import * as dotenv from "dotenv"; import { HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config"; import { NetworksUserConfig } from "hardhat/types"; import "hardhat-deploy"; import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers"; import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle"; import "hardhat-gas-reporter"; import "solidity-coverage"; dotenv.config(); const { SEPOLIA_URL, PRIVATE_KEY } = process.env; const getNetworkConfig = (): NetworksUserConfig | undefined => { if (SEPOLIA_URL && PRIVATE_KEY) { return { goerli: { url: SEPOLIA_URL, accounts: [PRIVATE_KEY], forking: { url: SEPOLIA_URL, }, }, localhost_integration: { url: "http://localhost:8545", }, }; } return undefined; }; // You need to export an object to set up your config // Go to to learn more const config: HardhatUserConfig = { solidity: { compilers: [ { version: "0.8.15", }, ], }, networks: getNetworkConfig(), }; export default config;