84 lines
3.6 KiB
84 lines
3.6 KiB
import re
import requests
from typing import Tuple, Dict, Any
def extract_config_param(line: str, param: str) -> str:
return re.split(f'{param}: ', line)[1].strip()[1:].split('"')[0].strip()
def remove_extra_char(string: str, char: str) -> str:
return string[:-1] if string[-1] == char else string
def parse_table_heading(line: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
table_heading = re.split('##', line)[1].strip()
if 'config' not in table_heading or 'Application-level' in table_heading:
return None, False
table_heading = table_heading.capitalize()
word_replace_re = re.compile('|'.join([
r'(Configuration)', r'(And)', r'(Lightpush)',
r'(Json-Rpc)', r'(Rest Http)', r'(Dns)',
r'(Discovery V5)', r'(Websocket)'
word_replace_dict = {
'Configuration': 'config', 'And': 'and', 'Lightpush': 'Light push',
'Json-Rpc': 'JSON-RPC', 'Rest Http': 'REST HTTP', 'Dns': 'DNS',
'Discovery V5': 'Discv5', 'Websocket': 'WebSocket'
table_heading = word_replace_re.sub(lambda match: word_replace_dict[match.group(0)], table_heading)
return '## ' + table_heading, True
def fetch_config_file(config_path: str) -> str:
config_file = requests.get(config_path)
if config_file.status_code == 200:
return config_file.text.split("\n")
exit("An error occurred while fetching the config file")
def extract_config(config_path: str) -> str:
config_data = fetch_config_file(config_path)
config_table = "## Application-level config\n\n| Name | Default Value | Description |\n| - | - | - |\n"
row = {"name": None, "default": "", "description": None}
for line in config_data:
line = line.strip()
if line == "":
if row["description"] is not None and row["name"] != "topics":
if row["name"] == "store-message-retention-policy":
row["default"] = "time:172800"
if row["name"] is None:
row["name"], row["default"] = "nat", "any"
row["description"] += ". Must be one of: any, none, upnp, pmp, extip:<IP>"
config_table += f"| `{row['name']}` | {row['default']} | {row['description']} |\n"
row = {"name": None, "default": "", "description": None}
if line.startswith("## "):
table_heading, is_valid_heading = parse_table_heading(line)
if is_valid_heading:
config_table += f"\n{table_heading}\n\n| Name | Default Value | Description |\n| - | - | - |\n"
if line.startswith("name:"):
row["name"] = extract_config_param(line, "name")
if line.startswith("defaultValue:"):
default_value = re.split("defaultValue: ", line)[1].strip()
if '""' not in default_value:
default_value = f"`{remove_extra_char(default_value, ',')}`".replace("@", "")
if "[" not in default_value:
default_value = default_value.replace('"', "")
if "ValidIpAddress.init" in default_value:
default_value = default_value.replace("ValidIpAddress.init(", "").replace(")", "")
row["default"] = default_value
if line.startswith("desc:"):
description = remove_extra_char(extract_config_param(line, "desc"), ".").replace("|", "\|")
row["description"] = description[0].upper() + description[1:]
return config_table.replace(">", "\>")
if __name__ == "__main__":
config_path = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/waku-org/nwaku/master/apps/wakunode2/external_config.nim"
table_data = extract_config(config_path)