import Waku from '../build/main/lib/waku'; import { TOPIC } from '../build/main/lib/waku_relay'; import { Message } from '../build/main/lib/waku_message'; import readline from 'readline'; ;(async function() { const waku = await Waku.create(); console.log('Waku started'); await waku.dial('/ip4/'); // await waku.dial('/ip4/'); console.log('Static node has been dialed'); // TODO: Automatically subscribe await waku.relay.subscribe(); console.log('Subscribed to waku relay'); // TODO: Bubble event to waku, infere topic, decode msg waku.libp2p.pubsub.on(TOPIC, event => { const msg = Message.fromBinary(; console.log(msg.utf8Payload()); }); const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }); console.log('Ready to chat!'); rl.prompt(); rl.on('line', async (line) => { rl.prompt(); const msg = Message.fromUtf8String(line); await waku.relay.publish(msg); }); })();