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Maria Rushkova 2021-07-30 17:04:09 +02:00
parent ccb0086a35
commit 59567ee467
5 changed files with 245 additions and 1 deletions

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<p class="section__text mb-6 l:max-w-md l:mb-16">
Building protocols and products at all layers of the stack including
underlying transports, p2p overlays and routing, initial trust
establishment, and semantics for things like group chat.
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d="M120.774 92.0189C120.284 92.0189 119.794 91.9062 119.304 91.6057C118.55 91.155 100.383 80.2254 86.5498 66.0282C85.4945 64.939 85.4945 63.1738 86.5498 62.0846C101.023 47.2865 118.474 36.8451 119.228 36.3944C120.585 35.6057 122.319 36.0189 123.11 37.371C123.902 38.7231 123.487 40.4508 122.131 41.2395C121.98 41.3522 106.149 50.817 92.5804 64.0752C105.622 76.77 122.055 86.6855 122.206 86.7606C123.525 87.5494 123.977 89.2771 123.186 90.6292C122.658 91.5306 121.716 92.0189 120.774 92.0189Z"
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d="M29.4847 117.296C29.0324 117.296 28.5801 117.183 28.1655 116.958C26.7709 116.244 26.2809 114.516 26.9971 113.164C27.0724 113.014 35.7038 96.7134 40.4906 78.4223C22.8133 74.2908 3.70377 74.2157 3.36455 74.2157C1.78151 74.2157 0.5 72.9387 0.5 71.3988C0.5 69.8589 1.74382 68.5819 3.32686 68.5819C4.26914 68.4693 25.4517 68.5819 44.6366 73.6148C46.1066 73.9904 47.0112 75.4927 46.672 76.9951C41.9229 97.1265 32.4246 115.042 32.01 115.793C31.4823 116.732 30.5024 117.296 29.4847 117.296Z"
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<p class="work__heading mb-2 lg:mb-6 lg:uppercase">Waku</p>
<p class="work__text mb-3 lg:mb-6">
A gossip based messaging protocol for private, secure, p2p messaging
with implementations written in go, nim, java script.
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<p class="work__heading mb-2 lg:mb-6 lg:uppercase">DApp Connect</p>
<p class="work__text mb-3 lg:mb-6">
The communication layer for Ethereum. A tech stack enabling
decentralized communication between DApps and people.
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<a class="link link--external" href="" target="_blank"
>Visit DApp Connect</a

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