mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 14:10:35 +00:00
Initializing Repository
This commit is contained in:
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
ROPSTEN_URL=https://eth-ropsten.alchemyapi.io/v2/<YOUR ALCHEMY KEY>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module.exports = {
env: {
browser: false,
es2021: true,
mocha: true,
node: true,
plugins: ["@typescript-eslint"],
extends: [
parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser",
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 12,
rules: {
"node/no-unsupported-features/es-syntax": [
{ ignores: ["modules"] },
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#Hardhat files
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"extends": "solhint:recommended",
"rules": {
"compiler-version": ["error", "^0.8.0"],
"func-visibility": ["warn", { "ignoreConstructors": true }]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Advanced Sample Hardhat Project
This project demonstrates an advanced Hardhat use case, integrating other tools commonly used alongside Hardhat in the ecosystem.
The project comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, a sample script that deploys that contract, and an example of a task implementation, which simply lists the available accounts. It also comes with a variety of other tools, preconfigured to work with the project code.
Try running some of the following tasks:
npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat help
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat coverage
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts
TS_NODE_FILES=true npx ts-node scripts/deploy.ts
npx eslint '**/*.{js,ts}'
npx eslint '**/*.{js,ts}' --fix
npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --check
npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --write
npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol'
npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol' --fix
# Etherscan verification
To try out Etherscan verification, you first need to deploy a contract to an Ethereum network that's supported by Etherscan, such as Ropsten.
In this project, copy the .env.example file to a file named .env, and then edit it to fill in the details. Enter your Etherscan API key, your Ropsten node URL (eg from Alchemy), and the private key of the account which will send the deployment transaction. With a valid .env file in place, first deploy your contract:
hardhat run --network ropsten scripts/deploy.ts
Then, copy the deployment address and paste it in to replace `DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS` in this command:
npx hardhat verify --network ropsten DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Hello, Hardhat!"
# Performance optimizations
For faster runs of your tests and scripts, consider skipping ts-node's type checking by setting the environment variable `TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY` to `1` in hardhat's environment. For more details see [the documentation](https://hardhat.org/guides/typescript.html#performance-optimizations).
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "hardhat/console.sol";
contract Greeter {
string private greeting;
constructor(string memory _greeting) {
console.log("Deploying a Greeter with greeting:", _greeting);
greeting = _greeting;
function greet() public view returns (string memory) {
return greeting;
function setGreeting(string memory _greeting) public {
console.log("Changing greeting from '%s' to '%s'", greeting, _greeting);
greeting = _greeting;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
pragma solidity 0.7.4;
interface IPoseidonHasher {
function hash(uint256[2] memory input) external pure returns (uint256 result);
function identity() external pure returns (uint256);
contract PoseidonHasher is IPoseidonHasher {
uint256 constant Q = 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617;
uint256 constant C0 = 2768970367241139781802170833007148522174069744848643939234067191877771423371;
uint256 constant C1 = 6468574107656347268529237497718336587709069456280471580424455063721832719771;
uint256 constant C2 = 18794671303815708509784162368644133457448839260573151733485130900959816547847;
uint256 constant C3 = 21495479230478098685877232964279351350768322664786520160088149860043275231591;
uint256 constant C4 = 13499990804456294376331975175669076043666672782766959528979369127842395667962;
uint256 constant C5 = 11128727858753328237562379127901473551876426168355298792273038389175814738273;
uint256 constant C6 = 6174623859769212836350518599861056828848352474434521101649917228563284157731;
uint256 constant C7 = 731429061815452030222739129549549044853294286077603862495031070831228988506;
uint256 constant C8 = 18691825946094184197601861261718857711439992232978967087150603050561229972879;
uint256 constant C9 = 6901715409529528992021081413007214967207374659260807285380744444309443019002;
uint256 constant C10 = 7889774703159213060685393199720756541539275646424166159037924832893670779999;
uint256 constant C11 = 19148164181730036907570646123652401621475121269795476659255226436085540432812;
uint256 constant C12 = 356519004282890736138910009474234839367086357569508205089190200287135015343;
uint256 constant C13 = 5070064330380484074844995745007722918545766490350556589468108281662282971512;
uint256 constant C14 = 17531425645708334340342421865584088711059286683026910061769879104052748058500;
uint256 constant C15 = 920858801565935944623869688790191117976818337296182581403952541435643043455;
uint256 constant C16 = 7671542183617251806500810220803333911317855932989746628699368932279406768167;
uint256 constant C17 = 7881690674485945577862776772342991782415236259307258648854817257894786877801;
uint256 constant C18 = 19155896751615806549889067080381563929649717724892491357642801041215501837659;
uint256 constant C19 = 9657176770419678097838646349393281787292209556252142440714968703151552794280;
uint256 constant C20 = 1376534476338443314506167934949939673567644510933411653555577922098640496938;
uint256 constant C21 = 17373401671868429549652772677366856294616993437583002599910365256220696563780;
uint256 constant C22 = 9746128003951157537728271629364357225604237114762257721895149249266834505625;
uint256 constant C23 = 17782316906978487011972931426261039391542241330560756508577882755911543517908;
uint256 constant C24 = 6589224737393540076643416156354549730831080306137040791236143083907274321011;
uint256 constant C25 = 17321856211701727875100310423669922181823762220382619531116210312384063527081;
uint256 constant C26 = 21321909001724533038371153813693276559530291455431564073497502239396933319818;
uint256 constant C27 = 17849794853142289789836828064662594833303692772683927435966421769162340090898;
uint256 constant C28 = 3469446763321625523201767743510820386262850368964003752018684310306935672122;
uint256 constant C29 = 4411200946062535851397814394775457104021582693964231752948256822578636459939;
uint256 constant C30 = 18626579782117576204277882219675177684589838126472487652629778677837675278662;
uint256 constant C31 = 764261930639154699767774045099363658161006905585481283735008957581415860662;
uint256 constant C32 = 6122983345977564957406231576949193286198709429730716375547595362175192593123;
uint256 constant C33 = 2469188694307740124657403582315280809174737971010077914159812443136587941756;
uint256 constant C34 = 5382605971470296415808536561267917764719132018437742878552512928718168489695;
uint256 constant C35 = 6589667679759352998039311059993721585330589021804485020627575514256149305666;
uint256 constant C36 = 20661471625156349582050865201555079410137144327315643708284763422133754381325;
uint256 constant C37 = 18694584274137621868895160209707042629719656780873050479100267791928497600376;
uint256 constant C38 = 13822590562029956399621741895244911145933359734099212387467069390727913142666;
uint256 constant C39 = 694674849457359992382704784272941309716157308424480468618786287819256378917;
uint256 constant C40 = 18763037144982179742008371677750585549220053470184500098542470704194556690623;
uint256 constant C41 = 18486457976264107916834430437402981813449917200007719339429151501964183082936;
uint256 constant C42 = 6556747954001777118869362753998468478855885460502383141235961204400638463294;
uint256 constant C43 = 12385133754714463216711399717325449316164682530612784512290690756146937377664;
uint256 constant C44 = 19895348036861519723386861870711743699604138662509897355377030959682349375552;
uint256 constant C45 = 16830822151531046474312344756361243376821272897299262546129244900502111682734;
uint256 constant C46 = 20875209030695524214960780268667166557156788659940284813793529164900666593068;
uint256 constant C47 = 8777606742656153264634386709062440729894098167014885703560793183003141571957;
uint256 constant C48 = 3404497983786933300887052921900023151252717521554164668384012034556256626067;
uint256 constant C49 = 2555107629226010512992356367848094165962022522393505508367085820070687884355;
uint256 constant C50 = 15113919336730148565553505760820732613676431799289611544548947520407297443700;
uint256 constant C51 = 12109280671570307231007703707720632582709786369013364642897329602318304275337;
uint256 constant C52 = 14968914070423010632399365015358049892440762915276845426568596163422798377730;
uint256 constant C53 = 19061189532957010364709072574663003871548558794774753349573267371990486123152;
uint256 constant C54 = 8682801373989521576522508447484143687434748406228624907362693631377691698421;
uint256 constant C55 = 10836672514863795455996193088790111107823297731722043988991810099345596059914;
uint256 constant C56 = 15783196349960742821266383686606772431598902255698169764526487081837237805029;
uint256 constant C57 = 2908608383546665417899486637528022511748691900266764564499649456344035921401;
uint256 constant C58 = 11329727236614532496067886659074662970462346457991275919233250048151273297377;
uint256 constant C59 = 5116653167814666817290578004214535117470888177090558374943095066718387153691;
uint256 constant C60 = 13540152826778549413479417002435847356268346234631393477044136590757331815911;
uint256 constant C61 = 7947441526608065582264952807420254797193034288774248212171921641395121801332;
uint256 constant C62 = 1547483282147791156522335107475157206253201614573941966672490820147450725004;
uint256 constant M0 = 10115680371401748607263639966297231210785101245789087039760048681884121897698;
uint256 constant M1 = 7682529184580308813007726368887641784100790067958820768670102409394963579396;
uint256 constant M2 = 3036380094837744536618704667164758501777151816139077990926623931426168668495;
uint256 constant M3 = 462021688665431536448264191536285854244979957674130050775621906384644169421;
uint256 constant M4 = 62665112908715427992420108025470785827183241813778563254523765114425841603;
uint256 constant M5 = 534236519266104271325123542701236478972353175554309786393016883839422407419;
uint256 constant M6 = 5922526147398848214826466482573128257954044394758836008121691281747299315999;
uint256 constant M7 = 10778490508693548114587990025762035374898560218037495485187480124708600063292;
uint256 constant M8 = 13853145901042782779715203529626320031162484246107565810821674712070680357632;
function hash(uint256[2] memory input) external pure override returns (uint256 result) {
return _hash(input);
function _hash(uint256[2] memory input) internal pure returns (uint256 result) {
assembly {
let q := Q
let pos := mload(0x40)
mstore(pos, M0)
mstore(add(pos, 32), M1)
mstore(add(pos, 64), M2)
mstore(add(pos, 96), M3)
mstore(add(pos, 128), M4)
// mstore(add(pos, 160), M5)
// mstore(add(pos, 192), M6)
// mstore(add(pos, 224), M7)
// mstore(add(pos, 256), M8)
// use stack intensively
let m5 := M5
let m6 := M6
let m7 := M7
let m8 := M8
let s0 := add(mload(input), C0)
let s1 := add(mload(add(input, 32)), C0)
let s2 := C0
let t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := mulmod(s1, s1, q)
s1 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s1, q)
t := mulmod(s2, s2, q)
s2 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s2, q)
t := C1
let z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
let z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := mulmod(z1, z1, q)
z1 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z1, q)
t := mulmod(s2, s2, q)
s2 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s2, q)
t := C2
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := mulmod(s1, s1, q)
s1 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s1, q)
t := mulmod(s2, s2, q)
s2 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s2, q)
t := C3
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := mulmod(z1, z1, q)
z1 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z1, q)
t := mulmod(s2, s2, q)
s2 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s2, q)
t := C4
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C5
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C6
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C7
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C8
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C9
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C10
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C11
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C12
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C13
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C14
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C15
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C16
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C17
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C18
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C19
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C20
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C21
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C22
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C23
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C24
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C25
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C26
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C27
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C28
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C29
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C30
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C31
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C32
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C33
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C34
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C35
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C36
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C37
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C38
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C39
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C40
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C41
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C42
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C43
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C44
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C45
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C46
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C47
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C48
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C49
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C50
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C51
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C52
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C53
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C54
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C55
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C56
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C57
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := C58
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := C59
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := mulmod(z1, z1, q)
z1 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z1, q)
t := mulmod(s2, s2, q)
s2 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s2, q)
t := C60
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := mulmod(s1, s1, q)
s1 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s1, q)
t := mulmod(s2, s2, q)
s2 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s2, q)
t := C61
z0 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
z1 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(s1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(s0, m6, q), mulmod(s1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(z0, z0, q)
z0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z0, q)
t := mulmod(z1, z1, q)
z1 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), z1, q)
t := mulmod(s2, s2, q)
s2 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s2, q)
t := C62
s0 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(pos), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 32)), q)), mulmod(s2, mload(add(pos, 64)), q)), t)
s1 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, mload(add(pos, 96)), q), mulmod(z1, mload(add(pos, 128)), q)), mulmod(s2, m5, q)), t)
s2 := add(add(add(mulmod(z0, m6, q), mulmod(z1, m7, q)), mulmod(s2, m8, q)), t)
t := mulmod(s0, s0, q)
s0 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s0, q)
t := mulmod(s1, s1, q)
s1 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s1, q)
t := mulmod(s2, s2, q)
s2 := mulmod(mulmod(t, t, q), s2, q)
result := s0
function identity() external pure override returns (uint256) {
return _identity();
function _identity() internal pure returns (uint256) {
return 0x2ff267fd23782a5625e6d804f0a7fa700b8dc6084e2e7a5aff7cd4b1c506d30b;
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
pragma solidity 0.7.4;
import { IPoseidonHasher } from "./PoseidonHasher.sol";
contract RLN {
uint256 public immutable MEMBERSHIP_DEPOSIT;
uint256 public immutable DEPTH;
uint256 public immutable SET_SIZE;
uint256 public pubkeyIndex = 0;
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public members;
IPoseidonHasher public poseidonHasher;
event MemberRegistered(uint256 pubkey, uint256 indexed index);
event MemberWithdrawn(uint256 pubkey, uint256 indexed index);
uint256 membershipDeposit,
uint256 depth,
address _poseidonHasher
) public {
MEMBERSHIP_DEPOSIT = membershipDeposit;
DEPTH = depth;
SET_SIZE = 1 << depth;
poseidonHasher = IPoseidonHasher(_poseidonHasher);
function register(uint256 pubkey) external payable {
require(pubkeyIndex < SET_SIZE, "RLN, register: set is full");
require(msg.value == MEMBERSHIP_DEPOSIT, "RLN, register: membership deposit is not satisfied");
function registerBatch(uint256[] calldata pubkeys) external payable {
require(pubkeyIndex + pubkeys.length <= SET_SIZE, "RLN, registerBatch: set is full");
require(msg.value == MEMBERSHIP_DEPOSIT * pubkeys.length, "RLN, registerBatch: membership deposit is not satisfied");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < pubkeys.length; i++) {
function _register(uint256 pubkey) internal {
members[pubkeyIndex] = pubkey;
emit MemberRegistered(pubkey, pubkeyIndex);
pubkeyIndex += 1;
function withdrawBatch(
uint256[] calldata secrets,
uint256[] calldata pubkeyIndexes,
address payable[] calldata receivers
) external {
uint256 batchSize = secrets.length;
require(batchSize != 0, "RLN, withdrawBatch: batch size zero");
require(batchSize == pubkeyIndexes.length, "RLN, withdrawBatch: batch size mismatch pubkey indexes");
require(batchSize == receivers.length, "RLN, withdrawBatch: batch size mismatch receivers");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
_withdraw(secrets[i], pubkeyIndexes[i], receivers[i]);
function withdraw(
uint256 secret,
uint256 _pubkeyIndex,
address payable receiver
) external {
_withdraw(secret, _pubkeyIndex, receiver);
function _withdraw(
uint256 secret,
uint256 _pubkeyIndex,
address payable receiver
) internal {
require(_pubkeyIndex < SET_SIZE, "RLN, _withdraw: invalid pubkey index");
require(members[_pubkeyIndex] != 0, "RLN, _withdraw: member doesn't exist");
require(receiver != address(0), "RLN, _withdraw: empty receiver address");
// derive public key
uint256 pubkey = hash([secret, 0]);
require(members[_pubkeyIndex] == pubkey, "RLN, _withdraw: not verified");
// delete member
members[_pubkeyIndex] = 0;
// refund deposit
emit MemberWithdrawn(pubkey, _pubkeyIndex);
function hash(uint256[2] memory input) internal view returns (uint256) {
return poseidonHasher.hash(input);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import * as dotenv from "dotenv";
import { HardhatUserConfig, task } from "hardhat/config";
import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan";
import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle";
import "@typechain/hardhat";
import "hardhat-gas-reporter";
import "solidity-coverage";
// This is a sample Hardhat task. To learn how to create your own go to
// https://hardhat.org/guides/create-task.html
task("accounts", "Prints the list of accounts", async (taskArgs, hre) => {
const accounts = await hre.ethers.getSigners();
for (const account of accounts) {
// You need to export an object to set up your config
// Go to https://hardhat.org/config/ to learn more
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
solidity: "0.8.4",
networks: {
ropsten: {
url: process.env.ROPSTEN_URL || "",
process.env.PRIVATE_KEY !== undefined ? [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY] : [],
gasReporter: {
enabled: process.env.REPORT_GAS !== undefined,
currency: "USD",
etherscan: {
apiKey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_API_KEY,
export default config;
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"name": "hardhat-project",
"devDependencies": {
"hardhat": "^2.9.9",
"typescript": "^4.7.4"
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// We require the Hardhat Runtime Environment explicitly here. This is optional
// but useful for running the script in a standalone fashion through `node <script>`.
// When running the script with `npx hardhat run <script>` you'll find the Hardhat
// Runtime Environment's members available in the global scope.
import { ethers } from "hardhat";
async function main() {
// Hardhat always runs the compile task when running scripts with its command
// line interface.
// If this script is run directly using `node` you may want to call compile
// manually to make sure everything is compiled
// await hre.run('compile');
// We get the contract to deploy
const PoseidonHasher = await ethers.getContractFactory("PoseidonHasher");
const poseidonHasher = await PoseidonHasher.deploy();
await poseidonHasher.deployed();
console.log("PoseidonHasher deployed to:", poseidonHasher.address);
const Rln = await ethers.getContractFactory("Rln");
const rln = await Rln.deploy(1000000000000000,10,poseidonHasher.address);
await rln.deployed();
console.log("Rln deployed to:", rln.address);
// We recommend this pattern to be able to use async/await everywhere
// and properly handle errors.
main().catch((error) => {
process.exitCode = 1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import { expect } from "chai";
import { ethers } from "hardhat";
describe("Rln", function () {
it("Deploying", async function () {
const PoseidonHasher = await ethers.getContractFactory("PoseidonHasher");
const poseidonHasher = await PoseidonHasher.deploy();
await poseidonHasher.deployed();
console.log("PoseidonHasher deployed to:", poseidonHasher.address);
const Rln = await ethers.getContractFactory("Rln");
const rln = await Rln.deploy(1000000000000000,10,poseidonHasher.address);
await rln.deployed();
console.log("Rln deployed to:", rln.address);
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es2018",
"module": "commonjs",
"strict": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"outDir": "dist",
"declaration": true
"include": ["./scripts", "./test", "./typechain"],
"files": ["./hardhat.config.ts"]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user