import { expect } from "chai"; import fc from "fast-check"; import { getPublicKey } from "./crypto/index.js"; import { createDecoder, createEncoder } from "./ecies.js"; const TestContentTopic = "/test/1/waku-message/utf8"; describe("Ecies Encryption", function () { it("Round trip binary encryption [ecies, no signature]", async function () { await fc.assert( fc.asyncProperty( fc.uint8Array({ minLength: 1 }), fc.uint8Array({ min: 1, minLength: 32, maxLength: 32 }), async (payload, privateKey) => { const publicKey = getPublicKey(privateKey); const encoder = createEncoder(TestContentTopic, publicKey); const bytes = await encoder.toWire({ payload }); const decoder = createDecoder(TestContentTopic, privateKey); const protoResult = await decoder.fromWireToProtoObj(bytes!); if (!protoResult) throw "Failed to proto decode"; const result = await decoder.fromProtoObj(protoResult); if (!result) throw "Failed to decode"; expect(result.contentTopic).to.equal(TestContentTopic); expect(result.version).to.equal(1); expect(result?.payload).to.deep.equal(payload); expect(result.signature); expect(result.signaturePublicKey); } ) ); }); it("R trip binary encryption [ecies, signature]", async function () { this.timeout(4000); await fc.assert( fc.asyncProperty( fc.uint8Array({ minLength: 1 }), fc.uint8Array({ min: 1, minLength: 32, maxLength: 32 }), fc.uint8Array({ min: 1, minLength: 32, maxLength: 32 }), async (payload, alicePrivateKey, bobPrivateKey) => { const alicePublicKey = getPublicKey(alicePrivateKey); const bobPublicKey = getPublicKey(bobPrivateKey); const encoder = createEncoder( TestContentTopic, bobPublicKey, alicePrivateKey ); const bytes = await encoder.toWire({ payload }); const decoder = createDecoder(TestContentTopic, bobPrivateKey); const protoResult = await decoder.fromWireToProtoObj(bytes!); if (!protoResult) throw "Failed to proto decode"; const result = await decoder.fromProtoObj(protoResult); if (!result) throw "Failed to decode"; expect(result.contentTopic).to.equal(TestContentTopic); expect(result.version).to.equal(1); expect(result?.payload).to.deep.equal(payload); expect(result.signature); expect(result.signaturePublicKey).to.deep.eq(alicePublicKey); } ) ); }); });