
228 lines
6.2 KiB

(ns hello-abnf.core
(:require [instaparse.core :as insta]))
(defn parse-int [s]
(Integer. (re-find #"\d+" s )))
(def phone-uri-parser
(insta/parser ""
:input-format :abnf))
;; (insta/parser (slurp "resources/phone_uri.txt") :input-format :abnf)
(phone-uri-parser "tel:+1-201-555-0123")
;; => [:telephone-uri "tel:" [:telephone-subscriber [:global-number [:global-number-digits "+" [:DIGIT "1"] [:phonedigit [:visual-separator "-"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "2"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "0"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "1"]] [:phonedigit [:visual-separator "-"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "5"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "5"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "5"]] [:phonedigit [:visual-separator "-"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "0"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "1"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "2"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "3"]]]]]]
;; flags: 1 byte; first two bits contain the size of auxiliary field, third bit indicates whether the signature is present.
;; auxiliary field: up to 4 bytes; contains the size of payload.
;; payload: byte array of arbitrary size (may be zero).
;; padding: byte array of arbitrary size (may be zero).
;; signature: 65 bytes, if present.
;; XXX: arbitrary size seems bad
(def whisper-envelope-parser
(insta/parser "
whisper-envelope = expiry ttl topic data nonce
; UNIX time in seconds
expiry = 4*4bytes
; time-to-live in seconds
ttl = 4*4bytes
topic = 4*4bytes
; contains encrypted message
data = *bytes
; used for PoW calculation
nonce = 8*8bytes
bytes = OCTET
;; first two bits contain the size of auxiliary field, third bit indicates whether the signature is present.
flags = bytes
;; contains size of payload
auxiliary-field = *4bytes
payload = *bytes
padding = *bytes
signature = 65*65bytes
;packet-code = %x30-33
" :input-format :abnf))
;; See envelope.nim and envelope.nim.out
;;env0 = Envelope(expiry:100000, ttl: 30, topic: [byte 0, 0, 0, 0],data: repeat(byte 9, 256), nonce: 1010101)
;; XXX: This isn't going to work because we don't have RLP logic setup, in principle though
;; [:whisper-envelope [:expiry [:bytes [:OCTET "f"]] ...and so on for a long time
(def waku-parser
(insta/parser (slurp "resources/waku.txt") :input-format :abnf)
;; XXX: Should this encode RLP stuff?
(waku-parser "[ 0 ]")
;; example
(insta/parser "
packet-code = foobar
;packet-code = %x30-33
<foobar> = 'foobar'
<bytes> = <*OCTET>
" :input-format :abnf)
bytes = OCTET*
OCTET = #"[\u0000-\u00FF]"
packet-code = %x0030-0033
;; SP is 20
;; parse as packet-code, how?
(waku-parser "0")
(waku-parser "\u0030")
(waku-parser "\u0030\u0020")
(waku-parser "0"[\u0000]"")
bytes = OCTET
OCTET = #"[\u0000-\u00FF]"
;; matches first thing
(insta/parser "
packet-code = 3DIGIT
; 0-127 packet codes are reserved
bytes = *OCTET" :input-format :abnf)
;; ABNF self-evaluating terminals example
(def ex (insta/parser "
nom-protocol = open-peering *use-peering
open-peering = ':C-OHAI' ( ':S-OHAI-OK' / ':S-WTF' )
use-peering = ':C-ICANHAZ'
/ ':C-HUGZ' ':S-HUGZ-OK'
/ ':S-HUGZ' ':C-HUGZ-OK'
" :input-format :abnf))
;; Parse error at line 1, column 49:
;; ^
;; Expected:
;; ":S-HUGZ-OK"
;; [:nom-protocol [:open-peering ":C-OHAI" ":S-OHAI-OK"] [:use-peering ":C-ICANHAZ"] [:use-peering ":S-CHEEZBURGER"] [:use-peering ":C-HUGZ" ":S-HUGZ-OK"]]
((insta/parser "
packet = packet-code packet-type
<packet-type> = 1*ALPHA
<packet-code> = bytes
<bytes> = *OCTET
<ALPHA> = %x41-5A / %x61-7A
<OCTET> = %x00-FF
" :input-format :abnf)
"0 foobar")
((insta/parser "
packet = packet-code packet-type
<packet-type> = ':packet-type'
<packet-code> = bytes
<bytes> = *OCTET
<ALPHA> = %x41-5A / %x61-7A
<OCTET> = %x00-FF
" :input-format :abnf)
"0 :packet-type")
OCTET = #"[\u0000-\u00FF]"
(insta/parser "
packet-code = foobar
;packet-code = %x30-33
<foobar> = 'foobar'
<bytes> = <*OCTET>
" :input-format :abnf)
;; whisper, high level, defer to rlp
(def packet-parser
(insta/parser "
packet = packet-code packet-format
packet-code = *DIGIT
<packet-format> = 'foo'
<DIGIT> = %x30-39
" :input-format :abnf))
{:packet-code (fn [& strs] [:code (apply str strs)])}
(packet-parser "123foo"))
;; => [:packet [:code "123"] "foo"]
;; Envelope parser with self-evaluting terminal
(def envelope-parser
(insta/parser "
envelope = <'[ '> expiry <', '> ttl <', '> topic <', '> data <', '> nonce <' ]'>
expiry = ':expiry' / 4*4bytes ; unix time in seconds
ttl = ':ttl'
<topic> = ':topic'
<data> = ':data'
<nonce> = ':nonce'
<bytes> = %x00-FF
" :input-format :abnf))
(defn prettify [tree]
(let [kw-or-concat (fn [& xs]
(if (= (ffirst xs) \:)
(keyword (subs (first xs) 1))
(parse-int (apply str xs))))]
(insta/transform {:expiry kw-or-concat :ttl identity #_kw-or-concat} tree)))
(prettify (envelope-parser "[ :expiry, :ttl, :topic, :data, :nonce ]"))
;; => [:envelope :expiry :ttl ":topic" ":data" ":nonce"]
(prettify (envelope-parser "[ 1234, :ttl, :topic, :data, :nonce ]"))
;; => [:envelope 1234 :ttl ":topic" ":data" ":nonce"]