## 2023-02-28 v0.2 This release contains: - Improved code quality - Allows consumers of zerokit RLN to set leaves to the Merkle Tree from an arbitrary index. Useful for batching updates to the Merkle Tree. - Improved performance for proof generation and verification - rln_wasm which allows for the consumption of RLN through a WebAssembly interface - Refactored to generate Semaphore-compatible credentials - Dual License under Apache 2.0 and MIT - RLN compiles as a static library, which can be consumed through a C FFI ## 2022-09-19 v0.1 Initial beta release. This release contains: - RLN Module with API to manage, compute and verify [RLN](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/32/) zkSNARK proofs and RLN primitives. - This can be consumed either as a Rust API or as a C FFI. The latter means it can be easily consumed through other environments, such as [Go](https://github.com/status-im/go-zerokit-rln/blob/master/rln/librln.h) or [Nim](https://github.com/status-im/nwaku/blob/4745c7872c69b5fd5c6ddab36df9c5c3d55f57c3/waku/v2/protocol/waku_rln_relay/waku_rln_relay_types.nim). It also contains the following examples and experiments: - Basic [example wrapper](https://github.com/vacp2p/zerokit/tree/master/multiplier) around a simple Circom circuit to show Circom integration through ark-circom and FFI. - Experimental [Semaphore wrapper](https://github.com/vacp2p/zerokit/tree/master/semaphore). Feedback welcome! You can either [open an issue](https://github.com/vacp2p/zerokit/issues) or come talk to us in our [Vac Discord](https://discord.gg/PQFdubGt6d) #zerokit channel.