function enhanceMarkdownWithBulletPointsCorrected(input) { // Split the input text into lines const lines = input.split('\n') // Initialize an array to hold the extracted fields let extractedFields = [] // Initialize variables to track the frontmatter and contributors section let inFrontMatter = false let inContributors = false let contributorsLines = [] // Holds contributors lines // Process each line const outputLines = => { if (line.trim() === '---') { inFrontMatter = !inFrontMatter if (!inFrontMatter && contributorsLines.length) { // We're exiting frontmatter; time to add contributors extractedFields.push(`contributors\n${contributorsLines.join('\n')}\n`) contributorsLines = [] // Reset for safety } return line // Keep the frontmatter delimiters } if (inFrontMatter) { if (line.startsWith('contributors:')) { inContributors = true // Entering contributors section } else if (inContributors) { if (line.trim().startsWith('-')) { contributorsLines.push(line.trim()) // Add contributors line } else { // Exiting contributors section inContributors = false } } else { const match = line.match(/(status|category|editor):(.*)/) if (match) { extractedFields.push(line.trim()) } } } return line // Return the line unmodified }) // Find the index of the second frontmatter delimiter const endOfFrontMatterIndex = outputLines.findIndex( (line, index) => line.trim() === '---' && index > 0, ) // Insert the extracted fields as capitalized bullet points after the frontmatter const bulletPoints = extractedFields .map(field => { // Capitalize the first letter of the label and ensure proper formatting for multi-line fields if (field.includes('\n')) { const [label, ...values] = field.split('\n') return `- ${label.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + label.slice(1)}:\n ${values.join('\n ')}` } else { return `- ${field.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + field.slice(1)}` } }) .join('\n') outputLines.splice(endOfFrontMatterIndex + 1, 0, bulletPoints) // Join the lines back into a single string and return return outputLines.join('\n') } function parseSlugFromFrontmatter(content) { const frontmatterMatch = content.match(/---\s*\n([\s\S]*?)\n---/) if (frontmatterMatch) { const frontmatterContent = frontmatterMatch[1] function extractNumberFromTitle(content) { const parts = content.split('/') return parseInt(parts[0].split(' ')[1], 10) } return extractNumberFromTitle(frontmatterContent) } return 1 // Return null if not found } // Escape < and > with < and >, respectively // Be cautious with this replacement; adjust as needed based on your context function escapeHtmlTagSymbols(content) { function replaceComparisonSymbol(text, symbol) { // Regex to match everything, but we'll handle what to replace in the callback let regex = /(```[\s\S]+?```|`[^`]*`)|(<)/g; let replacementString = "<"; if (symbol === ">") { regex = /(```[\s\S]+?```|`[^`]*`)|(>)/g; replacementString = ">"; } return text.replace(regex, function(match, code, lessThan) { if (code) { // It's a code segment, return it unchanged return code; } else if (lessThan) { // It's a '<' outside of code blocks, replace with '<' return replacementString; } // Default return (though practically unused in this setup) return match; }); } content = replaceComparisonSymbol(content, "<") content = replaceComparisonSymbol(content, ">") return content; } function unescapeHtmlComments(htmlString) { return htmlString.replace(/<\!--/g, '\n\n') } function updateMarkdownLinksToExcludeMD(content) { function replaceLinks(match, p1, p2, p3) { let url = p2.replace(/\.md$/, ''); // Remove .md extension from URL let anchor = p3.replace(/^\//, ''); // Remove preceding '/' from anchor if exists return `[${p1}](${url}${anchor ? '#' + anchor : ''})`; } const regex = /\[((?:(?!\]).)+)\]\(([^)]*?\.md)(?:\/#|\/#)?([^)]*)\)/g return content.replace(regex, replaceLinks) } export function vacMarkdownToDocusaurusMarkdown(fileContent) { let convertedContent = fileContent; // Remove 'tags' line from frontmatter because the format is wrong convertedContent = convertedContent.replace(/tags:.*\n?/, '') // Replace
convertedContent = convertedContent.replace(/
/g, '
') convertedContent = escapeHtmlTagSymbols(convertedContent) // NEW: Remove 'slug' line from frontmatter convertedContent = convertedContent.replace(/^slug:.*\n?/m, '') // Replace empty Markdown links with placeholder URL convertedContent = convertedContent.replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]\(\)/g, '[$1](#)') convertedContent = unescapeHtmlComments(convertedContent) convertedContent = enhanceMarkdownWithBulletPointsCorrected(convertedContent) convertedContent = updateMarkdownLinksToExcludeMD(convertedContent) return convertedContent; } export function adjustPathForMarkdown(filePath) { const parts = filePath.split('/') if (parts?.length === 1) return filePath if (filePath.includes('')) return filePath if (parts[parts.length - 1].endsWith('.md')) { parts.splice(parts.length - 2, 1) } return parts.join('/') }