1000,
writeTypes = Mixed,
varSizeVariance = 50): seq[byte] =
randomize seed
var delayedWrites = newSeq[DelayedWrite]()
let writeSizeSpread = maxWriteSize - minWriteSize
for i in 0 ..< iterations:
let decision = rand(100)
if decision < 20:
# Write at some random cursor
if delayedWrites.len > 0:
i = rand(delayedWrites.len - 1)
written = delayedWrites[i].written
remaining = delayedWrites[i].content.len - written
toWrite = min(rand(remaining) + 10, remaining)
if delayedWrites[i].isFixedSize:
delayedWrites[i].fixedSizeCursor.write delayedWrites[i].content[written ..< written + toWrite]
delayedWrites[i].written += toWrite
if remaining - toWrite == 0:
if delayedWrites[i].isFixedSize:
finalize delayedWrites[i].fixedSizeCursor
finalWrite delayedWrites[i].varSizeCursor, delayedWrites[i].content
if i != delayedWrites.len - 1:
swap(delayedWrites[i], delayedWrites[^1])
delayedWrites.setLen(delayedWrites.len - 1)
size = rand(writeSizeSpread) + minWriteSize
randomBytes = randomBytes(size)
if decision < 90:
# Normal write
result.add randomBytes
stream.write randomBytes
# Create cursor
result.add randomBytes
let isFixedSize = case writeTypes
of FixedSize: true
of VarSize: false
of Mixed: rand(10) > 3
if isFixedSize:
let cursor = stream.delayFixedSizeWrite(randomBytes.len)
delayedWrites.add DelayedWrite(
fixedSizeCursor: cursor,
content: randomBytes,
written: 0,
isFixedSize: true)
overestimatedBytes = rand(varSizeVariance)
cursorSize = randomBytes.len + overestimatedBytes
cursor = stream.delayVarSizeWrite(cursorSize)
delayedWrites.add DelayedWrite(
varSizeCursor: cursor,
content: randomBytes,
written: 0,
isFixedSize: false)
# Write all unwritten data to all outstanding cursors
if stream != nil:
for dw in mitems(delayedWrites):
if dw.isFixedSize:
let remaining = dw.content.len - dw.written
dw.fixedSizeCursor.write dw.content[dw.written ..< dw.written + remaining]
finalize dw.fixedSizeCursor
dw.varSizeCursor.finalWrite dw.content
template randomizedCursorsTest(streamExpr: OutputStreamHandle,
writeTypesExpr: WriteTypes,
varSizeVarianceExpr: int,
customChecks: untyped = nil) =
const testName = "randomized cursor test [" & astToStr(streamExpr) &
";writes=" & $writeTypesExpr & ",variance=" & $varSizeVarianceExpr & "]"
test testName:
let s = streamExpr
var referenceResult = randomizedCursorsTestImpl(stream = s,
writeTypes = writeTypesExpr,
varSizeVariance = varSizeVarianceExpr)
when astToStr(customChecks) == "nil":
let streamResult = s.getOutput()
let resultsMatch = streamResult == referenceResult
when false:
if not resultsMatch:
writeFile("reference-result.txt", referenceResult)
writeFile("stream-result.txt", streamResult)
check resultsMatch
check referenceResult.len == s.pos
randomizedCursorsTest(memoryOutput(), FixedSize, 0)
randomizedCursorsTest(memoryOutput(), VarSize, 100)
randomizedCursorsTest(memoryOutput(pageSize = 10), Mixed, 10)