2022-11-25 11:13:49 +05:30
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2022-11-25 12:07:06 +05:30
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2022-11-25 11:13:49 +05:30
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"devdoc" : {
"kind" : "dev" ,
"methods" : {
"constructor" : {
"details" : "mimics https://github.com/interep-project/contracts/blob/main/contracts/Interep.sol but ignores the verification mechanism"
} ,
"getDepth(uint256)" : {
"details" : "See {IInterep-getDepth}."
} ,
"getRoot(uint256)" : {
"details" : "See {IInterep-getRoot}."
} ,
"updateGroups((bytes32,bytes32,uint256,uint8)[])" : {
"details" : "See {IInterep-updateGroups}."
} ,
"verifyProof(uint256,bytes32,uint256,uint256,uint256[8])" : {
"details" : "Saves the nullifier hash to avoid double signaling and emits an event if the zero-knowledge proof is valid." ,
"params" : {
"externalNullifier" : ": External nullifier." ,
"groupId" : ": Id of the group." ,
"nullifierHash" : ": Nullifier hash." ,
"proof" : ": Zero-knowledge proof." ,
"signal" : ": Semaphore signal."
} ,
"version" : 1
} ,
"userdoc" : {
"events" : {
"NullifierHashAdded(uint256)" : {
"notice" : "Emitted when a proof is verified correctly and a new nullifier hash is added."
} ,
"kind" : "user" ,
"methods" : { } ,
"version" : 1
} ,
"storageLayout" : {
"storage" : [
"astId" : 225 ,
"contract" : "contracts/InterepTest.sol:InterepTest" ,
"label" : "groups" ,
"offset" : 0 ,
"slot" : "0" ,
"type" : "t_mapping(t_uint256,t_struct(Group)16_storage)"
] ,
"types" : {
"t_bytes32" : {
"encoding" : "inplace" ,
"label" : "bytes32" ,
"numberOfBytes" : "32"
} ,
"t_mapping(t_uint256,t_struct(Group)16_storage)" : {
"encoding" : "mapping" ,
"key" : "t_uint256" ,
"label" : "mapping(uint256 => struct IInterep.Group)" ,
"numberOfBytes" : "32" ,
"value" : "t_struct(Group)16_storage"
} ,
"t_struct(Group)16_storage" : {
"encoding" : "inplace" ,
"label" : "struct IInterep.Group" ,
"members" : [
"astId" : 9 ,
"contract" : "contracts/InterepTest.sol:InterepTest" ,
"label" : "provider" ,
"offset" : 0 ,
"slot" : "0" ,
"type" : "t_bytes32"
} ,
"astId" : 11 ,
"contract" : "contracts/InterepTest.sol:InterepTest" ,
"label" : "name" ,
"offset" : 0 ,
"slot" : "1" ,
"type" : "t_bytes32"
} ,
"astId" : 13 ,
"contract" : "contracts/InterepTest.sol:InterepTest" ,
"label" : "root" ,
"offset" : 0 ,
"slot" : "2" ,
"type" : "t_uint256"
} ,
"astId" : 15 ,
"contract" : "contracts/InterepTest.sol:InterepTest" ,
"label" : "depth" ,
"offset" : 0 ,
"slot" : "3" ,
"type" : "t_uint8"
] ,
"numberOfBytes" : "128"
} ,
"t_uint256" : {
"encoding" : "inplace" ,
"label" : "uint256" ,
"numberOfBytes" : "32"
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"t_uint8" : {
"encoding" : "inplace" ,
"label" : "uint8" ,
"numberOfBytes" : "1"