512 lines
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Raw Normal View History

## Waku Store protocol for historical messaging support.
## See spec for more details:
## https://github.com/vacp2p/specs/blob/master/specs/waku/v2/waku-store.md
{.push raises: [Defect].}
std/[tables, times, sequtils, options, math],
stew/[results, byteutils],
declarePublicGauge waku_store_messages, "number of historical messages", ["type"]
declarePublicGauge waku_store_peers, "number of store peers"
declarePublicGauge waku_store_errors, "number of store protocol errors", ["type"]
declarePublicGauge waku_store_queries, "number of store queries received"
topics = "wakustore"
# Constants required for pagination -------------------------------------------
MaxPageSize* = uint64(100) # Maximum number of waku messages in each page
# TODO the DefaultPageSize can be changed, it's current value is random
DefaultPageSize* = uint64(20) # A recommended default number of waku messages per page
MaxRpcSize* = MaxPageSize * MaxWakuMessageSize + 64*1024 # We add a 64kB safety buffer for protocol overhead
MaxTimeVariance* = getNanoSecondTime(20) # 20 seconds maximum allowable sender timestamp "drift" into the future
DefaultTopic* = "/waku/2/default-waku/proto"
WakuStoreCodec* = "/vac/waku/store/2.0.0-beta4"
DefaultStoreCapacity* = 50_000 # Default maximum of 50k messages stored
# Error types (metric label values)
dialFailure = "dial_failure"
decodeRpcFailure = "decode_rpc_failure"
WakuStore* = ref object of LPProtocol
peerManager*: PeerManager
rng*: ref BrHmacDrbgContext
messages*: StoreQueueRef # in-memory message store
store*: MessageStore # sqlite DB handle
wakuSwap*: WakuSwap
persistMessages*: bool
#TODO: WakuMessageStore currenly also holds isSqliteOnly; put it in single place.
isSqliteOnly: bool # if true, don't use in memory-store and answer history queries from the sqlite DB
proc findMessages(w: WakuStore, query: HistoryQuery): HistoryResponse {.gcsafe.} =
## Query history to return a single page of messages matching the query
info "Finding messages matching received query", query=query
## Extract query criteria
## All query criteria are optional
qContentTopics = if (query.contentFilters.len != 0): some(query.contentFilters.mapIt(it.contentTopic))
else: none(seq[ContentTopic])
qPubSubTopic = if (query.pubsubTopic != ""): some(query.pubsubTopic)
else: none(string)
qStartTime = if query.startTime != Timestamp(0): some(query.startTime)
else: none(Timestamp)
qEndTime = if query.endTime != Timestamp(0): some(query.endTime)
else: none(Timestamp)
trace "Combined query criteria into single predicate", contentTopics=qContentTopics, pubsubTopic=qPubSubTopic, startTime=qStartTime, endTime=qEndTime
## Compose filter predicate for message from query criteria
proc matchesQuery(indMsg: IndexedWakuMessage): bool =
trace "Matching indexed message against predicate", msg=indMsg
if qPubSubTopic.isSome():
# filter on pubsub topic
if indMsg.pubsubTopic != qPubSubTopic.get():
trace "Failed to match pubsub topic", criteria=qPubSubTopic.get(), actual=indMsg.pubsubTopic
return false
if qStartTime.isSome() and qEndTime.isSome():
# temporal filtering
# select only messages whose sender generated timestamps fall bw the queried start time and end time
if indMsg.msg.timestamp > qEndTime.get() or indMsg.msg.timestamp < qStartTime.get():
trace "Failed to match temporal filter", criteriaStart=qStartTime.get(), criteriaEnd=qEndTime.get(), actual=indMsg.msg.timestamp
return false
if qContentTopics.isSome():
# filter on content
if indMsg.msg.contentTopic notin qContentTopics.get():
trace "Failed to match content topic", criteria=qContentTopics.get(), actual=indMsg.msg.contentTopic
return false
return true
# Read a page of history matching the query
(wakuMsgList, updatedPagingInfo, error) =
if w.isSqliteOnly: w.store.getPage(matchesQuery, query.pagingInfo).expect("should return a valid result set") # TODO: error handling
else: w.messages.getPage(matchesQuery, query.pagingInfo)
# Build response
historyRes = HistoryResponse(messages: wakuMsgList, pagingInfo: updatedPagingInfo, error: error)
trace "Successfully populated a history response", response=historyRes
return historyRes
proc init*(ws: WakuStore, capacity = DefaultStoreCapacity) =
proc handler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
var message = await conn.readLp(MaxRpcSize.int)
var res = HistoryRPC.init(message)
if res.isErr:
error "failed to decode rpc"
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [decodeRpcFailure])
# TODO Print more info here
info "received query", rpc=res.value
let value = res.value
let response = ws.findMessages(res.value.query)
# TODO Do accounting here, response is HistoryResponse
# How do we get node or swap context?
if not ws.wakuSwap.isNil:
info "handle store swap test", text=ws.wakuSwap.text
# NOTE Perform accounting operation
let peerId = conn.peerId
let messages = response.messages
ws.wakuSwap.credit(peerId, messages.len)
info "handle store swap is nil"
info "sending response", messages=response.messages.len
await conn.writeLp(HistoryRPC(requestId: value.requestId,
response: response).encode().buffer)
ws.handler = handler
ws.codec = WakuStoreCodec
ws.messages = StoreQueueRef.new(capacity)
if ws.store.isNil:
if ws.isSqliteOnly:
info "SQLite-only store initialized. Messages are *not* loaded into memory."
proc onData(receiverTime: Timestamp, msg: WakuMessage, pubsubTopic: string) =
# TODO index should not be recalculated
discard ws.messages.add(IndexedWakuMessage(
msg: msg,
index: Index.compute(msg, receiverTime, pubsubTopic),
pubsubTopic: pubsubTopic
info "attempting to load messages from persistent storage"
let res = ws.store.getAll(onData)
if res.isErr:
warn "failed to load messages from store", err = res.error
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = ["store_load_failure"])
info "successfully loaded from store"
debug "the number of messages in the memory", messageNum=ws.messages.len
waku_store_messages.set(ws.messages.len.int64, labelValues = ["stored"])
proc init*(T: type WakuStore, peerManager: PeerManager, rng: ref BrHmacDrbgContext,
store: MessageStore = nil, wakuSwap: WakuSwap = nil, persistMessages = true,
capacity = DefaultStoreCapacity, isSqliteOnly = false): T =
debug "init"
var output = WakuStore(rng: rng, peerManager: peerManager, store: store, wakuSwap: wakuSwap, persistMessages: persistMessages, isSqliteOnly: isSqliteOnly)
return output
proc setPeer*(ws: WakuStore, peer: RemotePeerInfo) =
ws.peerManager.addPeer(peer, WakuStoreCodec)
proc handleMessage*(w: WakuStore, topic: string, msg: WakuMessage) {.async.} =
if (not w.persistMessages):
# Store is mounted but new messages should not be stored
let index = Index.compute(
receivedTime = getNanosecondTime(getTime().toUnixFloat()),
pubsubTopic = topic
# add message to in-memory store
if not w.isSqliteOnly:
# Handle WakuMessage according to store protocol
trace "handle message in WakuStore", topic=topic, msg=msg
let addRes = w.messages.add(IndexedWakuMessage(msg: msg, index: index, pubsubTopic: topic))
if addRes.isErr:
trace "Attempt to add message to store failed", msg=msg, index=index, err=addRes.error()
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [$(addRes.error())])
return # Do not attempt to store in persistent DB
waku_store_messages.set(w.messages.len.int64, labelValues = ["stored"])
if w.store.isNil:
let res = w.store.put(index, msg, topic)
if res.isErr:
trace "failed to store messages", err = res.error
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = ["store_failure"])
proc query*(w: WakuStore, query: HistoryQuery, handler: QueryHandlerFunc) {.async, gcsafe.} =
# @TODO We need to be more stratigic about which peers we dial. Right now we just set one on the service.
# Ideally depending on the query and our set of peers we take a subset of ideal peers.
# This will require us to check for various factors such as:
# - which topics they track
# - latency?
# - default store peer?
let peerOpt = w.peerManager.selectPeer(WakuStoreCodec)
if peerOpt.isNone():
error "no suitable remote peers"
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [dialFailure])
let connOpt = await w.peerManager.dialPeer(peerOpt.get(), WakuStoreCodec)
if connOpt.isNone():
# @TODO more sophisticated error handling here
error "failed to connect to remote peer"
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [dialFailure])
await connOpt.get().writeLP(HistoryRPC(requestId: generateRequestId(w.rng),
query: query).encode().buffer)
var message = await connOpt.get().readLp(MaxRpcSize.int)
let response = HistoryRPC.init(message)
if response.isErr:
error "failed to decode response"
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [decodeRpcFailure])
waku_store_messages.set(response.value.response.messages.len.int64, labelValues = ["retrieved"])
proc queryFrom*(w: WakuStore, query: HistoryQuery, handler: QueryHandlerFunc, peer: RemotePeerInfo): Future[QueryResult] {.async, gcsafe.} =
## sends the query to the given peer
## returns the number of retrieved messages if no error occurs, otherwise returns the error string
# TODO dialPeer add it to the list of known peers, while it does not cause any issue but might be unnecessary
let connOpt = await w.peerManager.dialPeer(peer, WakuStoreCodec)
if connOpt.isNone():
error "failed to connect to remote peer"
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [dialFailure])
return err("failed to connect to remote peer")
await connOpt.get().writeLP(HistoryRPC(requestId: generateRequestId(w.rng),
query: query).encode().buffer)
debug "query is sent", query=query
var message = await connOpt.get().readLp(MaxRpcSize.int)
let response = HistoryRPC.init(message)
debug "response is received"
if response.isErr:
error "failed to decode response"
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [decodeRpcFailure])
return err("failed to decode response")
waku_store_messages.set(response.value.response.messages.len.int64, labelValues = ["retrieved"])
return ok(response.value.response.messages.len.uint64)
proc queryFromWithPaging*(w: WakuStore, query: HistoryQuery, peer: RemotePeerInfo): Future[MessagesResult] {.async, gcsafe.} =
## a thin wrapper for queryFrom
## sends the query to the given peer
## when the query has a valid pagingInfo, it retrieves the historical messages in pages
## returns all the fetched messages if no error occurs, otherwise returns an error string
debug "queryFromWithPaging is called"
var messageList: seq[WakuMessage]
# make a copy of the query
var q = query
debug "query is", q=q
var hasNextPage = true
proc handler(response: HistoryResponse) {.gcsafe.} =
# store messages
for m in response.messages.items: messageList.add(m)
# check whether it is the last page
hasNextPage = (response.pagingInfo.pageSize != 0)
debug "hasNextPage", hasNextPage=hasNextPage
# update paging cursor
q.pagingInfo.cursor = response.pagingInfo.cursor
debug "next paging info", pagingInfo=q.pagingInfo
# fetch the history in pages
while (hasNextPage):
let successResult = await w.queryFrom(q, handler, peer)
if not successResult.isOk: return err("failed to resolve the query")
debug "hasNextPage", hasNextPage=hasNextPage
return ok(messageList)
proc queryLoop(w: WakuStore, query: HistoryQuery, candidateList: seq[RemotePeerInfo]): Future[MessagesResult] {.async, gcsafe.} =
## loops through the candidateList in order and sends the query to each
## once all responses have been received, the retrieved messages are consolidated into one deduplicated list
## if no messages have been retrieved, the returned future will resolve into a MessagesResult result holding an empty seq.
var futureList: seq[Future[MessagesResult]]
for peer in candidateList.items:
futureList.add(w.queryFromWithPaging(query, peer))
await allFutures(futureList) # all(), which returns a Future[seq[T]], has been deprecated
let messagesList = futureList
.map(proc (fut: Future[MessagesResult]): seq[WakuMessage] =
if fut.completed() and fut.read().isOk(): # completed() just as a sanity check. These futures have been awaited before using allFutures()
if messagesList.len != 0:
return ok(messagesList.deduplicate())
debug "failed to resolve the query"
return err("failed to resolve the query")
proc resume*(ws: WakuStore, peerList: Option[seq[RemotePeerInfo]] = none(seq[RemotePeerInfo]), pageSize: uint64 = DefaultPageSize): Future[QueryResult] {.async, gcsafe.} =
## resume proc retrieves the history of waku messages published on the default waku pubsub topic since the last time the waku store node has been online
## messages are stored in the store node's messages field and in the message db
## the offline time window is measured as the difference between the current time and the timestamp of the most recent persisted waku message
## an offset of 20 second is added to the time window to count for nodes asynchrony
## peerList indicates the list of peers to query from.
## The history is fetched from all available peers in this list and then consolidated into one deduplicated list.
## Such candidates should be found through a discovery method (to be developed).
## if no peerList is passed, one of the peers in the underlying peer manager unit of the store protocol is picked randomly to fetch the history from.
## The history gets fetched successfully if the dialed peer has been online during the queried time window.
## the resume proc returns the number of retrieved messages if no error occurs, otherwise returns the error string
var currentTime = getNanosecondTime(epochTime())
debug "resume", currentEpochTime=currentTime
let lastSeenItem = ws.messages.last()
var lastSeenTime = if lastSeenItem.isOk(): lastSeenItem.get().msg.timestamp
else: Timestamp(0)
# adjust the time window with an offset of 20 seconds
let offset: Timestamp = getNanosecondTime(20)
currentTime = currentTime + offset
lastSeenTime = max(lastSeenTime - offset, 0)
debug "the offline time window is", lastSeenTime=lastSeenTime, currentTime=currentTime
pinfo = PagingInfo(direction:PagingDirection.FORWARD, pageSize: pageSize)
rpc = HistoryQuery(pubsubTopic: DefaultTopic, startTime: lastSeenTime, endTime: currentTime, pagingInfo: pinfo)
var dismissed: uint = 0
var added: uint = 0
proc save(msgList: seq[WakuMessage]) =
debug "save proc is called"
# exclude index from the comparison criteria
for msg in msgList:
let index = Index.compute(
receivedTime = getNanosecondTime(getTime().toUnixFloat()),
pubsubTopic = DefaultTopic
# check for duplicate messages
# TODO Should take pubsub topic into account if we are going to support topics rather than the DefaultTopic
if ws.messages.contains(index):
dismissed = dismissed + 1
# store the new message
let indexedWakuMsg = IndexedWakuMessage(msg: msg, index: index, pubsubTopic: DefaultTopic)
# store in db if exists
if not ws.store.isNil:
let res = ws.store.put(index, msg, DefaultTopic)
if res.isErr:
trace "failed to store messages", err = res.error
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = ["store_failure"])
discard ws.messages.add(indexedWakuMsg)
added = added + 1
waku_store_messages.set(ws.messages.len.int64, labelValues = ["stored"])
debug "number of duplicate messages found in resume", dismissed=dismissed
debug "number of messages added via resume", added=added
if peerList.isSome:
debug "trying the candidate list to fetch the history"
let successResult = await ws.queryLoop(rpc, peerList.get())
if successResult.isErr:
debug "failed to resume the history from the list of candidates"
return err("failed to resume the history from the list of candidates")
debug "resume is done successfully"
return ok(added)
debug "no candidate list is provided, selecting a random peer"
# if no peerList is set then query from one of the peers stored in the peer manager
let peerOpt = ws.peerManager.selectPeer(WakuStoreCodec)
if peerOpt.isNone():
warn "no suitable remote peers"
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [dialFailure])
return err("no suitable remote peers")
debug "a peer is selected from peer manager"
let remotePeerInfo = peerOpt.get()
let successResult = await ws.queryFromWithPaging(rpc, remotePeerInfo)
if successResult.isErr:
debug "failed to resume the history"
return err("failed to resume the history")
debug "resume is done successfully"
return ok(added)
# NOTE: Experimental, maybe incorporate as part of query call
proc queryWithAccounting*(ws: WakuStore, query: HistoryQuery, handler: QueryHandlerFunc) {.async, gcsafe.} =
# @TODO We need to be more stratigic about which peers we dial. Right now we just set one on the service.
# Ideally depending on the query and our set of peers we take a subset of ideal peers.
# This will require us to check for various factors such as:
# - which topics they track
# - latency?
# - default store peer?
let peerOpt = ws.peerManager.selectPeer(WakuStoreCodec)
if peerOpt.isNone():
error "no suitable remote peers"
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [dialFailure])
let connOpt = await ws.peerManager.dialPeer(peerOpt.get(), WakuStoreCodec)
if connOpt.isNone():
# @TODO more sophisticated error handling here
error "failed to connect to remote peer"
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [dialFailure])
await connOpt.get().writeLP(HistoryRPC(requestId: generateRequestId(ws.rng),
query: query).encode().buffer)
var message = await connOpt.get().readLp(MaxRpcSize.int)
let response = HistoryRPC.init(message)
if response.isErr:
error "failed to decode response"
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [decodeRpcFailure])
# NOTE Perform accounting operation
# Assumes wakuSwap protocol is mounted
let remotePeerInfo = peerOpt.get()
let messages = response.value.response.messages
ws.wakuSwap.debit(remotePeerInfo.peerId, messages.len)
waku_store_messages.set(response.value.response.messages.len.int64, labelValues = ["retrieved"])
# TODO: Remove the following deprecated method
proc computeIndex*(msg: WakuMessage,
receivedTime = getNanosecondTime(getTime().toUnixFloat()),
pubsubTopic = DefaultTopic): Index {.deprecated: "Use Index.compute() instead".}=
Index.compute(msg, receivedTime, pubsubTopic)