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some cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -230,6 +230,15 @@ function loadCircuit() {
return circuit;
function shamirSeed(pk, en) {
// XXX: probably more safe way to hash pk and en
const seed = sha1(pk + en);
const key = secrets.str2hex(seed);
console.log("Shamir key", key);
return key;
// NOTE: Using Groth
@ -280,97 +289,6 @@ function run() {
// badRun: Identity not part of tree
// I don't understand how the following holds:
// The commitment of the identity structure (identity_pk, identity_nullifier, identity_trapdoor) exists in the identity tree with the root root, using the path (identity_path_elements, identity_path_index). This ensures that the user was added to the system at some point in the past.
// Cause we don't actually _use_ the tree to check membership
// This tree should live in a smart contract or so
// TODO: Emulate smart contract here?
// XXX: Some issue with identity_path, might just be format though?
function badRun() {
let identity = loadIdentity("17939861921584559533262186509737425990469800861754459917147159747570381958900");
let tree = MakeMerkleTree();
let circuit = loadCircuit();
// Perform setup - only done once
// performSetup(circuit);
// fake path
let identity_path = {root: '0', path_elements: ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'], path_index: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], element: "0"};
// Input, what we want to signal
let signal_hash = signal("hello world");
// In order to prevent double signals
// _How_ does it do this though?
// And how do we prove we are identity allowed to signal? What happens if identity isn't in tree?
let external_nullifier = bigInt(12312);
let msg = message(external_nullifier, signal_hash);
let signature = sign(identity, msg);
checkSignature(msg, signature, getPublicKey(identity));
let inputs = makeInputs(signature, signal_hash, external_nullifier, identity, identity_path);
// Here it breaks, something wrong with witness -> inputs -> identity_path
// throw new Error("Invalid signal identifier: "+ name);
let witness = circuit.calculateWitness(inputs);
checkWitness(circuit, witness);
let {proof, publicSignals} = loadOrGenerateProofWithKey(witness);
verifyProofWithKey(proof, publicSignals);
//badRun(); // XXX doesn't work right now
// nullifiers_hash is uniquely derived from external_nullifier, identity_nullifier and identity_path_index. This ensures a user cannot broadcast a signal with the same external_nullifier more than once.
// if you have a different signal but same external_hash
// I want to detect if someone signals twice with same external nullifier, what consequence does this have?
// Next step is validation of external nullifier I suppose
// Even if same signal OR if change signal, both counts as double signaling
// I don't follow how 'owner' sets external nullifier, and identity commitment.
// ("Make a signal a day is OK"). Oh wait! Whats in proof, you got those public signals, 4 of them.
// Do these correspond directly?
// signal_hash
// external_nullifier
// root
// nullifiers_hash
// "publicSignals":["5121897353393075953233736662126164055971964573317818869495592865833472332086","6540712601030472624123295577656975405754743854357625108717032000526996056503","125606243838566630058575099447702412745558900339761109861010052356172984351","12312"]
// 1256... is the signal_hash, i.e. just a a hash of signal
// 12312 is external nullifier
// 512... is the root of the merkle tree
// and I suppose 654... is the nullifiers_hash
// Ok cool, so can we do with this public info in proof?
// - we can see if someone has used the same external nullifier twice (double spend)
// - we can also check if external_nullifier is a reasonable date
// I don't get why we need nullifiers hash... oh wait, cause you can have (signal, external nullifier) same for different participants
// so what you want to check is with nullifier hash, since thats hashed with identity too
// e.g. only allow
// - single nullifier hash, if multiple we should 'reject proof' (though it is valid? just wrong kind? eh)
// - external nullifiers in a specific time range (+-20s in unix time)
// e.g. don't allow random stuff in external nullifier
// then the extension for rate limiting and slashing goes something like:
// deposit in contract some slashable stuff
// then reveal from https://ethresear.ch/t/semaphore-rln-rate-limiting-nullifier-for-spam-prevention-in-anonymous-p2p-setting/5009
// "We generate a nullifier_private_key based upon hash(external_nullifier, leaf_private_key)
// We encrypt the leaf_private_key with the nullfier_private_key and reveal the result as a public input.
// We user shamir secret sharing to encode the nullifier_private_key so that 51% of the shares are required to reconstruct the secret.
// We then use signal to randomly select 50% of the shares and reveal them.
// Now each time you create a signal with the same external_nullifier but different signal it
// calculates the same nullifier_private_key key and encrypts your leaf_private_key with it.
// It calculates the same shamir secret and shares.
// But it reveals a different 50% of the shares."
// Need to think about this more
// If this is a voting signal, how do we ensure voting only once? Fixed external nullifier
// In voting, we restrict external nullifier to a constant
// This way a given identity can only signal once
function votingExample(vote_token, vote_signal) {
@ -451,73 +369,9 @@ async function voteTesting() {
// // test merkle tree, untrusted pov
// let identity = loadIdentity("17939861921584559533262186509737425990469800861754459917147159747570381958900");
// let commitment = identity.identity_commitment;
// let tree = MakeMerkleTree();
// let path = updateTreeAndGetPath(tree, 1, identity.identity_commitment);
// root = merkle_root
// is_valid(proof)
// enough to show that identity is part of merkle tree at some specific position
// Rate limiting! Now we want some form of secret shamir sharing here.
// > Firstly we have a smart contract that allows anyone to deposit some
// > currency and join our group. At any point a users can be removed from the
// > group if someone calls a function passing their private key as an input.
// > Anyone who does this will receive 33% of the slashed stake the remainder is
// > burned.
// TODO: Clean up above and badRun
// 1. Based on nullifier hash (hash of external nullifier / leaf private key), we
// generate a private key
// 2. Encrypt leaf private key based on this nullifier private key
// 3. Use Shamir Secret Sharing to encode nullifier private key
// ...etc, lets break
// Code up shamir secret sharing?
// What changes to ZKP does this require
// If previously nullifier hash was hash(external_nullifier, leaf_private_key), wheres private key?
// nullifiers_hash is uniquely derived from external_nullifier, identity_nullifier and identity_path_index. This ensures a user cannot broadcast a signal with the same external_nullifier more than once.
// sow hat you mean? its hash of identity nullifier
// commitment is just identity nullifier and trapdoor
// Same external nullifier and different signal:
// Generate same secret shares etc, but reveal different portion
// 2/3 likely it'll pick another one. Then we can slash.
// Lets mock
// Doing in snarks is a bit too involved for now
// TODO: Add to snark (GHI) fun experiment too, standalone ish
// TODO: Add samir to snark (GHI)
// Assumption: same complexity ish
function shamirSeed(pk, en) {
// XXX: probably more safe way to hash pk and en
const seed = sha1(pk + en);
const key = secrets.str2hex(seed);
console.log("Shamir key", key);
return key;
// Calculates a secret key that requires 2/3 shares to compute
// Uses pk and en as seed and returns a random share.
// If pk and en are the same, there's a 2/3 chance of reveal.
// XXX: Share generation not deterministic, need to re-use
// function shamirShare(key) {
// const shares = secrets.share(key, 3, 2);
// //const randIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*Math.floor(3));
// //return {secretKey: key, randomShare: shares[randIndex]};
// return shares;
// }
// XXX This would be dealt with in Snarks
// XXX: Ugly global
let trustedKeysStore = new Set();
@ -543,7 +397,6 @@ function foundShamirKey() {
//console.log("CANDIDATES:", candidates);
//console.log("trustedKeysStore", trustedKeysStore);
for (let k = 0; k < candidates.length; k++) {
let key_candidate = secrets.combine(candidates[k]);
@ -553,19 +406,7 @@ function foundShamirKey() {
return true;
return false;
//let sel = [sharesStore[0], sharesStore[1]];
//let key_candidate = secrets.combine(sel);
// console.log("key candidate", key_candidate);
// console.log("trustedKeysStore", trustedKeysStore);
// if (trustedKeysStore.has(key_candidate)) {
// console.log("Found the private key, can slash!");
// return true;
// } else {
// return false;
// }
function untrustedVerifySpam(proof, publicSignals, randomShare) {
@ -679,7 +520,6 @@ async function spamTesting() {
// TODO: Clean up this code comments
Reference in New Issue