import { expect } from "chai"; import PeerId from "peer-id"; import { makeLogFileName, NOISE_KEY_1, NOISE_KEY_2, Nwaku, } from "../test_utils/"; import { delay } from "../test_utils/delay"; import { generateSymmetricKey } from "./crypto"; import { Protocols, Waku } from "./waku"; import { WakuMessage } from "./waku_message"; const TestContentTopic = "/test/1/waku/utf8"; describe("Waku Dial [node only]", function () { describe("Interop: nwaku", function () { let waku: Waku; let nwaku: Nwaku; afterEach(async function () { !!nwaku && nwaku.stop(); !!waku && waku.stop().catch((e) => console.log("Waku failed to stop", e)); }); it("connects to nwaku", async function () { this.timeout(20_000); nwaku = new Nwaku(makeLogFileName(this)); await nwaku.start(); const multiAddrWithId = await nwaku.getMultiaddrWithId(); waku = await Waku.create({ staticNoiseKey: NOISE_KEY_1, }); await waku.dial(multiAddrWithId); await waku.waitForRemotePeer([Protocols.Relay]); const nimPeerId = await nwaku.getPeerId(); expect(await waku.libp2p.peerStore.has(nimPeerId)); }); }); describe("Bootstrap", function () { let waku: Waku; let nwaku: Nwaku; afterEach(async function () { !!nwaku && nwaku.stop(); !!waku && waku.stop().catch((e) => console.log("Waku failed to stop", e)); }); it("Passing an array", async function () { this.timeout(10_000); nwaku = new Nwaku(makeLogFileName(this)); await nwaku.start(); const multiAddrWithId = await nwaku.getMultiaddrWithId(); waku = await Waku.create({ staticNoiseKey: NOISE_KEY_1, bootstrap: { peers: [multiAddrWithId] }, }); const connectedPeerID: PeerId = await new Promise((resolve) => { waku.libp2p.connectionManager.on("peer:connect", (connection) => { resolve(connection.remotePeer); }); }); expect(connectedPeerID.toB58String()).to.eq(multiAddrWithId.getPeerId()); }); it("Passing a function", async function () { this.timeout(10_000); nwaku = new Nwaku(makeLogFileName(this)); await nwaku.start(); waku = await Waku.create({ staticNoiseKey: NOISE_KEY_1, bootstrap: { getPeers: async () => { return [await nwaku.getMultiaddrWithId()]; }, }, }); const connectedPeerID: PeerId = await new Promise((resolve) => { waku.libp2p.connectionManager.on("peer:connect", (connection) => { resolve(connection.remotePeer); }); }); const multiAddrWithId = await nwaku.getMultiaddrWithId(); expect(connectedPeerID.toB58String()).to.eq(multiAddrWithId.getPeerId()); }); }); }); describe("Decryption Keys", () => { afterEach(function () { if (this.currentTest?.state === "failed") { console.log(`Test failed, log file name is ${makeLogFileName(this)}`); } }); let waku1: Waku; let waku2: Waku; beforeEach(async function () { this.timeout(5000); [waku1, waku2] = await Promise.all([ Waku.create({ staticNoiseKey: NOISE_KEY_1 }), Waku.create({ staticNoiseKey: NOISE_KEY_2, libp2p: { addresses: { listen: ["/ip4/"] } }, }), ]); waku1.addPeerToAddressBook(waku2.libp2p.peerId, waku2.libp2p.multiaddrs); await Promise.all([ waku1.waitForRemotePeer([Protocols.Relay]), waku2.waitForRemotePeer([Protocols.Relay]), ]); }); afterEach(async function () { !!waku1 && waku1.stop().catch((e) => console.log("Waku failed to stop", e)); !!waku2 && waku2.stop().catch((e) => console.log("Waku failed to stop", e)); }); it("Used by Waku Relay", async function () { this.timeout(10000); const symKey = generateSymmetricKey(); waku2.addDecryptionKey(symKey); const messageText = "Message is encrypted"; const messageTimestamp = new Date("1995-12-17T03:24:00"); const message = await WakuMessage.fromUtf8String( messageText, TestContentTopic, { timestamp: messageTimestamp, symKey, } ); const receivedMsgPromise: Promise = new Promise((resolve) => { waku2.relay.addObserver(resolve); }); await waku1.relay.send(message); const receivedMsg = await receivedMsgPromise; expect(receivedMsg.contentTopic).to.eq(message.contentTopic); expect(receivedMsg.version).to.eq(message.version); expect(receivedMsg.payloadAsUtf8).to.eq(messageText); expect(receivedMsg.timestamp?.valueOf()).to.eq(messageTimestamp.valueOf()); }); }); describe("Wait for remote peer / get peers", function () { let waku: Waku; let nwaku: Nwaku | undefined; afterEach(async function () { if (nwaku) { nwaku.stop(); nwaku = undefined; } !!waku && waku.stop().catch((e) => console.log("Waku failed to stop", e)); }); it("Relay - dialed first", async function () { this.timeout(20_000); nwaku = new Nwaku(makeLogFileName(this)); await nwaku.start(); const multiAddrWithId = await nwaku.getMultiaddrWithId(); waku = await Waku.create({ staticNoiseKey: NOISE_KEY_1, }); await waku.dial(multiAddrWithId); await delay(1000); await waku.waitForRemotePeer([Protocols.Relay]); const peers = waku.relay.getPeers(); const nimPeerId = multiAddrWithId.getPeerId(); expect(nimPeerId); expect(peers.has(nimPeerId as string)); }); it("Relay - dialed after", async function () { this.timeout(20_000); nwaku = new Nwaku(makeLogFileName(this)); await nwaku.start(); const multiAddrWithId = await nwaku.getMultiaddrWithId(); waku = await Waku.create({ staticNoiseKey: NOISE_KEY_1, }); const waitPromise = waku.waitForRemotePeer([Protocols.Relay]); await delay(1000); await waku.dial(multiAddrWithId); await waitPromise; const peers = waku.relay.getPeers(); const nimPeerId = multiAddrWithId.getPeerId(); expect(nimPeerId); expect(peers.has(nimPeerId as string)); }); it("Relay - times out", function (done) { this.timeout(5000); Waku.create({ staticNoiseKey: NOISE_KEY_1, }).then((waku) => { waku.waitForRemotePeer([Protocols.Relay], 200).then( () => { throw "Promise expected to reject on time out"; }, (reason) => { expect(reason).to.eq("Timed out waiting for a remote peer."); done(); } ); }); }); it("Store - dialed first", async function () { this.timeout(20_000); nwaku = new Nwaku(makeLogFileName(this)); await nwaku.start({ persistMessages: true }); const multiAddrWithId = await nwaku.getMultiaddrWithId(); waku = await Waku.create({ staticNoiseKey: NOISE_KEY_1, }); await waku.dial(multiAddrWithId); await delay(1000); await waku.waitForRemotePeer([Protocols.Store]); const peers = []; for await (const peer of { peers.push(; } const nimPeerId = multiAddrWithId.getPeerId(); expect(nimPeerId); expect(peers.includes(nimPeerId as string)); }); it("Store - dialed after - with timeout", async function () { this.timeout(20_000); nwaku = new Nwaku(makeLogFileName(this)); await nwaku.start({ persistMessages: true }); const multiAddrWithId = await nwaku.getMultiaddrWithId(); waku = await Waku.create({ staticNoiseKey: NOISE_KEY_1, }); const waitPromise = waku.waitForRemotePeer([Protocols.Store], 2000); await delay(1000); await waku.dial(multiAddrWithId); await waitPromise; const peers = []; for await (const peer of { peers.push(; } const nimPeerId = multiAddrWithId.getPeerId(); expect(nimPeerId); expect(peers.includes(nimPeerId as string)); }); it("LightPush", async function () { this.timeout(20_000); nwaku = new Nwaku(makeLogFileName(this)); await nwaku.start({ lightpush: true }); const multiAddrWithId = await nwaku.getMultiaddrWithId(); waku = await Waku.create({ staticNoiseKey: NOISE_KEY_1, }); await waku.dial(multiAddrWithId); await waku.waitForRemotePeer([Protocols.LightPush]); const peers = []; for await (const peer of waku.lightPush.peers) { peers.push(; } const nimPeerId = multiAddrWithId.getPeerId(); expect(nimPeerId); expect(peers.includes(nimPeerId as string)); }); it("Filter", async function () { this.timeout(20_000); nwaku = new Nwaku(makeLogFileName(this)); await nwaku.start({ filter: true }); const multiAddrWithId = await nwaku.getMultiaddrWithId(); waku = await Waku.create({ staticNoiseKey: NOISE_KEY_1, }); await waku.dial(multiAddrWithId); await waku.waitForRemotePeer([Protocols.Filter]); const peers = []; for await (const peer of waku.filter.peers) { peers.push(; } const nimPeerId = multiAddrWithId.getPeerId(); expect(nimPeerId); expect(peers.includes(nimPeerId as string)); }); });