#!/bin/sh echo "I am a nwaku node" if [ -n "${ETH_CLIENT_ADDRESS}" ] ; then echo "ETH_CLIENT_ADDRESS variable was renamed to RLN_RELAY_ETH_CLIENT_ADDRESS" echo "Please update your .env file" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${RLN_RELAY_ETH_CLIENT_ADDRESS}" ]; then echo "Missing Eth client address, please refer to README.md for detailed instructions" exit 1 fi MY_EXT_IP=$(wget -qO- https://api4.ipify.org) DNS_WSS_CMD= if [ -z "${DOMAIN}" ]; then echo "auto-domain: DOMAIN is unset, trying to guess it" # Check if we have an IP IPCHECK=$(echo "${MY_EXT_IP}" | grep -c '^[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+$') if [ "${IPCHECK}" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Failed to get ip, received: '${MY_EXT_IP}'" else echo "auto-domain: ip is '${MY_EXT_IP}'" # TODO: Include this in nwaku docker image apk update apk add bind-tools # Get reverse DNS DNS=$(dig +short -x "${MY_EXT_IP}") # Check if looks like a DNS DNSCHECK=$(echo "${DNS}" | grep -c '^\([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]\+\.\)\+$') if [ "${DNSCHECK}" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Failed to get DNS, received: '${DNS}'" else DOMAIN=$(echo "${DNS}" | sed s/\.$//) echo "auto-domain: DOMAIN deduced and set to ${DOMAIN}" # Double check the domain is setup to return right IP # OpenDNS servers are used to bypass /etc/hosts as it may return loopback address DNS_IP=$(dig +short @ "${DNS}") if [ "${DNS_IP}" != "${MY_EXT_IP}" ]; then echo "auto-domain: DNS queried returned a different ip: '${DNS_IP}', unsetting DOMAIN" unset DOMAIN else echo "auto-domain: last verification successful, DOMAIN=${DOMAIN}" fi fi fi fi if [ -n "${DOMAIN}" ]; then LETSENCRYPT_PATH=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${DOMAIN} if ! [ -d "${LETSENCRYPT_PATH}" ]; then apk add --no-cache certbot certbot certonly\ --non-interactive\ --agree-tos\ --no-eff-email\ --no-redirect\ --email admin@${DOMAIN}\ -d ${DOMAIN}\ --standalone fi if ! [ -e "${LETSENCRYPT_PATH}/privkey.pem" ]; then echo "The certificate does not exist. Proceeding without supporting websocket" else WS_SUPPORT="--websocket-support=true" WSS_SUPPORT="--websocket-secure-support=true" WSS_KEY="--websocket-secure-key-path=${LETSENCRYPT_PATH}/privkey.pem" WSS_CERT="--websocket-secure-cert-path=${LETSENCRYPT_PATH}/cert.pem" DNS4_DOMAIN="--dns4-domain-name=${DOMAIN}" DNS_WSS_CMD="${WS_SUPPORT} ${WSS_SUPPORT} ${WSS_CERT} ${WSS_KEY} ${DNS4_DOMAIN}" fi fi if [ -n "${NODEKEY}" ]; then NODEKEY=--nodekey=${NODEKEY} fi RLN_RELAY_CRED_PATH=--rln-relay-cred-path=${RLN_RELAY_CRED_PATH:-/keystore/keystore.json} if [ -n "${RLN_RELAY_CRED_PASSWORD}" ]; then RLN_RELAY_CRED_PASSWORD=--rln-relay-cred-password="${RLN_RELAY_CRED_PASSWORD}" fi STORE_RETENTION_POLICY=--store-message-retention-policy=size:1GB if [ -n "${STORAGE_SIZE}" ]; then STORE_RETENTION_POLICY=--store-message-retention-policy=size:"${STORAGE_SIZE}" fi exec /usr/bin/wakunode\ --relay=true\ --filter=true\ --lightpush=true\ --keep-alive=true\ --max-connections=150\ --cluster-id=1\ --discv5-discovery=true\ --discv5-udp-port=9005\ --discv5-enr-auto-update=True\ --log-level=DEBUG\ --tcp-port=30304\ --metrics-server=True\ --metrics-server-port=8003\ --metrics-server-address=\ --rest=true\ --rest-admin=true\ --rest-address=\ --rest-port=8645\ --rest-allow-origin="waku-org.github.io"\ --rest-allow-origin="localhost:*"\ --nat=extip:"${MY_EXT_IP}"\ --store=true\ --store-message-db-url="postgres://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@postgres:5432/postgres"\ --rln-relay-eth-client-address="${RLN_RELAY_ETH_CLIENT_ADDRESS}"\ --rln-relay-tree-path="/etc/rln_tree"\ "${RLN_RELAY_CRED_PATH}"\ "${RLN_RELAY_CRED_PASSWORD}"\ ${DNS_WSS_CMD}\ ${NODEKEY}\ ${STORE_RETENTION_POLICY}\ ${EXTRA_ARGS}