Wakurtosis ===================== Starting version for Waku network simulations (https://github.com/waku-org/pm/issues/2) More info about Kurtosis: https://docs.kurtosis.com/ ### How to use: #### Before using this repository note that: - **You are using Kurtosis version 0.70.2**. This is important, as they are working on it and changes can be huge depending on different versions. You can find all Kurtosis versions [here](https://github.com/kurtosis-tech/kurtosis-cli-release-artifacts/releases). - The topology files that will be used by default are defined in `config/topology_generated/`. This topology is created with the [gennet](gennet-module/Readme.md) module. - Kurtosis can set up services in a parallel manner, defined in the `config.json` file (see below). - Only `kurtosis` and `docker` are needed to run this. #### How to run From the root of the repo run: `./build.sh` `./run.sh [enclave_name] [config_file]` There are 4 different measurements: `cadvisor`, `dstats`, `host-proc`, `container-proc`. The other parameters are optional. By default, the enclave name is `wakurtosis` and the config file is in `config/config.json`. #### JSON main configuration file options These are arguments that can be modified: - _prng_seed_: int. Seed to reproduce results. - _enclave_name_: string. Default: **wakurtosis**. Defines the name of the Kurtosis enclave being created. - _topology_path_: string. Topology information that will be read. - _jobs_: int. Defines how many services will be instantiated at the same time. - _interconnect_nodes_: It allows to skip the interconnection phase of the topology. - _interconnection_batch_: int. If nodes are being connected by a given topology, this tells kurtosis how many connections will try to set up in the same node at a time. Used to avoid timeouts if a node has a lot of connections. - [Gennet](gennet-module/Readme.md) module configuration - [WLS](wls-module/README.md) module configuration