import {expect} from "chai"; import { Contract } from "ethers"; import {ethers} from "hardhat"; const sToBytes32 = (str: string): string => { return ethers.utils.formatBytes32String(str); } const SNARK_SCALAR_FIELD = BigInt( "21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617" ) const createGroupId = (provider: string, name: string): bigint => { const providerBytes = sToBytes32(provider); const nameBytes = sToBytes32(name); return BigInt(ethers.utils.solidityKeccak256(["bytes32", "bytes32"], [providerBytes, nameBytes])) % SNARK_SCALAR_FIELD } const providers = ['github', 'twitter', 'reddit']; const tiers = ['bronze', 'silver', 'gold']; const scaffoldInterep = async () => { // Deploy interep const InterepTest = await ethers.getContractFactory("InterepTest"); const interepTest = await InterepTest.deploy(); await interepTest.deployed(); const interepAddress = interepTest.address; // add all combinations of providers and tiers into an array const groups = providers.flatMap(provider => => { return { provider: sToBytes32(provider), name: sToBytes32(tier), root: 1, depth: 10, } })); // insert groups into interep membership contract const groupInsertionTx = await interepTest.updateGroups(groups); await groupInsertionTx.wait(); return {interepTest, groups} } const scaffold = async () => { const {interepTest, groups} = await scaffoldInterep(); const interepAddress = interepTest.address; // create valid group storage contract for rln const ValidGroupStorage = await ethers.getContractFactory("ValidGroupStorage"); const filteredGroups = groups .filter(group => !== sToBytes32('bronze')); const validGroupStorage = await ValidGroupStorage.deploy(interepAddress, filteredGroups); await validGroupStorage.deployed(); expect(validGroupStorage.address).to.not.equal(0); return validGroupStorage } describe("Valid Group Storage", () => { let validGroupStorage: Contract; beforeEach(async () => { validGroupStorage = await scaffold(); }) it('should not deploy if an invalid group is passed in constructor', async () => { const {interepTest} = await scaffoldInterep(); const interepAddress = interepTest.address; const ValidGroupStorage = await ethers.getContractFactory("ValidGroupStorage"); expect(ValidGroupStorage.deploy(interepAddress, [{ provider: sToBytes32('github'), name: sToBytes32('diamond'), }]))"[ValidGroupStorage] Invalid group"); }) it("should return true for valid group", async () => { const valid = await validGroupStorage.isValidGroup(createGroupId('github', 'silver')); expect(valid); }); it("should return false for invalid group", async () => { const valid = await validGroupStorage.isValidGroup(createGroupId('github', 'bronze')); expect(valid); }); })