import { expect, assert } from "chai"; import { BigNumber } from "ethers"; import { ethers, deployments } from "hardhat"; import { createGroupId, createInterepIdentity, createInterepProof, getGroups, getValidGroups, merkleTreeDepth, sToBytes32, } from "../common"; describe("RLN", () => { beforeEach(async () => { await deployments.fixture(["RLN"]); }); it("should register new memberships", async () => { const rln = await ethers.getContract("RLN", ethers.provider.getSigner(0)); const price = await rln.MEMBERSHIP_DEPOSIT(); // A valid pair of (id_secret, id_commitment) generated in rust const idCommitment = "0x0c3ac305f6a4fe9bfeb3eba978bc876e2a99208b8b56c80160cfb54ba8f02368"; const registerTx = await rln["register(uint256)"](idCommitment, { value: price, }); const txRegisterReceipt = await registerTx.wait(); const pubkey =[0].args.pubkey; // We ensure the registered id_commitment is the one we passed expect( pubkey.toHexString() === idCommitment, "registered commitment doesn't match passed commitment" ); }); it("should withdraw membership", async () => { const rln = await ethers.getContract("RLN", ethers.provider.getSigner(0)); const price = await rln.MEMBERSHIP_DEPOSIT(); // A valid pair of (id_secret, id_commitment) generated in rust const idSecret = "0x2a09a9fd93c590c26b91effbb2499f07e8f7aa12e2b4940a3aed2411cb65e11c"; const idCommitment = "0x0c3ac305f6a4fe9bfeb3eba978bc876e2a99208b8b56c80160cfb54ba8f02368"; const registerTx = await rln["register(uint256)"](idCommitment, { value: price, }); const txRegisterReceipt = await registerTx.wait(); const treeIndex =[0].args.index; // We withdraw our id_commitment const receiverAddress = "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead"; const withdrawTx = await rln.withdraw(idSecret, treeIndex, receiverAddress); const txWithdrawReceipt = await withdrawTx.wait(); const withdrawalPk =[0].args.pubkey; const withdrawalTreeIndex =[0].args.index; // We ensure the registered id_commitment is the one we passed and that the index is the same expect( withdrawalPk.toHexString() === idCommitment, "withdraw commitment doesn't match registered commitment" ); expect( withdrawalTreeIndex.toHexString() === treeIndex.toHexString(), "withdraw index doesn't match registered index" ); }); it.skip("should not allow multiple registrations with same pubkey", async () => { const rln = await ethers.getContract("RLN", ethers.provider.getSigner(0)); const price = await rln.MEMBERSHIP_DEPOSIT(); // A valid pair of (id_secret, id_commitment) generated in rust const idCommitment = "0x0c3ac305f6a4fe9bfeb3eba978bc876e2a99208b8b56c80160cfb54ba8f02368"; const registerTx = await rln["register(uint256)"](idCommitment, { value: price, }); const txRegisterReceipt = await registerTx.wait(); const index1 =[0].args.index; // Send the same tx again const registerTx2 = await rln["register(uint256)"](idCommitment, { value: price, }); const txRegisterReceipt2 = await registerTx2.wait(); const index2 =[0].args.index; const pk1 = await rln.members(index1); const pk2 = await rln.members(index2); const samePk = pk1.toHexString() === pk2.toHexString(); if (samePk) { assert(false, "same pubkey registered twice"); } }); it("[interep] should register new memberships", async () => { const rln = await ethers.getContract("RLN", ethers.provider.getSigner(0)); const validGroupId = createGroupId("github", "silver"); const dummySignal = sToBytes32("foo"); const dummyNullifierHash = BigNumber.from(0); const dummyExternalNullifier = BigNumber.from(0); const dummyProof = Array(8).fill(BigNumber.from(0)); const dummyPubkey = BigNumber.from(0); const registerTx = await rln[ "register(uint256,bytes32,uint256,uint256,uint256[8],uint256)" ]( validGroupId, dummySignal, dummyNullifierHash, dummyExternalNullifier, dummyProof, dummyPubkey ); const txRegisterReceipt = await registerTx.wait(); const iface = new ethers.utils.Interface([ "event ProofVerified(uint256 indexed groupId, bytes32 signal)", ]); const event = iface.parseLog([0]); expect(event.args.groupId.toHexString()).to.equal( BigNumber.from(validGroupId).toHexString() ); expect(event.args.signal).to.equal(dummySignal); const pubkey =[1].args.pubkey; expect(pubkey.toHexString() === dummyPubkey.toHexString()); }); it("[interep] should generate proof for registration", async () => { const signer = ethers.provider.getSigner(0); const identity = await createInterepIdentity(signer, "github"); // create a proof to test const proof = await createInterepProof({ identity, members: [identity.getCommitment()], groupProvider: "github", groupTier: "silver", signal: "foo", externalNullifier: 1, snarkArtifacts: { wasmFilePath: "./test/snarkArtifacts/semaphore.wasm", zkeyFilePath: "./test/snarkArtifacts/semaphore.zkey", }, }); expect(proof.groupId).to.eql( "19580063316323634959827976785370507245708993886389832860880129572471638471998" ); expect(proof.publicSignals.merkleRoot).to.eql( "10738127364751233254031334835017982823925916365031589705155005906674724477907" ); }); it("[interep] should register with valid proof", async () => { // need to create new fixtures for this test const { PoseidonHasher } = await deployments.fixture("PoseidonHasher"); const verifier20Factory = await ethers.getContractFactory("Verifier20"); const verifier20 = await verifier20Factory.deploy(); await verifier20.deployed(); const interepFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory( "Interep", ethers.provider.getSigner(0) ); const interep = await interepFactory.deploy([ { contractAddress: verifier20.address, merkleTreeDepth: merkleTreeDepth, }, ]); await interep.deployed(); const groupTx = await interep.updateGroups(getGroups()); await groupTx.wait(); const validGroupStorageFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory( "ValidGroupStorage" ); const validGroupStorage = await validGroupStorageFactory.deploy( interep.address, getValidGroups() ); await validGroupStorage.deployed(); const rlnFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory( "RLN", ethers.provider.getSigner(0) ); const rln = await rlnFactory.deploy( 1000000000000000, 20, PoseidonHasher.address, validGroupStorage.address ); await rln.deployed(); const identity = await createInterepIdentity( ethers.provider.getSigner(0), "github" ); // create a proof to test const proof = await createInterepProof({ identity, members: [identity.getCommitment()], groupProvider: "github", groupTier: "silver", signal: sToBytes32("foo"), externalNullifier: 1, snarkArtifacts: { wasmFilePath: "./test/snarkArtifacts/semaphore.wasm", zkeyFilePath: "./test/snarkArtifacts/semaphore.zkey", }, }); // update root of group const groupUpdateTx = await interep.updateGroups([ { provider: sToBytes32("github"), name: sToBytes32("silver"), root: proof.publicSignals.merkleRoot, depth: 20, }, ]); await groupUpdateTx.wait(); const registerTx = await rln[ "register(uint256,bytes32,uint256,uint256,uint256[8],uint256)" ]( proof.groupId, proof.signal, proof.publicSignals.nullifierHash, proof.publicSignals.externalNullifier, proof.solidityProof, identity.getCommitment() ); const txRegisterReceipt = await registerTx.wait(); expect([1].args.pubkey.toHexString()).to.eql( BigNumber.from(identity.getCommitment()).toHexString() ); }); });