import Libp2p from 'libp2p'; import Mplex from 'libp2p-mplex'; import { bytes } from 'libp2p-noise/dist/src/@types/basic'; import { Noise } from 'libp2p-noise/dist/src/noise'; import TCP from 'libp2p-tcp'; import Multiaddr from 'multiaddr'; import pTimeout from 'p-timeout'; import PeerId from 'peer-id'; import { delay } from './delay'; import { RelayCodec, WakuRelay, WakuRelayPubsub } from './waku_relay'; import { StoreCodec, WakuStore } from './waku_store'; const WaitForIdentityFreqMs = 50; const WaitForIdentityTimeoutMs = 2_000; export interface CreateOptions { listenAddresses: string[]; staticNoiseKey: bytes | undefined; } export default class Waku { private constructor( public libp2p: Libp2p, public relay: WakuRelay, public store: WakuStore ) {} /** * Create new waku node * @param listenAddresses: Array of Multiaddrs on which the node should listen. If not present, defaults to ['/ip4/']. * @param staticNoiseKey: A static key to use for noise, * mainly used for test to reduce entropy usage. * @returns {Promise} */ static async create(options: Partial): Promise { const opts = Object.assign( { listenAddresses: ['/ip4/'], staticNoiseKey: undefined, }, options ); const libp2p = await Libp2p.create({ addresses: { listen: opts.listenAddresses, }, modules: { transport: [TCP], streamMuxer: [Mplex], connEncryption: [new Noise(opts.staticNoiseKey)], // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore: Type needs update pubsub: WakuRelayPubsub, }, }); const wakuStore = new WakuStore(libp2p); await libp2p.start(); return new Waku(libp2p, new WakuRelay(libp2p.pubsub), wakuStore); } /** * Dials to the provided peer. * @param peer The peer to dial */ async dial(peer: PeerId | Multiaddr | string) { await this.libp2p.dialProtocol(peer, [RelayCodec, StoreCodec]); const peerId = toPeerId(peer); await this.waitForIdentify( peerId, WaitForIdentityFreqMs, WaitForIdentityTimeoutMs ); } async dialWithMultiAddr(peerId: PeerId, multiaddr: Multiaddr[]) { this.libp2p.peerStore.addressBook.set(peerId, multiaddr); await this.libp2p.dialProtocol(peerId, RelayCodec); await this.waitForIdentify( peerId, WaitForIdentityFreqMs, WaitForIdentityTimeoutMs ); } /** * Wait for the identify protocol to be finished. This helps ensure * we know what protocols the peer implements * @param peerId * @param frequencyMilliseconds * @param maxTimeoutMilliseconds * @throws If there is no known connection with this peer. */ async waitForIdentify( peerId: PeerId, frequencyMilliseconds: number, maxTimeoutMilliseconds: number ): Promise { const checkProtocols = this._waitForIdentify.bind( this, peerId, frequencyMilliseconds )(); await pTimeout(checkProtocols, maxTimeoutMilliseconds); } async _waitForIdentify(peerId: PeerId, frequencyMilliseconds: number) { while (true) { const peer = this.libp2p.peerStore.get(peerId); if (!peer) throw 'No connection to peer'; if (peer.protocols.length > 0) { return; } else { await delay(frequencyMilliseconds); } } } async stop() { await this.libp2p.stop(); } /** * Return the local multiaddr with peer id on which libp2p is listening. * @throws if libp2p is not listening on localhost */ getLocalMultiaddrWithID(): string { const localMultiaddr = this.libp2p.multiaddrs.find((addr) => addr.toString().match(/127\.0\.0\.1/) ); if (!localMultiaddr || localMultiaddr.toString() === '') { throw 'Not listening on localhost'; } const multiAddrWithId = localMultiaddr + '/p2p/' + this.libp2p.peerId.toB58String(); return multiAddrWithId; } } function toPeerId(peer: PeerId | Multiaddr | string): PeerId { if (typeof peer === 'string') { peer = new Multiaddr(peer); } if (Multiaddr.isMultiaddr(peer)) { try { peer = PeerId.createFromB58String(peer.getPeerId()); } catch (err) { throw `${peer} is not a valid peer type`; } } return peer; }