Empower your dApp with decentralized communication

DappConnect gives you the tools to seamlessly enable your project with off-chain communication for decentralized, private, and secure messaging.

See the docs

The future of Communication

Private and Secure by Design

Private and Secure by Design

Leveraging peer-to-peer messaging protocols and tools for strong end-to-end encryption, DappConnect is designed to protect your users.

Decentralized Messaging

Decentralized Messaging

Adopt DappConnect to protect your users from censorship and remove the need for centralized infrastructure.

dApp Ready

dApp Ready

Optimized for mobile and web platforms, DappConnect can be used by any project built on Ethereum or other blockchains.

Get started with DappConnect in Minutes

The simple API allows you to introduce decentralized, private, secure communication in your application in minutes.

Get started

	"AdvertiseAddr": "YOUR_PUBLIC_IP",
	"ListenAddr": "",
	"HTTPEnabled": true,
	"HTTPHost": "",
	"HTTPPort": 8545,
"eth,net,web3,admin,mailserver", "RegisterTopics": ["whispermail"], "WakuConfig": { "Enabled": true, }

Use Cases

Anything that can be done off-chain can be done with DappConnect. Here are just a few examples.

Get inspired, view more use cases

Decentralized Chat

View the guide

Gasless Polling

View the guide

dApp to Wallet Notifications

View the guide

Layer 2 Communication

View the guide

Built with Waku

Waku is a suite of protocols designed for private, secure, decentralized messaging. The communication layer for Web3.

Learn more about Waku

Tools, Docs, and Libraries

DappConnect provides you with everything you need to facilitate the usage of Waku in dApps.


Most common Waku use-cases can be added to your dApp thanks to ready-to-use npm packages and React components.


JS-Waku is the JavaScript implementation of the Waku protocol. Use it directly in your dApp for more advanced use cases.

Use DappConnect for decentralized communications now

Get started