| MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE | Maximum message size in bytes | 120KiB |
| LIGHTPUSH_SERVICE_PEER | Lightpush service node's address | |
| FILTER_SERVICE_PEER | Filter service node's adress | |
| LIGHTPUSH_BOOTSTRAP | Alternative to directly specify service peer, bootstrap node is used to gather possible lightpush peer randomly from the network. | |
| FILTER_BOOTSTRAP | Alternative to directly specify service peer, bootstrap node is used to gather possible filter peer randomly from the network. | |
### Specifying peer addresses
Service node or bootstrap addresses can be specified in multiadress or ENR form.
### Using bootstrap nodes
There are multiple benefits of using bootstrap nodes. By using them liteprotocoltester will use Peer Exchange protocol to get possible peers from the network that are capable to serve as service peers for testing. Additionally it will test dial them to verify their connectivity - this will be reported in the logs and on dashboard metrics.
Also by using bootstrap node and peer exchange discovery, litprotocoltester will be able to simulate service peer switch in case of failures. There are built in tresholds for service peer failures during test and service peer can be switched during the test. Also these service peer failures are reported, thus extening network reliability measures.