mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 00:48:19 +00:00
207 lines
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207 lines
7.7 KiB
import { HMACDRBG } from "@stablelib/hmac-drbg";
import { randomBytes } from "@stablelib/random";
import type { IDecoder, IEncoder, IMessage, IProtoMessage, IReceiver, ISender } from "@waku/interfaces";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { EventEmitter } from "eventemitter3";
import { pEvent } from "p-event";
import { equals as uint8ArrayEquals } from "uint8arrays/equals";
import { NoiseHandshakeMessage } from "./codec";
import { DH25519 } from "./dh25519";
import { MessageNametagBufferSize } from "./messagenametag";
import { ResponderParameters, WakuPairing } from "./pairing";
const PUBSUB_TOPIC = "default";
timestamp: undefined,
contentTopic: "",
ephemeral: undefined,
meta: undefined,
rateLimitProof: undefined,
version: undefined,
describe("js-noise: pairing object", () => {
const rng = new HMACDRBG();
const confirmAuthCodeFlow = async function (pairingObj: WakuPairing, shouldConfirm: boolean): Promise<void> {
const authCode = await pairingObj.getAuthCode();
console.log("Authcode: ", authCode); // TODO: compare that authCode is the same in both confirmation flows
// =================
// Simulate waku. This code is not meant to be used IRL
const msgEmitter = new EventEmitter();
const sender: ISender = {
async send(encoder: IEncoder, msg: IMessage) {
const protoMsg = await encoder.toProtoObj(msg);
msgEmitter.emit(encoder.contentTopic, protoMsg);
return {
recipients: [],
const responder = {
toSubscriptionIterator(decoder: IDecoder<NoiseHandshakeMessage>) {
return {
iterator: {
async next() {
const msg = await pEvent(msgEmitter, decoder.contentTopic);
const decodedMessage = await decoder.fromProtoObj(PUBSUB_TOPIC, msg);
return {
value: decodedMessage,
done: false,
stop() {
// Do nothing. This is just a simulation
console.debug("stopping subscription to", decoder.contentTopic);
} as any as IReceiver;
// =================
it("should pair", async function () {
const dhKey = new DH25519();
const bobStaticKey = dhKey.generateKeyPair();
const aliceStaticKey = dhKey.generateKeyPair();
const recvParameters = new ResponderParameters();
const bobPairingObj = new WakuPairing(sender, responder, bobStaticKey, recvParameters);
const bobExecP1 = bobPairingObj.execute();
// Confirmation is done by manually
confirmAuthCodeFlow(bobPairingObj, true);
const initParameters = bobPairingObj.getPairingInfo();
const alicePairingObj = new WakuPairing(sender, responder, aliceStaticKey, initParameters);
const aliceExecP1 = alicePairingObj.execute();
// Confirmation is done manually
confirmAuthCodeFlow(alicePairingObj, true);
const [bobCodecs, aliceCodecs] = await Promise.all([bobExecP1, aliceExecP1]);
const bobEncoder = bobCodecs[0];
const bobDecoder = bobCodecs[1];
const aliceEncoder = aliceCodecs[0];
const aliceDecoder = aliceCodecs[1];
// We test read/write of random messages exchanged between Alice and Bob
// Note that we exchange more than the number of messages contained in the nametag buffer to test if they are filled correctly as the communication proceeds
for (let i = 0; i < 10 * MessageNametagBufferSize; i++) {
// Alice writes to Bob
let message = randomBytes(32, rng);
let encodedMsg = await aliceEncoder.toWire({ payload: message });
let readMessageProto = await bobDecoder.fromWireToProtoObj(encodedMsg!);
let readMessage = await bobDecoder.fromProtoObj(PUBSUB_TOPIC, readMessageProto!);
expect(uint8ArrayEquals(message, readMessage!.payload)).to.be.true;
// Bob writes to Alice
message = randomBytes(32, rng);
encodedMsg = await bobEncoder.toWire({ payload: message });
readMessageProto = await aliceDecoder.fromWireToProtoObj(encodedMsg!);
readMessage = await aliceDecoder.fromProtoObj(PUBSUB_TOPIC, readMessageProto!);
expect(uint8ArrayEquals(message, readMessage!.payload)).to.be.true;
it("should timeout", async function () {
const dhKey = new DH25519();
const bobPairingObj = new WakuPairing(sender, responder, dhKey.generateKeyPair(), new ResponderParameters());
const alicePairingObj = new WakuPairing(sender, responder, dhKey.generateKeyPair(), bobPairingObj.getPairingInfo());
const bobExecP1 = bobPairingObj.execute(1000);
const aliceExecP1 = alicePairingObj.execute(1000);
try {
await Promise.all([bobExecP1, aliceExecP1]);
expect(false, "should not reach here").to.be.true;
} catch (err) {
let message;
if (err instanceof Error) message = err.message;
else message = String(err);
expect(message).to.be.equals("pairing has timed out");
it("pairs and `meta` field is encoded", async function () {
const dhKey = new DH25519();
const bobStaticKey = dhKey.generateKeyPair();
const aliceStaticKey = dhKey.generateKeyPair();
// Encode the length of the payload
// Not a relevant real life example
const metaSetter = (msg: IProtoMessage & { meta: undefined }): Uint8Array => {
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4);
const view = new DataView(buffer);
view.setUint32(0, msg.payload.length, false);
return new Uint8Array(buffer);
const recvParameters = new ResponderParameters();
const bobPairingObj = new WakuPairing(sender, responder, bobStaticKey, recvParameters, undefined, { metaSetter });
const bobExecP1 = bobPairingObj.execute();
// Confirmation is done by manually
confirmAuthCodeFlow(bobPairingObj, true);
const initParameters = bobPairingObj.getPairingInfo();
const alicePairingObj = new WakuPairing(sender, responder, aliceStaticKey, initParameters, undefined, {
const aliceExecP1 = alicePairingObj.execute();
// Confirmation is done manually
confirmAuthCodeFlow(alicePairingObj, true);
const [bobCodecs, aliceCodecs] = await Promise.all([bobExecP1, aliceExecP1]);
const bobEncoder = bobCodecs[0];
const bobDecoder = bobCodecs[1];
const aliceEncoder = aliceCodecs[0];
const aliceDecoder = aliceCodecs[1];
// We test read/write of random messages exchanged between Alice and Bob
// Note that we exchange more than the number of messages contained in the nametag buffer to test if they are filled correctly as the communication proceeds
for (let i = 0; i < 10 * MessageNametagBufferSize; i++) {
// Alice writes to Bob
let message = randomBytes(32, rng);
let encodedMsg = await aliceEncoder.toWire({ payload: message });
let readMessageProto = await bobDecoder.fromWireToProtoObj(encodedMsg!);
let readMessage = await bobDecoder.fromProtoObj(PUBSUB_TOPIC, readMessageProto!);
expect(uint8ArrayEquals(message, readMessage!.payload)).to.be.true;
let expectedMeta = metaSetter({
payload: readMessageProto!.payload,
// Bob writes to Alice
message = randomBytes(32, rng);
encodedMsg = await bobEncoder.toWire({ payload: message });
readMessageProto = await aliceDecoder.fromWireToProtoObj(encodedMsg!);
readMessage = await aliceDecoder.fromProtoObj(PUBSUB_TOPIC, readMessageProto!);
expect(uint8ArrayEquals(message, readMessage!.payload)).to.be.true;
expectedMeta = metaSetter({
payload: readMessageProto!.payload,