3.4 KiB

Node Configuration Methods

Waku nodes can be configured using a combination of the following methods:

  1. Command line options and flags
  2. Environment variables
  3. TOML configuration files (currently the only supported format)
  4. Default values

:::info Take note of the precedence order: Each configuration method overrides the one below it (e.g., command line options override environment variables and configuration files). :::

Command Line Options

Node configuration is primarily done using command line options, which override other methods. Specify configuration options by providing them in this format after the binary name:

./build/wakunode2 --tcp-port=65000

When running your node with Docker, provide the command line options after the image name in this format:

docker run statusteam/nim-waku --tcp-port=65000

Environment Variables

Nodes can be configured using environment variables by prefixing the variable name with WAKUNODE2_ and using the configuration option in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE format.

To set the tcp-port configuration, the wakunode2 binary should be called in this format:

WAKUNODE2_TCP_PORT=65000 ./build/wakunode2

When running your node with Docker, start the node using the -e command option:

docker run -e "WAKUNODE2_TCP_PORT=65000" statusteam/nim-waku

:::info This is the second configuration method in order of precedence. Command Line Options override environment variables. :::

Configuration Files

Nodes can be configured using a configuration file following the TOML format:

log-level = "DEBUG"
tcp-port = 65000
topic = ["/waku/2/default-waku/proto"]
metrics-logging = false

The config-file configuration option lets you specify the configuration file path:

./build/wakunode2 --config-file=[TOML CONFIGURATION FILE]

You can also specify the configuration file via environment variables:

# Using environment variables

# Using environment variables with Docker
docker run -e "WAKUNODE2_CONFIG_FILE=[TOML CONFIGURATION FILE]" statusteam/nim-waku

:::info This is the third configuration method in order of precedence. Command Line Options and Environment Variables override configuration files. :::

Default Configuration Values

The default configuration is used when no other options are specified. By default, a nwaku node does the following:

  • Generate a new Node Key and PeerID.
  • Listen for incoming libp2p connections on the default TCP port (60000).
  • Subscribe to the default Pub/Sub topic (/waku/2/default-waku/proto).
  • Start the JSON-RPC server on the default port (8545).
  • Enable the Relay protocol for relaying messages.
  • Enable the Store protocol as a client, allowing it to query peers for historical messages but not store any message itself.

To see the default values of all configuration options, run wakunode2 --help:

./build/wakunode2 --help

:::tip To explore the available node configuration options, have a look at the Node Configuration Options guide. :::