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synced 2025-02-28 02:40:39 +00:00
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const hre = require("hardhat");
async function main() {
// Basic setup and definitions
var signers = await ethers.getSigners();
var aliceSigner = signers[0];
var bobSigner = signers[0];
var aliceAddress = signers[0].address;
var bobAddress = signers[1].address;
var DEFAULT_HARDDEPOSIT_DECREASE_TIMEOUT = ethers.BigNumber.from(86400)
// Deploy ERC20 Token
const ERC20 = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("ERC20PresetMinterPauser");
var erc20 = await ERC20.deploy("TestToken", "TEST");
await erc20.deployed();
// Deploy SwapFactory
const SimpleSwapFactory = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("SimpleSwapFactory");
var simpleSwapFactory = await SimpleSwapFactory.deploy(erc20.address);
await simpleSwapFactory.deployed();
// Setup Swap contract interface to parse logs
var swapFactoryArtifact = await artifacts.readArtifact("SimpleSwapFactory");
var swapFactoryInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(swapFactoryArtifact.abi);
// Deploy Alice Swap and get address
var resp = await simpleSwapFactory.deploySimpleSwap(aliceAddress, DEFAULT_HARDDEPOSIT_DECREASE_TIMEOUT)
var logs = await ethers.provider.getLogs({address: simpleSwapFactory.address});
var aliceSwapAddress = swapFactoryInterface.parseLog(logs[0]).args.contractAddress;
// Deploy Bob Swap and get address
var resp = await simpleSwapFactory.deploySimpleSwap(bobAddress, DEFAULT_HARDDEPOSIT_DECREASE_TIMEOUT)
var logs = await ethers.provider.getLogs({address: simpleSwapFactory.address});
var bobSwapAddress = swapFactoryInterface.parseLog(logs[0]).args.contractAddress;
// Mint ERC20 tokens
// Alice is default account so issuer, which means she can mint tokens
// XXX Difference with getContractFactory above?
var erc20artifact = await artifacts.readArtifact("ERC20PresetMinterPauser");
var erc20contract = new ethers.Contract(erc20.address, erc20artifact.abi, aliceSigner);
await erc20contract.mint(aliceAddress, 10000);
await erc20contract.mint(bobAddress, 10000);
// Get ERC20 Balance
var aliceBalance = (await erc20contract.balanceOf(aliceAddress)).toNumber();
var bobBalance = (await erc20contract.balanceOf(bobAddress)).toNumber();
// Transfer money to Alice Swap address
await erc20contract.transfer(aliceSwapAddress, 5000);
var aliceSwapBalance = (await erc20contract.balanceOf(aliceSwapAddress)).toNumber();
// Print stuff
console.log("ERC20:", erc20.address);
console.log("SimpleSwapFactory:", simpleSwapFactory.address);
console.log("Alice address:", aliceAddress);
console.log("Bob address:", bobAddress);
console.log("AliceSwapAddress:", aliceSwapAddress)
console.log("BobSwapAddress:", bobSwapAddress)
console.log("Alice ERC20 balance:", aliceBalance);
console.log("Bob ERC20 balance:", bobBalance);
console.log("Alice Swap balance:", aliceSwapBalance);
// We recommend this pattern to be able to use async/await everywhere
// and properly handle errors.
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(error => {