const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs-extra"); const execSync = require("child_process").execSync; const { Command } = require("commander"); const validateProjectName = require("validate-npm-package-name"); const supportedExamplesDir = path.resolve("./examples"); const init = (name, description, version, supportedExamples) => { let appName; const program = new Command() .name(name) .description(description) .version(version, "-v, --version", "output the version number") .arguments("", "Project directory to initialize Waku app") .action(_appName => { appName = _appName; }) .option( "-t, --template ", "specify a template for the created project" ) .allowUnknownOption() .parse(); const options = program.opts(); const template = options.template || "web-chat"; if (!supportedExamples[template]) { const supportedExamplesMessage = Object.keys(supportedExamples).reduce((acc, v) => { acc += `\t${v}\n`; return acc; }, ""); console.error(`Unknown template: ${template}`); console.error(`We support only following templates:\n${supportedExamplesMessage}`) process.exit(1); } createApp(appName, template); }; function createApp(name, template) { const appRoot = path.resolve(name); const appName = path.basename(appRoot); const templateDir = path.resolve(supportedExamplesDir, template); terminateIfAppExists(appName); terminateIfProjectNameInvalid(appName); console.log(`Initializing ${appName} from ${template} template.`); fs.copySync(templateDir, appRoot); moveToDir(appRoot); runNpmInApp(appRoot); runGitInit(appRoot); } function runNpmInApp(root) { try { execSync(`npm install --prefix ${root}`, { stdio: "ignore" }); console.log("Successfully installed npm dependencies."); } catch (e) { console.warn("Failed to install npm dependencies", e); } } function runGitInit(root) { if (isInGitRepository()) { return; } try { execSync(`git init ${root}`, { stdio: "ignore" }); console.log("Successfully initialized git repo."); } catch (e) { console.warn("Git repo not initialized", e); } } function isInGitRepository() { try { execSync("git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree", { stdio: "ignore" }); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } function terminateIfProjectNameInvalid(name) { const validationResult = validateProjectName(name); if (!validationResult.validForNewPackages) { console.error(`Cannot create a project named ${name} because of npm naming restrictions:\n`); [...(validationResult.errors || []), ...(validationResult.warnings || [])] .forEach(error => console.error(` * ${error}`)); console.error("\nPlease choose a different project name."); process.exit(1); } } function terminateIfAppExists(appRoot) { if (fs.existsSync(appRoot)) { console.error(`Cannot create a project because it already exists by the name: ${appRoot}`); process.exit(1); } } module.exports = { init };