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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Description: Wakurtosis load simulator
""" Dependencies """
import sys, logging, yaml, json, time, random, os, argparse
import requests
import rtnorm
# from pathlib import Path
# import numpy as np
# import pandas as pd
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import cloudpickle as pickle
""" Globals """
g_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = './config/wsl.yml'
""" Custom logging formatter """
class CustomFormatter(logging.Formatter):
# Set different formats for every logging level
time_name_stamp = "[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [" + G_APP_NAME + "]"
logging.ERROR: time_name_stamp + " ERROR in %(module)s.py %(funcName)s() %(lineno)d - %(msg)s",
logging.WARNING: time_name_stamp + " WARNING - %(msg)s",
logging.CRITICAL: time_name_stamp + " CRITICAL in %(module)s.py %(funcName)s() %(lineno)d - %(msg)s",
logging.INFO: time_name_stamp + " %(msg)s",
logging.DEBUG: time_name_stamp + " %(funcName)s() %(msg)s",
'DEFAULT': time_name_stamp + " %(msg)s",
def format(self, record):
log_fmt = self.FORMATS.get(record.levelno, self.FORMATS['DEFAULT'])
formatter = logging.Formatter(log_fmt, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')
return formatter.format(record)
def check_waku_node(node_address):
data = {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
# 'method': 'get_waku_v2_debug_v1_info',
'method' : 'get_waku_v2_debug_v1_version',
'id': 1,
'params' : []}
G_LOGGER.info('Waku RPC: %s from %s' %(data['method'], node_address))
response = requests.post(node_address, data=json.dumps(data), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
except Exception as e:
G_LOGGER.debug('%s: %s' % (e.__doc__, e))
return False
response_obj = response.json()
except Exception as e:
G_LOGGER.debug('%s: %s' % (e.__doc__, e))
return False
G_LOGGER.debug('Response from %s: %s' %(node_address, response_obj))
return True
def send_waku_msg(node_address, topic, payload, nonce=1):
waku_msg = {
'nonce' : nonce,
'timestamp' : time.time_ns(),
'payload' : payload}
data = {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'method': 'post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message',
'id': 1,
'params' : [topic, waku_msg]}
G_LOGGER.debug('Waku RPC: %s from %s' %(data['method'], node_address))
s_time = time.time()
response = requests.post(node_address, data=json.dumps(data), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
elapsed_ms =(time.time() - s_time) * 1000
response_obj = response.json()
G_LOGGER.debug('Response from %s: %s [%.4f ms.]' %(node_address, response_obj, elapsed_ms))
return response_obj, elapsed_ms
# Generate a random interval using a Poisson distribution
def poisson_interval(rate):
return random.expovariate(rate)
def make_payload(size):
payload = hex(random.getrandbits(4*size))
G_LOGGER.debug('Payload of size %d bytes: %s' %(size, payload))
return payload
def make_payload_dist(dist_type, min_size, max_size):
# Check if min and max packet sizes are the same
if min_size == max_size:
G_LOGGER.warning('Packet size is constant: min_size=max_size=%d' %min_size)
return make_payload(min_size)
# Payload sizes are even integers uniformly distributed in [min_size, max_size]
if dist_type == 'uniform':
2023-01-06 16:10:15 +00:00
size = int(random.uniform(min_size, max_size))
# Reject non even sizes
while(size % 2) != 0:
2023-01-06 16:10:15 +00:00
size = int(random.uniform(min_size, max_size))
return make_payload(size)
# Payload sizes are even integers ~"normally" distributed in [min_size, max_size]
if dist_type == 'gaussian':
σ = (max_size - min_size) / 5.
μ = (max_size - min_size) / 2.
size = int(rtnorm.rtnorm(min_size, max_size, sigma=σ, mu=μ, size=1))
# Reject non even sizes
2023-01-06 16:10:15 +00:00
while(size % 2) != 0:
size = int(rtnorm.rtnorm(min_size, max_size, sigma=σ, mu=μ, size=1))
2023-01-09 12:58:10 +00:00
return make_payload(size)
G_LOGGER.error('Unknown distribution type %s')
return '0x00'
def parse_targets(enclave_dump_path, waku_port=8545):
targets = []
G_LOGGER.info('Extracting Waku node addresses from Kurtosus enclance dump in %s' %enclave_dump_path)
for path_obj in os.walk(enclave_dump_path):
if 'waku_' in path_obj[0]:
with open(path_obj[0] + '/spec.json', "r") as read_file:
spec_obj = json.load(read_file)
network_settings = spec_obj['NetworkSettings']
waku_address = network_settings['Ports']['%d/tcp' %waku_port]
targets.append('%s:%s' %(waku_address[0]['HostIp'], waku_address[0]['HostPort']))
G_LOGGER.info('Parsed %d Waku nodes' %len(targets))
return targets
def get_next_time_to_msg(inter_msg_type, msg_rate, simulation_time):
if inter_msg_type == 'poisson':
return poisson_interval(msg_rate)
if inter_msg_type == 'uniform':
return simulation_time / msg_rate
G_LOGGER.error('%s is not a valid inter_msg_type. Aborting.' %inter_msg_type)
def main():
global G_LOGGER
""" Init Logging """
G_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(G_APP_NAME)
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
""" Parse command line args. """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-cfg", "--config_file", help="Config file", action="store_true", default=g_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)
args = parser.parse_args()
config_file = args.config_file
""" Load config file """
with open(config_file, 'r') as f:
config = yaml.safe_load(f)
except Exception as e:
G_LOGGER.error('%s: %s' % (e.__doc__, e))
# Set loglevel from config
G_LOGGER.info('Configuration loaded from %s' %config_file)
# Set RPNG seed from config
2022-12-21 15:47:14 +00:00
""" Load targets """
with open(config['general']['targets_file'], 'r') as read_file:
2022-12-21 15:47:14 +00:00
targets = json.load(read_file)
except Exception as e:
G_LOGGER.error('%s: %s' % (e.__doc__, e))
if len(targets) == 0:
G_LOGGER.error('Cannot find valid targets. Aborting.')
2022-12-21 15:47:14 +00:00
2022-12-21 15:47:14 +00:00
G_LOGGER.info('%d targets loaded' %len(targets))
""" Check all nodes are reachable """
for i, target in enumerate(targets):
if not check_waku_node('http://%s/' %target):
G_LOGGER.error('Node %d (%s) is not online. Aborted.' %(i, target))
G_LOGGER.info('All %d Waku nodes are reachable.' %len(targets))
""" Define the subset of emitters """
num_emitters = int(len(targets) * config['general']['emitters_fraction'])
if num_emitters == 0:
G_LOGGER.error('The number of emitters must be greater than zero. Try increasing the fraction of emitters.')
emitters = random.sample(targets, num_emitters)
G_LOGGER.info('Selected %d emitters out of %d total nodes' %(len(emitters), len(targets)))
""" Start simulation """
stats = {}
msg_cnt = 0
bytes_cnt = 0
s_time = time.time()
last_msg_time = 0
next_time_to_msg = 0
G_LOGGER.info('Starting a simulation of %d seconds ...' %config['general']['simulation_time'])
while True:
# Check end condition
elapsed_s = time.time() - s_time
if elapsed_s >= config['general']['simulation_time']:
2023-01-09 12:58:10 +00:00
G_LOGGER.info('Simulation ended. Sent %d messages (%d bytes) in %ds.' %(msg_cnt, bytes_cnt, elapsed_s))
# Send message
# BUG: There is a constant discrepancy. The average number of messages sent by time interval is slightly less than expected
msg_elapsed = time.time() - last_msg_time
if msg_elapsed <= next_time_to_msg:
2023-01-09 12:58:10 +00:00
G_LOGGER.debug('Time Δ: %.6f ms.' %((msg_elapsed - next_time_to_msg) * 1000.0))
# Reference: https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/16/#get_waku_v2_relay_v1_messages
node_address = 'http://%s/' %random.choice(emitters)
G_LOGGER.info('Injecting message to network through Waku node %s ...' %node_address)
payload = make_payload_dist(dist_type=config['general']['dist_type'].lower(), min_size=config['general']['min_packet_size'], max_size=config['general']['max_packet_size'])
response, elapsed = send_waku_msg(node_address, topic='test', payload=payload)
# # Keep track of basic stats
# if response['result']:
# if node_address in stats:
# stats[node_address]['msg_cnt'] += 1
# stats[node_address]['msg_sent'] += 1
# else:
# stats[node_address] = { 'msg_cnt' = 1 }
# stats[node_address]['msg_sent'] += 1
# else:
# G_LOGGER.error('RPC Message failed to node_address')
# Compute the time to next message
next_time_to_msg = get_next_time_to_msg(config['general']['inter_msg_type'], config['general']['msg_rate'], config['general']['simulation_time'])
G_LOGGER.debug('Next message will happen in %d ms.' %(next_time_to_msg * 1000.0))
last_msg_time = time.time()
msg_cnt += 1
# Pull messages
# get_waku_v2_relay_v1_messagesget_waku_v2_relay_v1_messages
""" We are done """
if __name__ == "__main__":