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# Ethereum P2P
# (c) Copyright 2018
# Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# Apache License, version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHEv2)
# MIT license (LICENSE-MIT)
chronos, stint, nimcrypto/keccak, chronicles, bearssl,
eth/[keys, rlp],
kademlia, enode,
stew/[objects, results]
Node, results
topics = "discovery"
# UDP packet constants.
MAC_SIZE = 256 div 8 # 32
SIG_SIZE = 520 div 8 # 65
EXPIRATION = 60 # let messages expire after N secondes
DiscoveryProtocol* = ref object
privKey: PrivateKey
address: Address
bootstrapNodes*: seq[Node]
thisNode*: Node
kademlia: KademliaProtocol[DiscoveryProtocol]
transp: DatagramTransport
CommandId = enum
cmdPing = 1
cmdPong = 2
cmdFindNode = 3
cmdNeighbours = 4
DiscProtocolError* = object of CatchableError
DiscResult*[T] = Result[T, cstring]
const MinListLen: array[CommandId, int] = [4, 3, 2, 2]
proc append*(w: var RlpWriter, a: IpAddress) =
case a.family
of IpAddressFamily.IPv6:
of IpAddressFamily.IPv4:
proc append(w: var RlpWriter, p: Port) {.inline.} = w.append(p.int)
proc append(w: var RlpWriter, pk: PublicKey) {.inline.} = w.append(pk.toRaw())
proc append(w: var RlpWriter, h: MDigest[256]) {.inline.} = w.append(h.data)
proc pack(cmdId: CommandId, payload: openArray[byte], pk: PrivateKey): seq[byte] =
## Create and sign a UDP message to be sent to a remote node.
## See https://github.com/ethereum/devp2p/blob/master/rlpx.md#node-discovery for information on
## how UDP packets are structured.
# TODO: There is a lot of unneeded allocations here
let encodedData = @[cmdId.byte] & @payload
let signature = @(pk.sign(encodedData).toRaw())
let msgHash = keccak256.digest(signature & encodedData)
result = @(msgHash.data) & signature & encodedData
proc validateMsgHash(msg: openArray[byte]): DiscResult[MDigest[256]] =
if msg.len > HEAD_SIZE:
var ret: MDigest[256]
ret.data[0 .. ^1] = msg.toOpenArray(0, ret.data.high)
if ret == keccak256.digest(msg.toOpenArray(MAC_SIZE, msg.high)):
err("disc: invalid message hash")
err("disc: msg missing hash")
proc recoverMsgPublicKey(msg: openArray[byte]): DiscResult[PublicKey] =
if msg.len <= HEAD_SIZE:
return err("disc: can't get public key")
let sig = ? Signature.fromRaw(msg.toOpenArray(MAC_SIZE, HEAD_SIZE))
recover(sig, msg.toOpenArray(HEAD_SIZE, msg.high))
proc unpack(msg: openArray[byte]): tuple[cmdId: CommandId, payload: seq[byte]] =
# Check against possible RangeError
if msg[HEAD_SIZE].int < CommandId.low.ord or
msg[HEAD_SIZE].int > CommandId.high.ord:
raise newException(DiscProtocolError, "Unsupported packet id")
result = (cmdId: msg[HEAD_SIZE].CommandId, payload: msg[HEAD_SIZE + 1 .. ^1])
proc expiration(): uint32 =
result = uint32(epochTime() + EXPIRATION)
# Wire protocol
proc send(d: DiscoveryProtocol, n: Node, data: seq[byte]) =
let ta = initTAddress(n.node.address.ip, n.node.address.udpPort)
let f = d.transp.sendTo(ta, data)
f.callback = proc(data: pointer) {.gcsafe.} =
if f.failed:
debug "Discovery send failed", msg = f.readError.msg
proc sendPing*(d: DiscoveryProtocol, n: Node): seq[byte] =
let payload = rlp.encode((PROTO_VERSION, d.address, n.node.address,
let msg = pack(cmdPing, payload, d.privKey)
result = msg[0 ..< MAC_SIZE]
trace ">>> ping ", n
d.send(n, msg)
proc sendPong*(d: DiscoveryProtocol, n: Node, token: MDigest[256]) =
let payload = rlp.encode((n.node.address, token, expiration()))
let msg = pack(cmdPong, payload, d.privKey)
trace ">>> pong ", n
d.send(n, msg)
proc sendFindNode*(d: DiscoveryProtocol, n: Node, targetNodeId: NodeId) =
var data: array[64, byte]
data[32 .. ^1] = targetNodeId.toByteArrayBE()
let payload = rlp.encode((data, expiration()))
let msg = pack(cmdFindNode, payload, d.privKey)
trace ">>> find_node to ", n#, ": ", msg.toHex()
d.send(n, msg)
proc sendNeighbours*(d: DiscoveryProtocol, node: Node, neighbours: seq[Node]) =
const MAX_NEIGHBOURS_PER_PACKET = 12 # TODO: Implement a smarter way to compute it
type Neighbour = tuple[ip: IpAddress, udpPort, tcpPort: Port, pk: PublicKey]
var nodes = newSeqOfCap[Neighbour](MAX_NEIGHBOURS_PER_PACKET)
template flush() =
let payload = rlp.encode((nodes, expiration()))
let msg = pack(cmdNeighbours, payload, d.privkey)
trace "Neighbours to", node, nodes
d.send(node, msg)
for i, n in neighbours:
nodes.add((n.node.address.ip, n.node.address.udpPort,
n.node.address.tcpPort, n.node.pubkey))
if nodes.len != 0: flush()
proc newDiscoveryProtocol*(privKey: PrivateKey, address: Address,
bootstrapNodes: openarray[ENode], rng = newRng()
): DiscoveryProtocol =
result.privKey = privKey
result.address = address
result.bootstrapNodes = newSeqOfCap[Node](bootstrapNodes.len)
for n in bootstrapNodes: result.bootstrapNodes.add(newNode(n))
result.thisNode = newNode(privKey.toPublicKey(), address)
result.kademlia = newKademliaProtocol(result.thisNode, result, rng = rng)
proc recvPing(d: DiscoveryProtocol, node: Node,
msgHash: MDigest[256]) {.inline.} =
d.kademlia.recvPing(node, msgHash)
proc recvPong(d: DiscoveryProtocol, node: Node, payload: seq[byte]) {.inline.} =
let rlp = rlpFromBytes(payload)
let tok = rlp.listElem(1).toBytes()
d.kademlia.recvPong(node, tok)
proc recvNeighbours(d: DiscoveryProtocol, node: Node,
payload: seq[byte]) {.inline.} =
let rlp = rlpFromBytes(payload)
let neighboursList = rlp.listElem(0)
let sz = neighboursList.listLen()
var neighbours = newSeqOfCap[Node](16)
for i in 0 ..< sz:
let n = neighboursList.listElem(i)
let ipBlob = n.listElem(0).toBytes
var ip: IpAddress
case ipBlob.len
of 4:
ip = IpAddress(
family: IpAddressFamily.IPv4, address_v4: toArray(4, ipBlob))
of 16:
ip = IpAddress(
family: IpAddressFamily.IPv6, address_v6: toArray(16, ipBlob))
error "Wrong ip address length!"
let udpPort = n.listElem(1).toInt(uint16).Port
let tcpPort = n.listElem(2).toInt(uint16).Port
let pk = PublicKey.fromRaw(n.listElem(3).toBytes)
if pk.isErr:
warn "Could not parse public key"
neighbours.add(newNode(pk[], Address(ip: ip, udpPort: udpPort, tcpPort: tcpPort)))
d.kademlia.recvNeighbours(node, neighbours)
proc recvFindNode(d: DiscoveryProtocol, node: Node, payload: openArray[byte]) {.inline, gcsafe.} =
let rlp = rlpFromBytes(payload)
trace "<<< find_node from ", node
let rng = rlp.listElem(0).toBytes
# Check for pubkey len
if rng.len == 64:
let nodeId = readUIntBE[256](rng[32 .. ^1])
d.kademlia.recvFindNode(node, nodeId)
trace "Invalid target public key received"
proc expirationValid(cmdId: CommandId, rlpEncodedPayload: openArray[byte]):
bool {.inline, raises:[DiscProtocolError, RlpError].} =
## Can only raise `DiscProtocolError` and all of `RlpError`
# Check if there is a payload
if rlpEncodedPayload.len <= 0:
raise newException(DiscProtocolError, "RLP stream is empty")
let rlp = rlpFromBytes(rlpEncodedPayload)
# Check payload is an RLP list and if the list has the minimum items required
# for this packet type
if rlp.isList and rlp.listLen >= MinListLen[cmdId]:
# Expiration is always the last mandatory item of the list
let expiration = rlp.listElem(MinListLen[cmdId] - 1).toInt(uint32)
result = epochTime() <= expiration.float
raise newException(DiscProtocolError, "Invalid RLP list for this packet id")
proc receive*(d: DiscoveryProtocol, a: Address, msg: openArray[byte]) {.gcsafe.} =
## Can raise `DiscProtocolError` and all of `RlpError`
# Note: export only needed for testing
let msgHash = validateMsgHash(msg)
if msgHash.isOk():
let remotePubkey = recoverMsgPublicKey(msg)
if remotePubkey.isOk:
let (cmdId, payload) = unpack(msg)
if expirationValid(cmdId, payload):
let node = newNode(remotePubkey[], a)
case cmdId
of cmdPing:
d.recvPing(node, msgHash[])
of cmdPong:
d.recvPong(node, payload)
of cmdNeighbours:
d.recvNeighbours(node, payload)
of cmdFindNode:
d.recvFindNode(node, payload)
trace "Received msg already expired", cmdId, a
notice "Wrong public key from ", a, err = remotePubkey.error
notice "Wrong msg mac from ", a
proc processClient(transp: DatagramTransport,
raddr: TransportAddress): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} =
var proto = getUserData[DiscoveryProtocol](transp)
# TODO: Maybe here better to use `peekMessage()` to avoid allocation,
# but `Bytes` object is just a simple seq[byte], and `ByteRange` object
# do not support custom length.
var buf = transp.getMessage()
let a = Address(ip: raddr.address, udpPort: raddr.port, tcpPort: raddr.port)
proto.receive(a, buf)
except RlpError as e:
debug "Receive failed", exc = e.name, err = e.msg
except DiscProtocolError as e:
debug "Receive failed", exc = e.name, err = e.msg
except Exception as e:
debug "Receive failed", exc = e.name, err = e.msg
raise e
proc open*(d: DiscoveryProtocol) =
# TODO allow binding to specific IP / IPv6 / etc
let ta = initTAddress(IPv4_any(), d.address.udpPort)
d.transp = newDatagramTransport(processClient, udata = d, local = ta)
proc lookupRandom*(d: DiscoveryProtocol): Future[seq[Node]] {.inline.} =
proc run(d: DiscoveryProtocol) {.async.} =
while true:
discard await d.lookupRandom()
await sleepAsync(3000)
trace "Discovered nodes", nodes = d.kademlia.nodesDiscovered
proc bootstrap*(d: DiscoveryProtocol) {.async.} =
await d.kademlia.bootstrap(d.bootstrapNodes)
discard d.run()
proc resolve*(d: DiscoveryProtocol, n: NodeId): Future[Node] =
proc randomNodes*(d: DiscoveryProtocol, count: int): seq[Node] {.inline.} =
when isMainModule:
import logging, stew/byteutils
let m = hexToSeqByte"79664bff52ee17327b4a2d8f97d8fb32c9244d719e5038eb4f6b64da19ca6d271d659c3ad9ad7861a928ca85f8d8debfbe6b7ade26ad778f2ae2ba712567fcbd55bc09eb3e74a893d6b180370b266f6aaf3fe58a0ad95f7435bf3ddf1db940d20102f2cb842edbd4d182944382765da0ab56fb9e64a85a597e6bb27c656b4f1afb7e06b0fd4e41ccde6dba69a3c4a150845aaa4de2"
discard validateMsgHash(m).expect("valid hash")
var remotePubkey = recoverMsgPublicKey(m).expect("valid key")
let (cmdId, payload) = unpack(m)
doAssert(payload == hexToSeqByte"f2cb842edbd4d182944382765da0ab56fb9e64a85a597e6bb27c656b4f1afb7e06b0fd4e41ccde6dba69a3c4a150845aaa4de2")
doAssert(cmdId == cmdPong)
doAssert(remotePubkey == PublicKey.fromHex(
let privKey = PrivateKey.fromHex("a2b50376a79b1a8c8a3296485572bdfbf54708bb46d3c25d73d2723aaaf6a617")[]
# echo privKey
# block:
# var b = @[1.byte, 2, 3]
# let m = pack(cmdPing, b.initBytesRange, privKey)
# let (remotePubkey, cmdId, payload) = unpack(m)
# doAssert(remotePubkey.raw_key.toHex == privKey.public_key.raw_key.toHex)
var bootnodes = newSeq[ENode]()
for item in LOCAL_BOOTNODES:
let listenPort = Port(30310)
var address = Address(udpPort: listenPort, tcpPort: listenPort)
address.ip.family = IpAddressFamily.IPv4
let discovery = newDiscoveryProtocol(privkey, address, bootnodes)
echo discovery.thisNode.node.pubkey
echo "this_node.id: ", discovery.thisNode.id.toHex()
proc test() {.async.} =
await discovery.bootstrap()
waitFor test()