* Changed gennet to generate simple nomos topology
* Added nomos node to build.sh
* Updated nomos yaml trait
* Added nomos variables to system_variables.star
* Prepared nomos_builder.star
* Modify gennet to work with nomos topology and traits
* Gennet currently doesn't support mixed topologies between waku and nomos nodes.
* Restructured config.json to add separated testing and simulation functionalities
* Added assertions.star file
* Modified wakurtosis to set up integration tests
* Updated kurtosis version in README.md
* Modified configuration files and added example of list of topics into general configuration
* Refactored main.star into different star files
* Deleted unnecesary files from previous module
* Moved and changed .star files
* Moved config files
* Added parser and small topology as file
* Updated README.md
* Modified imports to have them in a more clean structure.
* Removed unnecessary information in topology files
* Number of Test messages and delay between message added as variable
* Updated README.md